OCR Text |
Show D. M. McAlXlSTEH i'Co., book sellers and stationers, have the cur-'rent cur-'rent number of the Jteview of Jte. lieu:: It is a high class magazine. SXW TOM STOCKS. New Tork. Nov. 11. nsoa. Bar eUver SV &njrtuon ...... SO zloccy. 4oj rnaaeonuenf. !l i roopona....... 21 Norm American. 31 V tttCftupoaa...... -'acifie aiaiL...-. 31 PaciflaE't........ IS Itvi Ward...... o (Xatral rials. 23 SLLoalsaia I"r. XI 'nrlmrtoa...... SSLlst.raiAL'naaa 20 Bio Gristle... is.iTezaa Paclflc..... 13 surthern PaciSe SlVjUttlonPaaac ... i. Preferred tssranroKvvreie .. as Sort&westera..- Sf 1 Veatcrn uaioa .. 77.!. Tork Oential.. 07V Moacr tirbt, with no onera and 30 per ceat Lid. cuicaoo auaxsT. Caicaro, Nov. II. 1 .15 p. a. Wheat- Firm ; cub, (, ; Dec, MS ; ilay, 101',. Cora Steady; caihaUr DerslV; May, uits Sleady; caah, U; Dec,ta; May, lev. Uarley-EleJdy.SOi fork "tcadyj cain, IMS; Jan., 11J7J,'; Mar.ll.67j;. . LjpI Steady; cub, CIO; Jan., U7.V3 10; Jlay.ti:ji. FOR SALE. ADCnitAU - DEVON COW. WITH . toudjc heifer cair. EaceUent ilock fur milk prodneins an'l tratiermaklnc-. Ap ply to Ueorge Shepherd, (7 nam St-.City dl ESTRAY NOTICE. I have In my potteiiloa Oneredlteer, aveara old, nppralope off left ear, hole in rtfbt, braaded O on right hip. i It aald aalaal la not claimed and taken away within ten dayi. it will he sold ta the burkeit cub hi der on November 13ih, IK, atloo'docka m. asmycorralinBockvUIe, WaiblSKton Co.. Etlh. FRANK T. 81-lUt.lITEIt, Coutable ItockvUle ITerrsct. Diud at Itockvillc.vruhlnjrton C0-.UUI1, November S.h, U91. LEGAL NOTICE. In the Dutrlet Court in and for the Third Judicial Unmet of Utah Territory, County ot salt Lake. ELIZABETH rUUUIRE. tiEORUK V. lligmire, Jamea M. rnrmlre, Uiaa bcuikl. lueh, Edward M.lairmlre. Nancy K. rnrvatre, mnt K. rnrmlre. LeBoy Poffnure. lUcb rnrmlre. Jonathan R. roc. talre Landoa It. Ia;mlra and Jamea n. I'ormire. minora, Nancy C rnrmlre, rnar-dlaacf rnar-dlaacf incnt It. rea-mire, XeUoy rnrmlre, rnr-mlre, Uieh fsirsilre, Jonathan B. rnnalre. Landon It. regmire and Jamea B. rarmtre. minora; MarU N.Pccmire.Graeo K.raa; mire and Carrie rajcmire. minora, llarta N rnrmlre, Gaanlian of Grace E. rurmlre ad Carrie rnrmlre, minora, Henry X. rormlre. TTUliam N. rcrmlrr, fcJ en N. Kcctcb.Tbomas 9. rnrmlre. Anna 8. rnrmlre. David X. rarnure and Nora N. nrmtre. minora; Caroline lnrmlre.Goar. dlan or David N. rarmire nod Nora X. rn;-mire, rn;-mire, minora, lleuero. Pntmire, Uichari! 8 Parimre and Moroal rnrmlre, minora; Mary s. rnrmlre. Snardiin et lie-her lie-her 3. rnrmlre. Richard 8. rnralra and XloronI rnrmlre. minora; tlamuffi, va. Sarah Ulley, Joaeph u. rnrmlre. E4U4 ,cta Tay.or (formerly hlixabeih Joseph) and Hannah Boren; Georre U. rnrmlre. Jamea AL rnrmlre and Edward at. rurmires admtnutratora of the eitate of Jonathan rnrmlre Jrdreeued; Samuel J. lUch sad adward al. I'urmire at ad oln a ratora of she cattto ot uicent &f. rnrmlre, de ceaied; Henry Dinwoodey aa executor of ilbe toil will and teatiment of Jonathan rarmtre. fir- .deceased, DelenJ anta. Tbe 1'copfe of th- Territory of 'uh send Grftlnr To Mraa Rtir Joseph II. Purnure, EUaabeth Tailor (formerly Ettaaijeib. Joaepb) and ltan-nah ltan-nah Eoren; Georre At. rnrmlre, Jamea M. rnrmtre. and Edward At. rnraire. aa adminurratora ot the eaute or Jonathan rnrmlre, Jonlor. ceccued: Samuel J. Clca and Edward