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Show THE STOCK MAKUET TOD IT. ltnmor fVora latoilon Cuase Lrcsl Hensallou In JTeir Torlt- New Yomc, Nov. 13 The stocks opened active, excited. TueNorth-ern TueNorth-ern Pacific were up to 2, but on the rumors cf financial trouble in ijon-don ijon-don tho prices declined. The market is now active, exclted,weak. Atchison H; down since last night. rKOrotJ.ND SEHATJOIf. Prlva'e cabled received before the opening of the stock exchange, an iiounclng the troubles or Baring Brother, and stating that the Bank of England, Kotbschllds, and others had taken up the accounts or Baring Bar-ing Brothcrri, amountlDi; to Xlo,-000,000, Xlo,-000,000, created a profound sensation. sensa-tion. Conforencea of brokers wereat onco held and decided to have the brokers of every stock that could, be handled to bid advanced prires at theopenlng to avert a sudden shock. As n result, the prices for nearly all ncttvo sLck opened above hu,t night's close. A sceue or wild excitement and positive panic existed lnall the por-tluns por-tluns list. The stocks were thrown over iu a most reckless manner. The losses in the first hour exceeded anything teen since the present de dine began, every one trying to sell out his hoi lings without regard to loss or gain. The dealings were simply enormous and the rapidity with whit h quotations melted awy was something unprrccdentetl.there bclu uo halt in the downward movement before the end of the hour. Iackawanra dropped 8, lo 12U, Jersey Central C, Northwestern"-!, Ikck ltdand , Pullman 5J, Atchison 5J; most or the other active bti cks rroni 2 to -I. Tho VUIards wire best held, but showed a toe In the excitement, bat the recent re-cent lietvy ell linkage-In tnese stocks left less rtoni for any rurther loeses. The downward movement was finally stayed, however, and at 11.30 rrbtUer tone prevailed with some Improvement In prices. LOW KbT I-BICE3 ON RECORD. At 11 a semi-panic prevailed; the prices gnvo vtiy and tbe brokars were dismayed at the prospect Lackawauna led the downward ruli with a decline ol 0 per cent, from IS. j to li3j. Atchison fold down to II, Rock Island to tl, and sugar to 60 the lowest ricea on record for thaso stocks. Canada Southern and ether regular dividend divi-dend layers were thrown over as well as the speculative stocks; Canada Can-ada ricuthern dropping to 13. After II 15 there was n rally, caused by tile followiuz cable from London: ' The Uuaratitie Fund to Baring It-o'.liirs i. Company slated an amount of ten millions sterling." Various financial, banxlng and discount hou'ea guaranteeing account?, ac-count?, state that the crisis is over and that tho failure has been averted. Kl Ider, Peabody fc Co , agents heru for Baring Brothers &. Co., Icn.Ion, say that they have private advices ironi London that the truub'e lias been completely arranged. ar-ranged. The trcuble was doubtless cautcd by tbe depression of the Argentine Ar-gentine wcun ties. Our house bin nowise atTeeted. |