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Show X FIXE OPPOBrCXITT. RESTCCTxaa the. colonization of the San Luis valley, Colorado, by the "Mormons," the Denvertepuo-lican, Denvertepuo-lican, which is a strong opponent rt some features of "Mormonlsm," has this to say of the Saints: Taelr earning boaM be CBCoararetl. for part fiom tie practice ot poljrimr, U-er are a dealrable dais. Ther uaderataad fannlnx by irrigaUoa, whica la a mettiod. of f armla that eaitera Immlrraati, aa a rule, znoir aoibjoa; abouL Taere la no lonbt that the Mormon colonials ia tbe aa Lala valley will act aa example of rood, practical prac-tical rarmie-r. They will coltirate tbe aoll ta a liUlfcI war. They will raue rood crepa, and tboa will promote tbe prosperity ot that part of the State." Hero Is a Ado opportunity for the "Liberal" advocate of "Mormon" total disfranchisement to get in a little of his favorite work and deal out some of bis choieest epithets. "Scrub," "hired liar," "sony knave" and "base-born slave" would be a few of the most select compliments wherewith to greet this paper that says "a good word for the Mormons,1' " tor, according to the Triiune theory, any man who docs that is all that those terms Imply and Is "unfit to be called an American." AH the same, what the Republican says is true, and Colorado has aio better or more valuable citizens than the "Mormon" "Mor-mon" settlers in the San Luis Vallcy. |