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Show DECIDED AT LAST. The United Mates Saprcme Court Sanction tbe Crcat Meal. CONFISCATION OF "MORMON" PBOPEHTY APPROVED. The Court of Last llcsort ajs the Kobbfrv Is Conll- tullonal. Hj- TIsra.li to the News.! Wasiiioto.s, May 19. The Supreme Su-preme Court of the United States todaj- rendered au opinion of vital ititerest to Uie Mormon Church in the suit of the Church of latter-day Saints against the United Slates, which comes hero on appeal from Uie decision of the Supreme Court of Utah In favor of the United States. This court affirms that judgment. Tlie case grows out of the Edmunds Ed-munds anti-polygamy law, which dissolve! the "Mormon" Cliurcli corporation and escheated to the United States Uie real estate owned bj- the Cliurcli. The Mormons entered en-tered suit to have the law declared unconstitutional, on Uie grounds that Congress by tlie dissolution disso-lution assumed judicial power, that the act of the legislative assembly of Utah ineorwrating the Church constituted a contract which could not be impalrc-J by Concress. under the author!!? to repeal the Territorial enactments-, and tliat thu doctrine of escheat is alien to tiie spirit of free instilu-tion. instilu-tion. Ou the part of tlie United States it was contended that Congress had the authuritj' to repeal all territorial enactments; Uiat the act incorporating incorpo-rating tlie Church was invalid, a an attempt to establish a religion contrarj' to Ihe provisions of the Constitution; tliat the tharter should be annulled for the abuse of granted rights. When a church corratlon was dissolved, there was no one to whom to turn over the property; It was property escheated es-cheated to the United States. llousr. Wa.ihm!tuX, Maj- 19. The House went Into committee of the vvlsolc on the Li rill bill. After tho chairman had given a sharp admonition to the sjiectators In the gallery Uiat they must pr.-serve pr.-serve onhr. W.bon (W. -..)look the floor on n que-tsonof eT-nml privilege. 11- .-ske-d lkiyne if he endorse I the lnrge- contained in Iht-Cainiibrll le-tte-r. so far as llii-j app.lwltiili.nl ' tt'lbou) ami Itej'ue replieel, exfri-ssing re-gnt that Un ceiiilroversj-sliouM have occurreei. He dcuied tliat he Intended any re-lection re-lection on either Hyuum or Wilson. Wil-son. Wil-on then said he hail no further statement to make, and the subject was diopi-d. Tlie Tree -olnE- IHII. Ciiiiaiiu. May 13. The llaity Atirs Washington sjiocbl says: It b not probable that Congress will pass Uie free coinage bill, as It has lie-cn ascertained the President would v tto sue-li a mea-iire. A Vl..mi..-s Honor. Nkvv York. M.ij- 1!. Itosanm llo-itu, wife of an Lilian d.vk la-lorer, la-lorer, thb morning stabbed Gilbnb Iglndue, a boarder, ill defense ef litr wijily honor. He was mortally wounded. Sjiiprrliie t'ourf Ileclslo.t. WASiiiMTniX, May 19. Tlie Supreme Su-preme Court lias rendered an opinion opin-ion anlrmlng tho Judgment of the circuit court in the suit of Cornell University asalnst Fiske. It got against the University. |