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Show YESTERDAY'S GREAT FIRE. DIasoirtiey's Farnilnrj Store aad Stsci Destroyed. ax ixnraciEyr juxagemeat Briu? llic Lo, L'i To Aboal .slio,-(HW. .slio,-(HW. ot EiVn a Cliair Sated, YeUrday I belt) occurred Hie tuos db-Hvu fire Ki.ovn in the hUtotj of Sak X-alc Gi(i-. Tliere ha c beta tires more (llflioiilt to liniidlc, because be-cause of tlie more talrlcate jiKin of ILc liW:ngs. There liave been occasions when more disastrous resulb Mere promised at the out-HX, out-HX, but by the etlieient nork of the fire dejMrtmeut were averted. There have aWo been inlancesM litre the water nipi'ly was less adequate, but this deficiency has bcin made good by the judkious utc of the available i2uRI, and Mia .rcm t removal re-moval of huterer proierty could be hk-titof the burniug buildiug. llut tills oicurreuce has connicted Ith it events lliat liax e never before be-fore been known to transpire at a fire in Ibis city, l'rouilncnt among thti. and one tliat Mandsout in strong contrast to tlie record of j.k-1 j.k-1 vkus coiiflagratious, is llic utter in-i in-i conij-etency aixi lack of anj thing I akin to jiroper management. I It was a few minutes after oue loVlotk yesterday anernoon when ! the discovery mi made that a llaiue had started iu tlie rear room un the firtt Hour of Henry Denwuodey'a large furuiUire store on First oouth Strett. Tlie atomt wa given, and inea-ngera ttarted for the Urn denartment headquarter-, a block and a lialfawjy. A tile-idtoue tile-idtoue iuesMig.,Iio'.ieMr, took Uie ues JTonijrfly lo the lire dejnrt-meut, dejnrt-meut, aud af lera time the alarm n as mounded. In- tutl . i.;iu U.-Aii I lireuie!!. with the Iiomj cart, aji-I aji-I pcared, and sliottly alteroards more oftheapiiaratusarrnel. From the ' time the alarm was sounJcd twenty-. twenty-. five miuuti-atlaj-J befor" 3 stream I of wau-r was turt.iil on the ilauitj. Un lo thi3 time tlie lire was con-fined con-fined to the rear room mentioned, to the room above it, to the elevator shaft aivi, rs-iuly, to tlie ct liar in the. lock part of the building. It was apiarcnt U men ef judgment and experience that the atUik on tile flames ho-.ild be made from the front, by going through the store and ngbtiug tlie lire to t'le lack. This wouki have chetkeil the i-pread into tlie frout of the tore, and ouH haxe given the best opportunity opportu-nity to send a solid tVai ol wattr into tlie heart of iiie flanH. A ttreain -.rae t Jnie.! on in the alley, and was Iiaving its tlli-ct, when a suriaise as fpiui.fr by the order to break in at the baik and git at tlie fire there. A protest was made, but it wa not hi-eded if it was understood. under-stood. TI-e fiie was then all iu the rinr irt of the luihimtr, r.nd could have been m .Ue. for R lime at lcat, to reaiaia tin re. Ilut the instant t!:c ba- was opened there was a vast change. It wa ai, if a powerful bla.t had lieen euducnly turned into an immtiiff furnace. The fierce dralt created drove the Zanies toward the front of he buihiitig. and inabiicf spfC of time tlie devouring element ele-ment was making rajiid headwav in eacliof Hie MorK. Cottly draji-eries. draji-eries. carpets, tipliol-tef ed jrooli and furniture were quk-kly wrapied in Hie folds of tne destroyer. The great l.Iun .er had beeiinutde. Tliere was nlsoluteiy no hoj to savetiie buUJing the Himesweie beyond hiimau control, ami a change I opt rati ins would have availed l-ut Utile. The financu were keji back by tire intense liwst- ami r. imtiu.i ,.