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Show Ori'OMMJ DMKAM'IllisEllEXT. Sicr the monstrous tliaractcr of the prorxHition to disfranchise the elnss of citizens in this Territory which embraces about three fourths of its po( illation, has become more fully unders'ood, and since opportunity opportu-nity lias been iiad to riflect upon the inewlallo results of an act of Congress that would do thi, many non-"Mormons" In I'tali viio formerly for-merly favored fucli a plan, have withdrawn their mora! -.upportof Ihe Cullum andStruble Hills, ( hlchare .ritti-allj identical,) and hundreds of them are signing protf-U agariet the jassage of w hat thej characterize character-ize as so unjust and tin-Amerlcnnn miasurc. Tlie n-)U-'Mormon"autagoni'-m to the disfranihhement pronositiou. I vthicii seems to berapidl developing an 1 fjnadingt proves what e have heretoiore insl-ted upon, that a ciiqi.i, limited in number,but holding, hold-ing, as iU members think,t'ic control ofthjpoliQof the "Liberal" party, par-ty, is u erking to secure place and power for its leader-, that tiiej , in tarn, mai ditrilute patrouage among Its adiicrents. To formalate same scliemu w hith, if successful, will put power aud pelf within the grai-p of tlie plotters Is the o!-juct o!-juct sought. Tlie conditions in this Ttrritorj liipjien to be SHieii a -etm to ofler tho highe-t sue-ccss to some jlan liicli, while liaviug for its real purpose ttiiat has jut been statil, shall o-teu-ibli aim to cripple or injure the "Mormons.-' If it shall be of a character to work serious harm or injustice to them, so niuih the bet ter, provided its nature in that re-gar re-gar 1 does not militate against the mercenary mutiv ea of its mover" Go back tvtent year". Take, in succes-ion, as the,) came tothesur-face, tothesur-face, the plots which tbe ".Liberal!,'" of Utah hive formulated for the ostensible purpose of antagonizing "Mormonlsm." I xamiuc the cou-;IraciescarefuIIi,aud cou-;IraciescarefuIIi,aud In ever In-sAance-, without exciptlou, the prin.o motive of eaeh w ill be found to have been some sort c f selfishntss on the part of the plotters. Ill' not the intention to here den that hatred cf the "Mormons"' has been an element ele-ment iu the phiU formed ng-iinst them; but it has general! bee u subordinated sub-ordinated to a desire for owtr or prolit which the schemers have hoped to gain. Tlie couspirac for such it i to secure tlie difiauchi-emeut of the majority the-a In this Territory, is no excejitkn to the rule just .tated Tlie movers iu it believe that the will be able to ittain xilions of power at the tirsl lection held in Utah after uceess shall cro-.m this scheme. The lretense that they are working in tlie intere-ts of social order aud gooti government a-e utter! ut-ter! Ii pocritieal. A feature characterize tliis di-frauehisemeut di-frauehisemeut i lot n hlcli lias common! com-mon! attended tin anU-"Mormou" coucoctioiji of llio jKL-t. Tlie chennrssav to the non-- Mormons" of the Terntor: "aupport u, or we will, b means of tlie organ o control, rvi rei nt that ou are pro-Mormon sympathizers." With coiuHiniuate cunning tlit so liai. the situation as to nuke it appear that an noii-"Monuon" w ho v itli-Iiohl-liis supirt from them, is a jiartial or complete conv crt to "Mor-moui'-m,"or, for some wrong mo-tite, mo-tite, favors it. The dread of meeting meet-ing or eltcring iindcrsBch a charge as this, generally brings, the threatened threat-ened victim to time, and thus by a blackmailing procef, endorsement of "Liberal'' move, which many of tlie eclornrs are In reality opposed op-posed to, is proeuri'd. So large a numbtr of the more influential ant intelligent raeaikts of tlie"LilK.raI"porty hive taken s stand in opposition to the disfran-clii-emeiit 'ehenie, as to threattn a split iu the-part too serious to be overcome li an b! ekmailing or labingmethod within thuontrof Ileaicrs lo appl. Tlie rc-nlt of this deveiof mentis to proJM.tuj'on tbe screea of current events with remarkable distinctness, and before tlie gaze of Utaii, Congress and the country, tlie leading figures In the conspirac, in uch a manner as to indicate their actuating motive". |