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Show BLOWN TO PIECES. A Havana llardirarc Store Entirclf Uemolitliril bjr an Explotlon of (inn'towlcr. THIRTY-FOUR PERSONS LOSE THEIR LIVES. Clilcajo lVaitcrs (ibId-j Out on a Strike Uonlanjor Offers an Explanation. THE COWING WEEK IN CON-CRESS. CON-CRESS. Shoclluj Death or a XeiT ork I'ostoniec Emplojc. Kail-road Kail-road Accident. Kj Telccrarn to tae M:bt.I TllirtT-rour Killed. Havana, May IS. During a fire ina lianlnare Hore lat nlRlit a Lar-rel Lar-rel of jowdcr explwitxl. 1 lie whole structure was Lloun tojiiectis and tn enty-five pvrsoiu killed. Among the dead are four lire chlefK and the Venezuela consul, genor 1'raucix) silva, who hajeu.d to bo in front of the building at tlio time of the explosion. In addition to the killed, over cne hundred iereons ate Injured. In-jured. The explosion caused the wildest excitement throughout Uie city, and thousands Hocked to the teeue of the disaster. Themuiii-ci'I Themuiii-ci'I authorities were promptly on the ground and did everything In their jowcr to .-.Id the Injured, fecv-iral fecv-iral bouses adjacent were damaged by the explosion. Later Hie number of dead up to this evening if thirty-four. Gunge cf men are at wort in the debris. Many nuniaii limbs were taken out. llilalives of the missing inrsous gathered at the st and as soon a; the bodies were brought forth Hie scene was distressing. The proprietor pro-prietor of the wrecked hardware store was arrested. There are several mare lietima in the mine. Tue Xacoeu Volar lUpr.lll'.m. Ciiristiama, May I1. The Xauen expedition. In search cf the Xorth Polt, is actively fitting here. The route to be followed i based upon the theory that the articles belonging be-longing to the Jean tulle, found on the ISth of June, three reals after the disaster to that ship, at a twint directly opposite the l'oie,niust liave followed a supposed submarine current, cur-rent, which, leaving the Archipelago Archi-pelago of New Siberia, luii't liave conveyed them to the Greentaud colony, where they were found at a place called Julian Sha&b. The meteorological bureau at Christiana, Christi-ana, after three years of study, has concluded that a direct rout.- exists troiiig the polar region. Xausen will try this route, starting near the point where the JeamtMtc was uipped by the Ice, and going to an oppo-ite point, where the articles were found. The new ship will have an auxiliary propeller, and, If caught in the ice, the irew will quit her nnd push on to Julian Shaab. A.Crent lelilescK-ent. rKKSCOTT, May IS. Tin- greatest nrhlcvcmeut yet made in lielto-graphiug lielto-graphiug was acconiplihed during pratilce yesterday by Lieutenant Wiltenmeyer, who succeeded in signalling a message by a single flash 123 miles, from Mount lieno. near Fort McDowell, to Mount Graham, near Fort Grant, u here it wa? received by Captain Murray. The latter by turning his instru nient flashed the message to Fort Harachuaca, a distance of ninety miles, making a di-tancc of -!.", miles with i single intervening station. sta-tion. The longest distance heretofore hereto-fore made w 1th a single Hash was about seventy miles. ISotilanzerN Exxilnnnllon. London, May 15. noulanger has Informed a friend that the Ittterby which he di-eolved the Jloulangist national committee does not mean tint he Is renouncing his claims, but desires the absence of any medium me-dium between uuixensal suffrage and himself. The Week In Consrris. Washington, May IS. Silver will bethe principal topic discussed in the Senate again this week. Addresses Ad-dresses in lnemoriom of the late Representative Killy will be delivered deliv-ered on Tuesday afternooo, and Saturday will be devoted to the calendar. These arc the only. probable prob-able Interruptions ef the silver debate. de-bate. The first three days in Hie House will witucss the closing scenes of the Liritrdcbnlc, which promise to become be-come more animated. The t lections committee intends to call up the Alabama contested election case of McDuHy vs. Turpiu immediately after the tariff is di'ioeed of, and as the rej-ortof the committee in favor of the contestant involves a diversion diver-sion of an apjiarent majority of SOCK), a bitter resistance is alout to be di-veloped. di-veloped. Tlie riverand Iiarbor jwo-ple jwo-ple are waiting the first opportiniliy