- side, f juitling wsterlutoUie Haines whlcli apparently were unatrected, excejit indicated by the lihssin , -nd spitting of the Meain that was formed. From the trett, Mr.sins , of water were turned o lt it was Xextto the failure to g.i ulrtttat 'the fire in a common 'inafe way, I was the procedure tliat luwl tlie i effect of allowing ail the goods to barn. There wire liun-uretia liun-uretia willing to aid iu carrving out the furniture and valuable stock that was attainalih- Iit the I iwlu-e -ombined lo .rev-nl tims. ; Not a man Who could have done , any good wa3 allowi-il to go in. Kven the bookkeeper was not per-. per-. mitted to enler lotare tlie Umkand I jajicrE. l'juployti, and men exi vri-. vri-. enceJ at fires were turned aidc, I and not a hand wa? 1-ut forth to Hive iiroiuty. This prolably was due to ignorance rathei tlian iivlil rale in-Itention. in-Itention. To absolutely r hut out employe em-ploye anil Inter.-:.-! imHi wag a policy atJen led ytMir.isx ith .-rv teriourc?u!b-. The members of Ike fin brigade wirked lianl; there can be no quo-tion if that. The misfortune u tiattlny had not a chief who was .apabl-ofdirvplin; their effortit-i tliatt!ilrlab'r would not l vain. Tne police tirobablv did as ell as tiiey coukl, and tome conducted thent-elvcB in a commeudaMe manlier. man-lier. Hher, and thote who attracted attract-ed mot attention, wire to excited that U-ey did not ajipear to l able to cxercife any juil,rm.-lit. The ix-hibitiou ix-hibitiou of autlmnty locked by force wouki have been taken loU-tliu leading feature, Ixit tliat it ooul 1 lie seen tliat they had "lorf their bends, "an J sadly ntedeil coo! jtelg-uient jtelg-uient in their control. After it was mil wlwt policy was to be pur-ur.1. Uicre was nothing left tut to watch tiie place burn. .Mr. Klleibeik, of the gas work", tried to get inside to takeout the meter, but be wax fchut out in a mo-t summary manner. man-ner. Mr. Ihiiwoodcy mu away and his son 11. M. Ihnwuodey, was at work doing uliat little lie was i-r. nutted to. Mr. Jos. A. Jeuuiiig, Mr. Oiowoode 's son-iii law, iuter-ted iuter-ted himself ami tried to liave feomo of the furniture savul. Failing Fail-ing iu this, he cxprtwd hia dk-apiiroval dk-apiiroval of the court- which' h.il been aJoi-tcd. Tlien JUjor Stanton, instead of attending to his bueim-ts as chiif cu-giuet-r of the fire deiartment. a-costed Mr. Jennings aud Inquired if he had made derrogatorv i-Lue-ments couceming him. The reply was ye. Major ntautou Ihen t-tru. k Mr. Jennlog. a blow on the no.. The interference of other jartie prevented furtiier ate-wlr, Mr. J. linings mide comidalut to the city marshal, and It was promised that Stanton would bo w.-stcd. He wasuotifteJ to appear at the police court till-, morning, Uit llie onii-iaN there had filed no comjdaiut agalust him. Mayor Scott was at the confligra-Hou confligra-Hou most of tlie time, and after hL, arrival did good service in ilirectim; measures for tlio preservation of lulldingn on whidi the burning emb-re dropid. At hi-, reiutt a telegram was sent to Oden, asking forasuittaitce.audtheJiinctloii City bos turned out promptly and got to where another telegram iu-fomn-1 them that th-lr services were , unnecessary. .-T1."-".j lm" a'Wded as tin. fuel diminished, but the fire was burning burn-ing all night down in tlie ctlar. Iuuayaa-l quiutity of water has beet, poured on the nilini. It thev aroi bUU siuokiie; and tteniniiiir. That the fire uld it kpr-i i i, JU(, ?.'-V toIt,roIc' tbatTrhk wans s"run t",U mXoi aJjoiniug lJli 5V . A ,WKe u"Jr of citi- Srslwwr.1?rttt, .'"'3 tlm-ilTP tlm-ilTP Ltl! vreni carried s. coitei.Ier-SirefuIwJ? coitei.Ier-SirefuIwJ? ' The Lv. 5 tllat "ie chief of tl7e wU-ft'if,rm1mot Slant ,Wvd"r, ( ii a 1 Jr ,.,!- s,, on f'.r'ir. lh""r- '"t S.ir.oe. ' "'""I" The lotr3 will in the aggregate reuh SI25.0J0. Of this auiouut onlyabout $70,00013 Insured. Mr. DInaoudey's stock was wo: th about Si'J.OOO, and the building about $i,0w. His inrurance Is nbotU Soo,00J. Tho remainder is distributed dis-tributed among Caldt-r Urotlitrs', Sears A. Lklille. the Jennings csUtc, Carroll t ICtru, Mrs. Clinton, Clin-ton, Mrs. C'hrMIe, Mrs. chultze, Joseph Oberndorfir sad otlnrs. opeakluar i-n tperieuccd fireman vlKhs3doneycoaiau service witli the old brigaJe, his views were asked, and were giieu as follows: "The firemen were rather a long time