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Show ClHIMlUX EXPENSES. .Tliat The JTanlpUlsllo-tl Of m Voler ( oats lit New Tori. New Yomc, Nov. 14. In New York there Is a law compelling candidates can-didates to file statements of campaign cam-paign expeuses Mayor Grant sworo that his election cost him only a few hundred nd his drfe-ud op-1 ponent Scott paid less than a hu mired. mi-red. To-day'a statements, however, were more Interesting. The am-jialgn am-jialgn cost De'ancy Nlcoll 31352.9J, while Mr Goff, lib opponent, uuly spent S1S07. Uoiuplpdler Myers expenses agiireuate $S5. wtulo it osi Ieonaid Agiegeilih $b54."5 S5 to be elected C-uuty Clerk. Niioll lIJ John M Qaeie. the usurer of Tammaiiy Hall, SiOiW aud u-ed the restfiiriitherpurpo-e. Judge David Da-vid McCadam, the ratfltiiany c.n-d'dito c.n-d'dito fur Jii.liri. l the Superior Court, pil.i $4S5 59, and couinirti-tiuiiM couinirti-tiuiiM agvrrgatiug Sll tWO were made hi his lirliiilf to the orgaulzalioii that nominated him. Theodore V. .Myors, united tMnoemt forComii trollrr, paid $5,775, kksT follows: To Cliarhs Cauda, irea-uref of tbe County Drmocraiy, $iOOJ; Pefef Rush, chairmin of the l'weuty-rlrst District Coun'y Demicracy, $Z7o, and to John JlcQuade, treasurer of Tammany Hall General Committee, 52 5 K). It cost thu aldermen from 51.SU0 to S-0) apiece and tbe assemblymen as-semblymen about the same, aud the municipal league paid nearly SOJ.OJO for tbe privilege of fighting Tammany to nu iHirpuse. |