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Show I-.SCl.TIMJ A SULTAN. Europeans Olvlllilnc Africa: Burn. luarttie rorrnor WIlu. LONDON, Nov. 14 A summary of the retort of Herr JHehaelles, German eonsul-getieral at Zanzibar, ifl ve the details of the burningof tbe city of Witu, on thu eastern cuast of frica, near Zanzibar, by Admiral Frcemantel, on October 27th. Germany Ger-many hiving recently surrendered io Ki'gUnd her protectorate of Witu and the district, considered the IlriUsIi responsible for any injury in-jury Inflicted upon the German traders or cslonieb", and Admiral Freemantel had been ordered to tvenge the killing of nine German subjects by the people of the African town. It appears, however, that the masacie.was not entirely unprovoked. unpro-voked. Mr. Gunzel arrived at l.a-tnon l.a-tnon with ten men about theond of August, intending to carry on a inmltr business ill the sultanate of Witu, He afterward went further inland to the village of Mkonumbl, where he purrosetl establishing a sawmill. The sultan, Kumo Ilaka-ri. Ilaka-ri. protested and called Gunzel to Witu. They had a conversation which mu-t have been rather violent, vio-lent, for when theGe-man contractor contract-or left tho Sultan's palace ho made a scene upon the public square, where the sovereign's standard was displayed on alli;sta2,and insulted insult-ed the sultan publicly. Onaccoujt of these proceedings Gunzel and his companions were led Intoahouwat Witu and kept under strict watch. Tho e they spent several days, until, their patience being exhausted, and believing that they were not watched, they attempted at-tempted to escape. Arming themselves them-selves with reolvers, which they had managed to conceal, they left the prion and walked toward tbe gates of the city, but tbeyeoou were stopped and firing began, but It Is impossible, as admitted in Hen Mlchaelles's report, to say which Ide fired the drst shot. Mr. Uuuzel was killed, with eight of his companions. Only one member .f tho party was able to escape through the underbrush, though wounded, and to reach Lamon. The man left hy Mr. Gunze! in charjo of lib c-ta'dlsbment near Wiiu was murdered goon aft-rward. n." Jnwged natives ln'the city ve chased all whites who could be seen, roost of whom, however, cccteded in escaping with their flveTWertbeless, tbe plan taUnn-or taUnn-or the survivors were sacked and burned and tho men an. now at Umon, having Ip-t all they po. .ed. A reward of 10,000 rupees h been offered for tho capture of tnes'ultan. |