Show jan 24 there was only a handful of cattle here today the biesh arrivals arri vala not exceeding head and there being very little stale stock but mt many cuttle were wanted and while the market bad afire tone it was not much higher F ices showed more than the usual irregularity but the remained as before dressed beat and shipping steers were sale aole at SO with moot of the trading at and bulls I 1 sold principally at 2 thoro waa a fair demind dem ind tor Bt and at there was much nervousness today in hoe values receipts were several thousand les than expected but buyers held off sales were principally at 05 for light and for averages over pounds the alosa waa rather arm the sheep market waa fairly active and the rece iota turned out light and was a gain in strength both theop aud lames eold higher sheep were quoted at lambs 60 cattle callea hogs AT YARDS OMAHA neb jan 22 cattle receipts veal calve ruled steady and coasy stags etc firm there was more activity and strength in the stacker and feeder trade today and prices for good weight stock ruled a shade firmer sheep receipts 1600 steady for god mutton dull and unchanged 01 common and block bethere We there native lambs KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY jaa 22 cattle re shipments 1500 to strong steers texas 2 colliado Coloia do 3 CO boef atbara 5 05 native cowa 1503 50 Bt and fe edera balls receipts market steady |