gettiug on the "rater. The fir-t stream they played ution Uie flames ww from the alley which was very proper, because it was there that tho tire was tlitu burning, llut a good, solid strcam-liouId have been carried from the steamer right through the front door Into the lite at tlie nar of tlie building. It appearsfroiii what I can learn tliat the brigade rvally fought this fin- from tlie street, whence they threw the water unon the burning mass. Tlilswasau Mi-a plajcd out fifty years ago. To properly fight a conflagration, especially in a huge furuitute store, it is necessary to go right Into thu lieart of the lire an quitkly as jios-i ble, with tho assurance that if the fire is not under control In ten or fifteen miuutts from the time of the oulbieak It will resist all lilbru to subdue its fury. The fires which occurred at two other stores In this city the Co-op. FuniItureConiiiiy and Mr. Maden'c wtre lought by theokl brigade in this way by carrying a solid stream light into the midst of the lire; aud lance tin- Ics was menly nominal. "In this Instance it si-ems to me that if tliere had been promptness di-pLiycd at the start; iu getting a stream of water iu tlie rear of thej premiss through the doorway, the probability is the tire would have been i-xUnguWud in twenty minutes. min-utes. As it was, the flames got entirely byoud thu rin-men'a control. This fire exhausted itself; there was not muih danger of its siirradliig, considering the high building on either tklo of Mr. Ulii-woodei Ulii-woodei "s. "Ill my opinion it is lis I imlicy to u-e two streams from one steamer, because thtre is no chance of throwing throw-ing more water than if oue were used; besides, in tlie employment of two, the force or driving jxiwir b lot, ami thin is just as eenlial as the water ia j uttiug out the fire. A stream should tear its way Into the midst of the llaan-j. "Where the water falls u:on the lire witliout nviewary fonk- UisinipH converted into steam by the hiat, and therefore rov. of but little. It any, avail. No doubt the firemen did the best they could in th.-a-e under the irrunisinmt-", but they wire evidently '-ratt'i-d'or scaml by the niHguiludeof theunderlakiug, this being the first fire ot any coi.se-quence coi.se-quence at w Iiit ii they had been called uiwn to act. "There wa a mistake or mismanagement mis-management somewhiri-, but I shall net ss wliere. It w as verv fortHnate Indeed tliat this fire did not exUnd ea-t, as to reach Seats A l-dddell's lalnt, oil anil varnl-h warehouse With (he heavy stock which they iiavc ou hand the result re-sult might have len iu such an eent nio-t serious, as tlie fire wouldj pronbly have extended along tlie entire bkxk. I am informed in-formed that two men not connected in any way with U: brigade continued tiirougliout to plaj- with lengths of small garden hose upon the oil tank, etc., in Me-rs. Heart A I.bldeii's store, and thireby prevented pre-vented tlie exiloslve gooiu. from igniting. "As w itli other calamities so w Ith fires we know a great deal better afttr than Ufoie the evt-nt wh-U steps should have been taken. In going at a fire it is absolutely neci-s-Hiry tint the mau in charge should remain as cool and c-llcitni as los-slbic; los-slbic; at the same time, he should po ss judgment enough looct with promptness. Kven when Ihi l-t of ju.igmeut I displayed a flrch. somitlmes liable to git the Uicr hand of tlie cngim.iT." Mr. It. i:ilerbeck, if the gas .vfv-, ni BKii mil uioruing auu saiu: "I was at the ('lift llousx-when llousx-when tlie alarm nasgiven and nut .e my way to the ground as i-jieudily as ossibie.Ci ini-amli v ely six-aking. Uie firo had made but IHtle headway head-way when 1 reathAl the bulhiing. Having property to prote. t in the way of ga, I was making my way lLti the building as quh-kly as I could to take out the meter, but was intercepted by the iw'ice and or-den-dback. 