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Show MORE ABOUT TIIK "'atOKMOV OUTRAGES." I.nfz- Coulter, the ex-Presby-terlan school leather, lias been thoroughly exposed as a person tm--bued with malice, with a desire to shine as a bogus martyr, and with a decided repugnance to truth. Aa sdditional evidence to that which we have already presented regarding the Sow ribtorlo'us "female detective," we arc enabled to publish the following follow-ing correspondence: KiTf viLtz, or. U, ISO. "Editor Dntrtt -V-j "I nstfeed aa arUde la your Semi Weekly of Nor llto, headed -That Female Detective w herein an Item regarding Ktjivillo is mentioned. Having llvel here for ovon thirty years, aad being weU ae-qnaialetf ae-qnaialetf wllbr an of the Presbyterian teachers, who have taught school here, I brand the etatemest at aa nrqaallncd falsehood, nook the article to Iter E. M Knox, the rresbytenan mlolsler, who has b-ealneharge here for aome time, aad requested re-quested him to write aa artf-le listing the facula the case. I enclose hUaatwer, which you are at liberty to pabhtb. sours, respectfully, Jou- C. If. Blasts." fciTsvrxir. cui, Xor. 1 J, ISM. T vAosUiiTcoeeent Having ihis,lbb day of orembsr.liSJ, peruted aa article ealltlerl "A Female Da-teeUvs" Da-teeUvs" which appeared la theOilEjutr f ruiTriiaiT Nrws or sot. H.Isrenid 'f-Xi" I"1" "vj sti""13"' ssy that the foUowIng turn, which appeared la the dispatch to the nuladelphla Yew. dated Sail Lake City. Oet, 3yias no foundation founda-tion la fact so far u as, experience of over three years In charge ot the Pretbyterlaa mission here would qaatify me to speak In the matter: aad further, I would ssy that tbs former million workers hate neter hinted such a thing to me. The item U here given. --Upla EarivlUa a gang of the chosen' tried to blow up a Presbyterian school bouse oa finding Inside after school the young woman who was leachjtg there." E.U. Kaox. Mr. Kuox Is to be congratulated for stepping forward and saying a word ln favor or truth and Justice, thus manifesting one or the prominent promi-nent traits or the sturdy Scotch reformer re-former or the same name, or whom it was said that he never reared the face or man." Ip her interview with a representative repre-sentative or the American Fork Independent, Miss Coulter denletl that she was employed as a United States detective, but that she Intended In-tended to resume her labors as a teacher la tho Presbyterian schools. It the chiefs of that denomination should employ her ln that capacity, after the clergymen of the sects ha v felt Impelled by a sense ofjustlra to refute tho scandalous misstatements' she has published, they will sh)r that they are not particular abou tbe material used ln a position so responsible. |