to call up their bill. AIL j- Mnrlilile naiJnllnl. City of JIi:mco, Maj- IS. Tbe Chatoler has approved the bill for a conversion of the Spanish debt. The Mexican paper are giving undue un-due Inirortance to the bturbidc incident. inci-dent. Sturbide is a young man, now a second lieutenant of cavalry, with no official standing, although he has some money which enables him to make frequent trips to the United States. During the last trip he is reported tohae said that he represented the Conservative party. The local ;ress took up the matter, u lieu lie rushed into print, publishing publish-ing a letter in which he tritlcisud the government, the Liberal party and President Diaz, who is commander-in-chief of theairuy. For this he was sent to a military prison. The authorities attach little importance impor-tance to the aOUIr, though they are Inquiring to ascertain whether he was Instigated by others. Saiurltilns I.iltc I'lilrL. Buffalo. May is. Yesterday afternoon Davkl I.orr.ean entered the houFe)fMr. Vance, a widowed lady, and attempted to assault her. Thu woman fought fiercely, finally succeeded In getting a bowie knife from a bureau liraner. At sight of this Lorrigan lied, but she followed him and managed to ir.llict several setcrerutsin his shoulders. Mrs. Vance was arrested but will probably proba-bly I discharged tomorrow and lorri,;an is a-1 to go to jail. lltMiiarrlc Takis, May IS. The Malm pub-II-hes an Interview had with the French Jourualit De Soux, who was recentli entertained by Ms-mar. Ms-mar. k. Bismarck referred to bis resignation as a firsl-cJass funeral, but added that he was quite alive still. He declared, among other things, that Germany would neer attack France, or provoke France to attack herA Germany ircll undir-stands undir-stands that ltiif.la would inlcncnr torolett France, if attacked. Ju as Oer many would aid Austria II Russia attacked her. Chlca:o Walter Motlnc. Chicago, May IS. The Wait ers' Union threatens trouble this week. They have resolved to make a number of demands from all the leading hotels and restaurants, and the proprietors met tills afternoon and unanimously resolved to resiit them. The waiters' leaders claim that they will strike If the demands are not granted. Ocean Itnrlnz. London, May is. Thc-Auclior Line steamer Ctty of Home sailed from Qu tension n at 12:30 to-day for Seir Voik. The Gulon steamer Alalia sailed at 1:20 and tbeCuuard steamer Aurama at 2 p. m. All went ahead under full steam directly direct-ly after they cleared Queenstowu harbor. Theic Is heavy betting on the result of the race. An An Tat deatb. Woodside, L.I., MaylS. James S. l'arsells, aiilghtdispatcherinthe VrYtlt iwttofllce, metalcrribio dealh Saturday evening In this vil lage. ParseibwasreiKtiringa well, when It partially caed, burying him nearly to the neck. The quicksand continued to run down, and the efforts ef-forts of neighbors to extricate the unfortunate un-fortunate roan only increased his danger. A rubber tube was procured procur-ed and placed In I'areell's mouth so hecouIdbreathe,afterthe sand had covered his head. Alter several hours of labor the sand was cleared away again, but It was found that rarsells had l-ecn unable to retain the tuhe lu his mouth, and had been choked to death. He was a prominent promi-nent citizen, and leaves a widow and large family. Copper Syndicate. Takis, May 1". At the trial of the cornier syndicate men it has lieen proved that fecretani, as director ot the bock ty de Metaux, distributed fictitious profits for ISSi, and ud improjier means to Ixill copjier, raising rais-ing the price from under 1000 francs per ton to over 2H00 francs and clearing clear-ing within two mouths 10,000,000 francs. The defense Is that the article of the penal code on which the charge is base i does not apply. Ileutech, on being examined, admitted ad-mitted that w bile he was chairman of tho Comjitoir de Conipte he knew m-thing of the dealings of Uie institution with the Society de Metaux. He also testified that he rarely listened to the manager's reports re-ports and let things slide. V SelloanrrCapUrd. Boston, May IS. The steamer City of Maam, from Savannah, brings Cook Tolasitl of the schooner Hal tic dart, he liavlng been found drifting in an open boat. I'olaski ays Uie schooner capsized in a squall, and lie ll!evca all on board, except himself, were