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Show I CARE OF LIVE STOCK f WHY SO MANY HI0E8 ARE WORTH LESS, FOR LEATHER. ft MerthwMl.m Hid and rur Cm-psaf Cm-psaf IUt iMiml Clreolsr Telllnf SlMt anil Cltl. MSB How a Abluiat 0hl 10 lis "f kun. The NorthwesUrn Hide anl Fur com-fany, com-fany, of Minneapolis, nave wade aoino nitgctllon about .alanine; animal car. cum tint will be o( um la our reader. It cannot be too strongly Impressed oil tlio rearer of live stock that every war. cat or bleinlsli In an animal' skin take aerar largely from tho valno of the draw , ed hldo. Brands upon the body, cnla from oi goad or whips, cratclie or hurl of any kind run tho price of the tilde down 1 In a rapidly descending scale, where the Ure animal haa brim subjected to cruel treatment the akin la In many case so Injured a to I practically worthless. nn. 1. The Northwestern llldo and For com-(any com-(any says rig. I sliows tho position of tho animal, and the dotted lines tho courso of the knlfei fl S, a hide skillfully riraorcd, and flr. 3 an 111 feluiiel hide, not iiroiwrly taken oft, anl hung ou a fence, eisied to ann, wind and rain, and worthless, except fur glue. In aklnnlnjr tho knife ahuuld run down to the armpit, then forward to thi point of tho brtskxt (not to the center, a man doV Do not cut tho throat croaawlsei atlck it tho aanio as )ou woullahojr. I Bpllt tho hldo on tho head exactly In tho renter, tako oat tho horn and tall bona (tho tall goes with tho hide, but not the tout). no. 3. No one thonl 1 iitlnut t to akin a beef without a ennred aklnnlwr khlfo. At ono holo lll pay for ex rrrnl knives It la foil to try to do wltbont A Rood knife. In skinning keep the knife clone to tho hide Bud draw tightly with the left lutud on the hldei by no doing you vrill not bo II i able to cut and acar them. Tor lildea ' eUialnir from fifty to slaty pounda pot an even water bucket of No, I . coarto aalt, larger an 1 smaller in 1 ro-1 portion: mb it on even, Itavo It tprcad out until the aalt liaa atruck In, then lay It on a pile, head on head and tall on till, or roll them up In bundle. Hide treated Urns, if not d-imaged by cut, will brtn; tbo highest price. To vt beat prloi for hide norer dry them. nn. a. The aarae. Instructions hoi 1 cooil In '(inning fur animals, snch n the bear, bearer, wolf, raccoon an 1 liadgcrt only they ehoull be tacked up and dried without aalt. Mink, fox, akunk and aomo otlur shoull bo rated to bring beat price. Tho cleaner J ou get tbem from iniat tbe UtUr. I'ol.l. r lut.r.il. ' An Illinois fanner very propeily ob jecta to tbo term "breaking" colt. That which uaually (paw under thli naino , alioul 1 norer tneau any thing tuoro than educating tbo animal to do certain 1 kind, of work that will increaao tlulr I tkIuo and usefulness. Wo do not want ( to break down tliJ colt' spirit at nil, but i merely to direct It, and thl can best bo I done by making tbo frisky young creature creat-ure know that you are hi friend. I Tor a number of month American 1 lire atock Inspector baro been stationed 1 by the. United Blabs! government at for- I elgnport where our lire food animal I am debarked. Oaring all tho month I the Inspector have watched closely, and I yet not one raw of plenro-pneumonla I have tbey found among our beef cattlo I ahlpjwd abroad. What hava foreign I Bovcromeut to fay now about tbo I liealthfulneu of Amerlcml inealr I Si)riog auction aale of pwll(-reed cat- H UeanitaklngplaceliiTarlonalargocltlii I of ths country. Cattlo itock ha Kri-ouly Kri-ouly dett rioruted in tho iat f ow earn, j owing to the fact that farmer, bremltr I and ranchmen wero dbumted with tho J low price that prevailed, and let their i ttockgitdownatthoLoil. Wholoherd ofiplendld idlgreed auiinal were In aomo iaie aold at mere butcKr' price for urub meat. Tin lndLutlom urn that now tbo owner of thew will w Mi 1 they had not dono II. So pay particular attention to tba blood of your atock cat- tie thl uprlng. I Pleuro-pnenmonla 1 a dlieato proja- H fated ouly by direct contagion. A hog 'famine In tho eonthwcit I tbrentenrd for'next year. Tlin rlock wilj nearly nil aold oS on account of (canity of corn from tbo drouth. A practical farmer wiya, "Wlicncrcr Iork I cheap I alwaya fatun aud kill ull my plpj, except breidlng row, u oon u pouible " |