al. rurmlre. aa admin-utratora admin-utratora at the eaute ot Vincent U Inr-mtre.drceued, Inr-mtre.drceued, Henry Dinwoodey, aa can rotor ot tbe but wilt and teaument of Jonathan rnrmlre, renlor, deceased. De-fenjasta. De-fenjasta. Ton are hereby required to appear In an action bronrht airalnit yoa by the above named plaintiffs In tbe Diatrict Conrt of the Third Judicial District of tbe Territory of Utah, and to answer tbe complaint nled therein within ten daya (exclusive of the day ot service) after the service on yoa cr this summons tt served withls this conn ty;or,lf served out of tbla county, but In ton district, witaln lwentydara;otuerwUa within forty dv or Judgment by default will be taken aratn-t yon, aceordinr. to the prayer of aald complaint. 1 hia action ta bronxht to Lave a decree of HM court rttnlrlar the defendants to set forth the natnre of their dalma and deter-erialnr deter-erialnr ail the-adrerse dalma of tha de. f endants. to that certain pieco or parcel of land.titnated in the city and county of bait Lake. Utah Terrltor). bounded and described de-scribed aa follows, lo-wlt Urrinnlnz at the nonbweat earner of Lot 3. Block 30. nit A, rait Lake City aurvey, running thence south e mrft. ihnM ,iii-.LMii, thence north S rods, tt ence west 7;, rols to he place ot begtnnmr; aojudrmg that the defendants htvo no estate or Interest whatever la or to said premises, oranyparttbereor.andtha tbe tills or Ire lunula thereto uroodand valid, and de-xrrigg de-xrrigg tbe def endanta and each of them from assertion any claim whatever la or to aid land and premises adverse to the plats-UO; plats-UO; and for anch other and rurther relief as to the court shall seem meet a.d equitable equit-able and tor cost of amt. M And yea are hereby notified that If yon fail to appear and answer the said com. plaint as above required, tbe said plalaun will apply to tbe Court for the relief demanded de-manded therein. Witness, tbe Hon. Charles S. Zane, Judre. and the Seal of the Uiitnet Conn of the Tnlrd Judicial Dutrlet. I and for the Territory Ter-ritory of Cub. this 1st day of October, la the year er onr 1-ord one thousand efrat hnnnredanit ninety. UttL.) llENBTClfelaLLAN. Clerk. Bl Gto. S. LOOKU. Deputy Crerk. :" alr'T-" "i.r'r " LZ- 1 WHO'fiLtTMADrfuPTHaRMIflDS'RIGIDcLE y HATTHEY'O NEVER COOJLMOFeT a ,. KVWRESrVUZEDOOR TSJWrEtOTOfl.-XHEIR OVOarOVJCrrllgl rtL H jc $it SgW IF YOU WANT THE BEST, Mll? harter oak, WMW With the Wire Gauze Oven .Doors. FOlt SALE BY Z. C. M. I., Solo Agents in Stilt iike City. 3?11 XJ H. 3XT X T XJ RE Z 11 ( MAIN STREET. MARGETTS BROS., TtA, (DWYER'S OLD STAND), X?? V1WH0LESALE AND RETAIL! M EuTdepes, CE.UXCS HI CnjOTs, EierdssBooka. I Ccmpsaaea, lirallSstlnj-. fflflffflfi? lfiflTf. AbcartEraser, Fendl Sharpens, i Hlllll K I 1 1 I K compomtko Books. sa yyllUUa SUUIiyxs Baskets. taiVndK TsMcts, f iraptra, eeTOYS & FfiCV GOODS.Vsz Drawing Instruments one! Papers. TQ S. Main Strisict, - - Sait Lake Citv I5 Tho Most Complete Lino of RUBBER fj. BOOTS, ARCTICS and RUBBERS - " -w-, for Ladies' Cents and Chll-- J P " dren's Wear at Wholo- Vj J 23 salo and Retail, f tS 35 SCHOOL SHOES. .4 "ZJ 3" E q&5ljjL S DODGLAS CELEBRATED SHOES, g 1CJQR'S Opp. Salt Lake Tiieatre, f F. ABHM & BIO. SPECIAL BARGAIN . SALE In Silks 0 Dress Goods! 1 1 ?5r,ncrr,0rIe.tU?i.En!"'