kwL Thecrew consisted of Ca4aln Iiacc and five men, besides 1'oUskI. find VeeIIenIntaC'lren. Kim.stos, K. V., May IS. During Dur-ing the perfoimauce of a circus la-t night a seetion of the raised gallery fell down, carrying several hundred iiersons w 1th it. Many wore severely severe-ly cut and bruised, but not fatslly hurt. Buruhiursi Hotel Ati-antic Citv , X. J., May IS. Tite Oaborne House, one of the largest hotels here, was opened for the seasoti yesterday, and at an early hour this morning was tar-Ually tar-Ually burned out. There were thirty peode in the Iwti'e, aud several liad narrow escaiier. All escaped safcij, however. Denthornrs. Sfetloiifnll. Cmcvoo, May IS. A local jstper saxs: Mrs. Martha McDougall, widow of Uie late Hon. James A. McDougall, TJnitetl Slates Senator from California during the civil war, died Friday at the house of her son-in-law, John W. Boothby, In New Rochelle. near New Vork City. Before gting to California Senator McDougall was attorney general of Illinois. He Slumbered. rmsja-RO, May IS. At a meeting of the executive board of Uie Pittsburg Trade assembly tonight, to-night, a resolution which will lie forwarded to President Harris!! was paw-ed, asking the removal of Judge Joseph McKinnad, of the United Stale circuit court. The charge is tliit helept a good part of the time while hearing the Jean-ittUe Jean-ittUe contract labor case latj. week. An Ex-lonrrdrrnte Die. Leemhliiu. Va., May IS. Henry Heatan, a wealthy citizen of this place, aud well-known in London financial drtlc, died here today. He was an Kuglisliman, but served in the Confederate artillery and on Karl 's stalf. TTN-ni. Coins It. Bkklin, May IS. Advices from East Africa are tlial Major Wisa-man Wisa-man has captured Makitullni,-lsc-log Uie whole coast from that place to Zanzibar iu tlie hands of the Germans. : I'. Train. New Yonic, May IS. George Francis Train arrived this morning on board the JUrurkt. Hctakca special train for Taeomn. Kllmln'n letter. New Yohh, May IS. The following fol-lowing s icil vvbj, received at the iWice Catette oftlce yesterday: Tticimuno, Miss., May 17. Notify Frank Stevenson to arrange a match for me w 1th Joe McAuIitrc, Use l'acinc slope champion. Received Re-ceived letter. Arrange match with Sullivan. Jake Kilkain. Itailroad DtFnnfrr. Nashville, Tenn Ma IS. A 'Louisville A NasiivIIle locomotive locomo-tive boiler exploded near Danville last night. A freight train was demolished de-molished and the engineer, fireman and brakeman killed. A Jlluron lire. Siiahokin, V-, Mjy IS. The Ncllson shaft is on tire, having caught from the burning tlmliers of the breaker which was destroyed Friday night. Many mules were lost. At a late hour tonight the lire has assumed a serious apeet, and asall measures to extinguish it have failed, it lias been decided to turn the crtek into theralne. The Torle. CoNSTAXTIMlI'IJi May IB. 'lhc Porte lias not replied to Russia's claim for payment of arrears of the war Indemnity. The Russian ambassador, am-bassador, in an urgent note to tlie Porte, demands layment of the arrears ar-rears front tho loan, otherwise, he adds, RuIa will reserve therightto take further measure. Tire In Toledo Toledo, May IS. Tlie Crescent Candy Compans establishment and Wood & Mauzey's wholesale grocery wcie badly damaged by fire today. The losses aggregate $100,-000. $100,-000. Ilrownlns: uITtiree IVrsuna. Ojiaiia. May IS A farmer named Marion Tucker, together w Ilia ttro children, a girl or 0 and a boyof H, wag rowing In a-small lake on a farm near Stautou last night, when tho boat overturned and tho three were drowned. Death ofa (hlcaco Lawyer. Chicago, May IS. Wirt Dexter, a leading mrmbtr of the Chicago bar, aud widely known, died suddenly sud-denly last night of an acute congestive conges-tive chill. Wirt Dexter was the son of Judge Samuel Dexter, a iloneer Jurist of MUliigan, and was born In the ton n of Dexter about fifty-eight jears ago, which place was named after his father. His grandfather was Samuel Dexter of lloston, Secretary of the Treasury in tlie administration administra-tion of John Adams, and was distinguished dis-tinguished both as a lawyer and a statesman. Discovery of Coal and Vntlmonj. City of Memco, May IS. Rich discoveries of antimony have lawn made In Chihuahua, and ltrgo deposits de-posits of coal have been found in Tabasco. |