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Show It Is Granted. Becently the executors of tho estate of S. S. Walker presented a petition In tho probate court, asking ask-ing leave to erect the Walxer Opera House building, the facts being as follows: On July 3rd 1S90, a portion por-tion of said Opera House was destroyed de-stroyed by tiro. Tho Insurance on said builJlng amounting to $50,000 has been duly collected by ealJ executor"; that if said property Is left In Its present condition, it would not only be utterly unproductive unpro-ductive of any revenue, but an actual expense to the estate; that prior to its destruction, the opera nouse did not pay over 2 per cent gross per annum on the investment therein; and that the best revenue derived from It during its exls ence did not exceed 57,000 per annum; that to repair and rebuild the premises so destroyed, according to the plans and speclfl atlona presented present-ed to the court, will involve theout-Jay theout-Jay or about 5W.000 over and above thelnsuranco money aforesaid; that bvsald outlay the property so In-lured In-lured can be rebuilt inlsuch a man-'. man-'. . to secure aud Insure from said property to the estate mrre t?nnree times such revenue per ycarM was formerly oUriaed from iheeaine; sufficient, InfacUotepay the etStabe total cost ot the pro- jcars. . |