Show great school when the legislature last year visited the various of higher learning in the territory the members had many words of praise for each until they finally visited the brigham young academy at proto here they found an institution ex-ceeding in the of students in attendance the students of any other two schools of the territory and when comparison in running ex-panses bean to be made tho showing was so to the eions under tho control of the legis-lature as to cause adverse comment on the territorial institutions wo mean no disparagement by now recording the sentiment of the lLeeggisislalatotorrsa as freely expressed but we desire to impress in provo alie greatness of greatteesstt educational institution many of our citizens do not realize the army of young men and women from all parts of the inter mountain region woo flock to the temple of learning located at provo there are in attendance this out-side of the kindergarten department young people this ia a larger attendance we dare assort than that of any other two schools in the terri-tory provo needs to nourish euch an in-stituuttiioonn the city needs to be freed from vice and temptation as much as possible in order that thia may con-tinue the great educational center of utah the contort of students should be sought by way well lighted streets and well kept sidewalks the people can afford a little extra tax to 1 keep up these needed improvements from the finan-cial benefits alone derived from so many students in the city jb or board and lodging these students spend many thousands of dollars in provo every year then their society is also elevating the students of our higher educational institutions are usually the cream of the rising gener-ation of utah they are the pro-ggrreessssivivee young men and women of their own settlements and their as gocia tion hore foric a eort of cosmo politan life that cannot fail of being beneficial to the bociey of provo we repeat again ant the city en-courage higher education and make provo the groat educational centre of the intern mountain region prof of the |