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Show !kap-XaiclBt. . There are few articles that enter into such general use in the house, hold as soap, and as every kittbeu affords abundant material for mak iug it, if the housckeeptr will see tlutt it ia saved, many dolbtn expense ex-pense will be saved every year. A large Jar should beset iu . convenient place in the kifebeu or pan try, and and all refuse grease, such as meat skins, bows, pot skimmiug-s burnt or raucid grease should be thrown iu, and always kept carefully covered. cov-ered. Whin ready to use, uuless the grease is all pure, it should be cleared by putting In a kettle and adding a pml uf water for every pound of grea-e, and boiling for one hour, stirring all the while, and skimming off the refuse matter, when it may be allowed to cool. The grease will form ia a solid cake on the w aier, and can be readil) removed. Many very excellent modes of making soap are now In use; tht oU-faabiotied 'soft snap" of our grandmothers' day is even yet pre-1 ferred by many housekeepers, but it I is not possible to make it when Wood asbjeM cannot lie bad, and tlie pruce-i, at best is vtry trnubh-wiiue and laborious. It is therefore i-est to use some of the excelli ut pre-roratlons pre-roratlons that can be bought ready for use iu soap making The llau ner Highest lu!veiiavd I.yt" is su-wrior su-wrior toauy conctutrated Ije we iu. vt ev r used and makes an excellent ex-cellent article uf soap. For the U ik fit of inexperienced housekcepLD, We give the following reciie- for making suap SuftSoan Put to boil aov anan- tltyoflte. matie from wood ashes des.reIbae it strong cuough to war on egg. W'lieu boiling hot, add three-quarters of a pound of clean grease to every gallon of le, boil at first rapidly, then slowly for two honra; when tliick asjelly.take from Are and kl cool. Coki Soap. IHssol vo one can of 'Banner HUllu-t l"uleriied I.je" iu tiiree anil one-hu1'' pints t cold water, and st t asile to cool. Melt five pnuuiti and a half of ciran grease in a ktttk; when melted. Set off the flru, and allow tu cool until un-til lukewanu; pour the dissolved lye Into it, and stir thon ughly until the massthickeu.-; set iu the son or a warm place for twenty four hours, when the soap should he bard enough to cut luto takes. Ox Gall Soap. Take one pint of beefs gall, rut into It ten pounds of bar suap, and pour In one pint of boiling water. Let cool and cut in bars. Thissuapis used for washing delicate colors liable to fade, flue lace and silk stockings. Toilet Snap Cut into small pieces a pound and a lialf of hard suap, dissolved dis-solved in four quarts of rain water add an ounce of borax and four ounces of carbonate of soda; melt over the Are, perfume, pour uut to cool, and cut in cakes. Lomtnlte Courier. |