1 exj lali.cl who I wa; Uiht unless something wasdone,aud that Itnmtdiate'y, there was no telling how muih damage might ensue. You see,'' he continued, "the gas null ns are undergoing undergo-ing rejAlrs and but very little gas is coining up tow n from lue j.laot. The force of the How is not Hifllcici.t to prevent the flames from being cummuiiicated through the pij-e leading from theme.er to the n.aln, ami explosiolis will occur wherever gas is .IMributul Ihruugl; the city; m such an event Uie So, Lo life aiHl proieity would lie incalciilanie. Vlieu I ixjilaiiied to the polkt-man, lierepll-nl, 'It make- no.llireretice; neitlitr jou nor any olhermau .an or shall he allowed t inttr the buihliu,rforaiiy rpose. Finding that reason aud ctsuasion wore Uit weak weaions. to coie arllii sueii wildly excited men, and knowing tliere was no time to I lost, I dispatched, dis-patched, with all possible haste, a messenger to the gas works to turn on the full How -f ga, tliat the Hames might be forced outward out-ward and ktpt from enuring the Jpe and thus communicating the ilames to the mains. To be sure the constant outjiouriiic; of gas into tlie fire f jr four hours was but add-ing add-ing fuel to the limits, but it was all that coukl be done under the tireum-taiii-rs and undoubtedly aved the city from the niMt sii-ous sii-ous disasltr thai has ever vi-jted it." Mr. (has. Anderson, a rejins-en-lalhcof the firm, who lurj effected an entrance into the building ami rescued the salesbooks was compelled com-pelled by a iiolicennu in Indian's clotliesto drop them, umler threats or arn-t or being knocked down, riie n-ult was they were consumed in the lUnie. HeNjti the officer who was guilty of this aliame-rul aliame-rul conduct was Sergeant Haller. Mr. Anderson adds "For upWardi of an hour tliere was opirUiuity to rescue prtTty but we wire driven lack and abused every time we approached ap-proached the building." ipioiueiinic of going to preso two of the three safes liao lieeiiun-covired.oiK-cciitaininthe accouut lki, and the oilier alout (lfttu hundred dollars iu money, Uw prociMs s from the sales of Saturday after three oVkc-k. Is tliere any foundation to the story sto-ry tluta new stock of goods was telegraphed tele-graphed for last evening-by Mr. H. M. Dmwooilcv?" was akeil of Mr. Dinnoodey's look-keeptr by a representative of the .Nras. "Not the slightest," he replied; "it is absurd ab-surd ou its lace. We could not and wouki not give such au open order. There is not a wholesale house iu the L uiteU State? lint could supply us w ith a com; It te stock ; we deal w ith three hundred and forty houses, and it wouki take a week's work, at least, to make out a new order." Sears I.iddell, throughldamage from water and wi-e of oil, loot s!3o. Carroll Kern, Architect, aro losers to the extent of nearly $5W; ouesit of IwIIdiDg i Jans alone being valued at $1,VW. No Insurance. Caldcr's Music 1'alace is dmnaged considerably by water and smoke, but to wlwt extent is not jet known. Theloss is covered by insurance. The Home Fire Insurance Company Com-pany had no rlk in tho fire. Mr. Dinwoodey isau oflictr of.the coiu-luy, coiu-luy, but his policies there were not on the store or furniture. Thomas W. Jeuning-i is a heavy loser. C-a-iderable stoik was damaged dam-aged by smoke and water, aud for a time thu buUJing seemed doomed to certain destruction, and uu-Iou' t-t-ily would have burned t- the ground If the fire liij rael Willi the same fury on Uiuca-t as it did -m thu wist- The Iieat was -o lu-teas lu-teas , however, th tt the partition walls arc mi! -J fi..m te-p to bot-I bot-I m. A telegram was sent lo Mr. Henry Hen-ry Dinwoodey, at Chicago, yesterday. yester-day. It wax received, and a reply Hated that he would leave for heme at 1 o'clock this mntnln. The cause of the fire as not yet been aseetnined, and probably never will be. It is not definitely deter-ruimd deter-ruimd whether itoriginattd In tLe lock room on the first l!oor,or in the basement. |