.fle? S1 ind.n'e Good. Department, an OVERCROWDED OVER-CROWDED with the Latest and Beit Fabrics. To Make Room, We Offer A Splendid Lino of Newly Imported Black Satin Rha-damo3at75c., Rha-damo3at75c., 90c, $1.15, $1.25, $1.50, $1.85 and upwards. up-wards. Every yard worth from 25c. to 75c. more than prlcos quoted. A Full Lino of Choicest Colorings In Falllo Francai3o at St.OO. Sold everywhere for SI.SO. Como early. Black Falllo Francalse pure Silk Fillings, at 95c, SI.25 $1.50 and $2.00. ' A comploto assortment In Colored Gros Grain Silks worth SI.IO, at 75c. ' A double Warp Lyon3 Black Satin Marveileux, retailed in Now York City at $4.00,f or $2.35 per yard. Tho Greatest Great-est Bargain over offered In Silk. u. IrIfoHl,!.S' W,,JP?rds ,n p"adot Effocts, and many High Novelties In Silk for Stroot and Evening Wear AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES. 300 plocos of Black and Colorod Silk Volvots, at 60c. 75c., SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and upwards to SIO.OO per yard' Prices which can nover bo duplicated again under tho' Now Tariff Law. IT IS M Va THAT SSBST SPECIAL OFFERIXGS In tho Latest Dress Pattorn3 with Trimmings to Matcn attracts crowds of buyers. Such Prices as S2 75 so. in S7.00, $9.00. $11.25, $12.15 and $15.00, ticketed on Now and Stylish Suits, gives tho rich and those not so favored by fortuno tho opportunity to dros3 well and stylish at small expense. J Our lines of French and Gorman Broadcloths. at?t on $1.65, $2.25 and $2.75 In Black and Choicost co?or! aS tho best valuos over offered. -wiura aro Lots of Other Bargains In Dross Goods Wo havo no space to mention. OUR NEW DEPARTMENT For Cloaks, Ladles' Suits, Wrappers, Eta. has doubled Its formor sales. Tho groat variety of stylos-tho porfoct fit and finish of our garments, and beyond ail our "Ono Prlcathr. Lowest Posslbio-retains our old friends and brings now patron3 In largo numbors to our well known house. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS In a lot of Lister Soal Plush and Astrachan Trim, Capes, with Tabs, at $7.50, $12.00, SlsToo jSitJ I S2O0?? almost half price. - 2O-0O; Ladlos' and Missos' Nobby Jackets In all tho n Stylos and latest fabrics, trimmed In Persian Lamb R,f SOoach?11 Krimmr' atPr,cs ranglns from 25 to Ulsters and Newmarkets at $2.50, $6.00, S7 so eQ or, and upwards. ., ca.uu Children's and Misses' Cloaks, ages, 4 to 12 yoart in tho most taking styles & colorings, at SI.OO to SI5 00 eTrh Ladies' Suits, Wrappers and Toa Gowns, Children", Drosses, Infants' Cloaks, Eta, stylish and cheap. THE LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTY T Ostrich and Cock Feather Boat, ai cheap aa tt lha "Bon March. th. leading .hop In Pirlt-Oneof ourbri3hteitand mo.t .tyll.hl.dU.iL....9 turned from Pari, admit, the above I '" utt " Our first importation of Ladle.' and Mine.' Hoalsrv a ii.j ImoittihiBtied by th. lat.cold .p.but m, W.,BS u,.t n'nV.r. making our....ortment a9aln complete, and ourprietT.A lowerth. ".'