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Show DEFESbE OP TUE REPUBLIC. The ex-"I.!beral" candidato continues con-tinues to repeat over and over his stale aspersions upon his successful competitor in the late delegate election. elec-tion. Here is otfe of his oft-repeated stock expressions, dished up In yes terday morning's is3ue of his paper: The burden of It all is that Mr. Caine's record in Congress shows nothing bat devotion to the Church." The fact is that Mr. Caine's record shows Intense "devotion to the Republic," Re-public," n hose interests he has been compelled to defend against the assaults of a gang of traitorous traitor-ous conspirators. The Institutions Institu-tions of our country guarantee equal rights and privileges to all citizens before the law, and to the people everywhere a republican form of government. A clique of conspiring politicians have assaulted assault-ed American institutions by seeking to impel Congress to deprive a class of citizens who have broken no law of the franchise. ThU is an effort to establish despotism. They have sought to induce the national lawmaking law-making body to take away from the whole people of Utah the popular right to elect officers to transact the public business, to transfer the prerogative to the hands of one man and thus create an absolutism within the nation. Tho samo schemers have endeavored to procure pro-cure legislation that would'prevent the people who redeemed this once desert region and their children from entering upon or procuring title to the public lands. These attempts are all to procure innovations upon the glorious principles prin-ciples upon which our splendid system sys-tem of government is founded. And the same plotters, among whom the ex-candidate and his henchman HolIUtcr have been the most active operators, have favored the legal robbery of the majority of the people of Utah of their property. A part of this latter villainy has como near a consummation. Should it be fully completed what a humiliating humil-iating position the Gentiles of this Territory would be placed in! Many of them, we are pleased to ray, and to their credit be it said, are opposed to it- Such a completion of the plot to rob nn honest people will virtually vir-tually pauperize the non-"Mor-mons" who send their children to the public schools, whose pupils will be iaJebteJ to the Latter-day Saints, to a large extent, for the payment of the ex-pense ex-pense of their tuition. And the fact will be indisputable that the hard earnings of the msjority had to be legally stolen from them for the purpose. Consequently, whatever of advantage is gained by tho non-"Mormon" non-"Mormon" children in equipping them in the public schools for the battle of life, will be largely due to the hard earnings of the "Mormon" people, wrested from them at tho Instance In-stance of a nest of unscrupulous conspirators con-spirators against free civil government. govern-ment. We hope there is no "Mormon" "Mor-mon" parent or child that would so debase himself as to accept of education edu-cation by such a humiliating process pro-cess If the conditions were reversed. The time will come, as sure as the day follows tho night, when all who have been connected with the despicable des-picable infamies attempted and consummated against the rights, the peace and prosperity of the commonwealth of this Territory Ter-ritory will be held in universal execration by a rectified public fentlment. They will be regarded as traitors to the Republic, founded on equal rights and human freedom. free-dom. It I? a matter of congratulation that the leaven of truth and justice is already operating even in this Territory- Miny honestly Inclined Centiles are having their eyes opened to the hollow pretensions and vaporous patriotism of the gang which has sown the seeds of discord in the community and whose ulterior object behind the flood of falsehood which has Issued from them in a steady stream, has been robbery in some form. This clique have kept Mr. Caine busy defending not only his con stituents but the Republic against the attempted innovations of traitors. lie has stood like a vigilant sentinel and sougLt to prevent pre-vent the conspirators imposing upon the national legislators, that the government might not be transformed trans-formed into an organization for stealing sheep. Mr. Caine will continue, con-tinue, supported by all lovers of right, to prevent plotters from obtaining ob-taining their selfish ends by means of lnnovatioi a taat would prove destructive de-structive not only to local rights, but to the nation at large. Disintegrating Disinteg-rating agencies have beginnings somewhere, and from initial points spread throughout the arteries of the national commonwealth. |