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Show TUB rHI-SCII I.Eaill.iTL'E. Tb lnssllen el ah 9fw TarlBTk l be Dlsenssett Paiii, April 20. The French Cham, tor will reassemble tomorrow and pro cecd Immediately todUcusa Uie tarltTs. The Chamber's action on the tariff question, It I everywhere conceded, will be full or consequence to both the trado of the country and to Uie mini. try, whose fate driiefida ou the action 1 of Parliament. The prospective failure of the cereal harvest liaa altered Uie position of affair entirely since the government drafted the tariff bill, , and Uie tarlll commission haa proceeded to Increase the dutlea be. yond even tho government'e pro totals. The debate will last a fort ' night, Tho government, lu view ot the Imminence of famine prlcea for bread, will tie forced to lower iomporar- 1 lly Ihe tarlU on grain and will probably probab-ly be constrained, through tho proiotcd. ? l.uropcau InrlU combine, to redure the ralulmuni tariff aoaa to facilitate the formation ot treaties baaed on re. I clproclly. The covvrnmont's projioaals, as they are to be applied to the most favored nations, and on which uo con-Caoslons con-Caoslons are possible, ratigo 12 per cent. , higher than tha present tarlir tor pountrle having no trestle with J Franco. The commission ha greatly I Increased the minimum, thereby placing tho government lu a dllllcult position to propose a foreign reciprocity The agitation hat led to the formation forma-tion of au export tradu defense association associa-tion and committee, organized at to day's meeting, to protest against tin , prohibitive policy of the commission. Fifleeu hundred persona were present .' , Itesolutlous were passed denouncing tl tho tarltT changes, which, It waa do- . . clared, would rulu thu country, Isolate 7 France and destroy her Industries aud ; deprive French iworkmeu of their ineun of subsistence. 1 The 1'rench I'rm on Malik. Pauia, April 2.3. Newspaper comment com-ment 011 thu late Ueueral von Moltke . are generally utmyiupathvtlo and often , marked with the Chauvinist splrlt,that 1 la repulsive to any tody but French. I men. Thua the SixUile says: "Uaul aalutM without vain auger thl barbarian barbar-ian chler, the last of ao many Invader, with whom the whole agu expire." La A'eiudloua i'Vancutae says: "Thl master of the art of war dishonored Ida moat brilliant victories by crueltle and horror which had been calmly calculated betorehand and which were revolting to the moat unfeeling rjuro says: "This man, who lived solely to make war, and to whom ten ' tlmeut waa unknown,' was the first ' that Insisted upon the annexation ol j Alsace-Ijorraluo. Till should not b forgotten." ' . A majority of tho Pari laiper nra ' ' bluer lu their reference to Ihu death nf Von Moltke. The Journal lbs ' , bc.tl ui a Franco honora liemilf 1 11 paying pay-ing tribute to thu rare talent, patloncu, force of character, pcrtuvereance and modesty of her tv.orsl foe. The Vlenua , paper are not forgetful of the defeat uf 1S00, but do full Juatlco to the mcrtU aud nioJwity of tho dtad roldler, |