.?. JTo Trouble to Shoto Goods J One JPrtco to All I We are Xcver Undersold ! Milt ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. - - ESTABLISHED HW. F. ABMI & BIB., . -is Showing Unquestionably tho I LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF DRESS - GOODS iit the curr-z: Mwmdkmmmiwmi No other Establishment Is so woll able to satisfy is pat- fl rons as wo are, and wo Invito an Inspection of Our H Elogant Stocks. TsOtwIthstanding tho Increase Mj in tho tariff, no advance has been made H in our prices, all Our Good3 having been MJ purchased boforo tho McKinley law wont Into offect. and wo pro- H poso to givo Our Patrons MJ the benefit of our early jMj -Purchases. MJ OUR DRESS GOODS stock is fall raid complete, comprising the I Latest Novelties and Newest Designs. SILKS, Tint Shado3, for evening wear.- Colored Surahs, iron I 50c. to SI.OO, all Nev Shades. We have the largest assort- I meat in town of Black Silk?, in Gros Grains, Pean de Soies, I Satin Rhadames and Armnres. I VELVETS, in Black and Colored, SLOO to S1.75. A Snpsrb Stock. I We are offering an elegant Silk Dress Velvet, in all colors, I 24 inches wide, at S1.75, worth 82.50. K PLUSHES, Black and Colored, 75c to SLOO per yard. I BLACK DRESS GOODS, in Henriettas, Cashmeres, Armnres fl Whip Cords and Serges, in all prices. A Perfect Line. IN ENGLISH BROADCLOTHS wa are sho-jring the largest line I ever imported. All colors, from S1.15 to S2.50 per yard. I Black, from 81.15 to S3.00. I BLACK ANJ COLORED CAMEL HAIR, from SI.25 to S2.50. W We hale an EXQUISITE LINE of PLAIDS and AH Stjlss of Trimmings to Suit all Black and Colored Dress Goojs is i Stock, Tinsels, Featbers and Far. 1 SEE - OUIt r ELEGAXT - SHOW - WINDOWS. I Wo Carry tho Largest and Best Stock of fl KENSINGTON ART GOODS. I COHN-BRO'S. II nnnnB! II BEIILIX -VXD XE1T TODK X0TCLT1XS IS VRSPS, JACKETS AXI) II 1'J.CslI SACQCES. IST Express Brings Us Xcw Addition I)aUx. II i - M Ilaudaome Wrap lu Drover, Cori.crcir nlii MIX., claborntsl trim fl mm anil nnbrolilrrrtl, at SI3.C0. I3.0O. 1TJ0, 0.00 anil 30.30. M X'lukh Xtrapi nt 8IC3o.S0.O0 au.l 23.00. H -, -J0,t,n'r, J"1'. &e ! it can be protfurcU hi jls countir.at H OJ..3. JO, 5.00, COO, T.OO. SJO, 10.00, laoo and 13.C0. jH tlrst Kljle. la aolu Jackrti, from SG.00 aud nnn-ard 1 IInab Jackcu, 8H-IO la s I.OO. M Plush -acqnrs, SIS ta 33.00. H Flnnt Alatka Stai, 811.00 ta 00.00. H AJOL EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. wmT Xr,f "" onr S,0S' "mI "' ITIcm, jon raunol fall la fl 7o flni. m ' npr,or "mnu, nnJ tte bt taln posslblr fl H BARGAINS IN TEA GOWHTaHD WRAPPERS. I We ltr ogf nns Wry Ctiolcg Sew !,, nt gio.oo ta 22.0O. IJ MISSES' & CHILDI?jESt'S CLOAKS. SXUOI.3j S. 2J.23 IJ Or "" Cnkb Plaw, and Plain Color,, at 81.30 for alae 4, to fl IT-- .sT T" T ' nre "Crtlent bargain and nbra sold oat H cannot be replaced. H ifr.m?n.r.,,,KC,,,,l?,J,"d P,"M uiat-fct. the moat eompW. aaaortment eTer bronht here, at 83JO and upwards flj Infanta Short Coal., Plaid, and Plain Color, 3. and 1 icars. H euormoa. Tarleii. 83.00 to 10.00. -oior. -, 3, and 1 jcars. HJ BT.' Kll, SnlU. for , 3, nt 9ui0 aod Mfc ChHdxrnB Tnr Seta at La Prices fl .. S Blauue... LACE Y cWjlT j:T2sS. I !,. ThI.opportanltrHnotm. , f pr'Pa", a"- " IUr- H ehanae In TarlfrT CZr' xir aaln on neeonnt of Ibe new. at SI 00. 1.23. 1JO 7-3 S ,C"',al"'s ,""" '- H pair. Irlah Point taeo Cf. 2J' S'00' 3S' 4-' S-oa n'' afli 83.00, ...o, M0. i5ooao?oo: ctaUl r ' M VEIIESIIRIIE ElIHffraiBffiBlSHAVIS TSiS SOSDS. I J X riV?. AstDts ta SaIt Lakc "r tho OIebrate.1 VK. H " "'! TTfirT.wrTrs-- 's'rt&i flfl .IMPROVES THE HOUSEHOLD FOOD S-rfCT" l -J'T -WAJSKt. 1SB 3SST SltHARTER OAK, Y-" GA.t2E Chres. User-- Z. C. M. I., Solo ARentB in Salt Lake City 1 |