Show tells of tiie silver conspiracy ANEW NEEDED sha goes after both old parties eluh shod man a failure the renowned lady mia phoebe who lectured at the opera houa last mat a very abdall abo di deuce uce the depth of enow which fell 8 all day blocking the af rim lerine walking w is one reason another the fact that a wedding of some prominence was being held and a banquet and other entertainments it is to be deep ly regret ilie people of prove may not anve the opportunity of again hearing so abla a speaker lay bare the facts with regard to the financial history of ahe united states the speaker was by judge dusenberry who eaid the lady had attended at the same institution where he did and hal always leen re marriable marii able for the intensity of her feel ioia and the deep interest she gave both to study and play misa courina gracefully accepted the fudges remarks accepted the awkward of empty chairs cheer fully and said she would do as beecker had done on a memorable bec ision he found himself confronted by a single listener where he was announced to lecture but he gave that single man the full benefit of the subject for he said perhaps I 1 may convert him and a greater than I 1 may tase up the cause iu chichi am laboring this man proved to be one of the greatest of the age the lady then proceeded to unfold the various stops of what ahe terms the silver conspiracy claiming that the effects of the ot silver ia making haupers paupers of the free men and women of the greatest nation on airth while in new york city where live the astora and goulda worth their hundreds hun dreda of mil liona ahe bad been thousands of haggard pallid and desperate men accepting at the bands of charity the bread they were not allowed to earn and greit indeed was the apfl erini of women and children Capita lintn bv contracting the currency depreciating the value of but gold which they haye safely locked in their illegal and un banks have ruin on the wor kina classes where ever she bad traveled in the east or west the aada conditions existed was at the national republican convention at denver and heard don camerona Oa merona letter warning that convene tion ot the ruin that would follow aeilt and sore the financial policy the nation was now pursuing read extracts from the letter and other speeches and news paper editorials all bearing out her the royal richt of humanity to be free and equal bad been ratified by the beat blood of the nation when england had sought to make america a tributary province but what else were we now the of revolutionary times aad formulated a plan of finances which the speaker explained at arrest loneia with aa its foundation and the power bested in the government to expand it in ehg form of green backs iu time of need gald proverbially bialy hides itself when calamity overtakes a nation and the war of aba rebellion had been fought on green backs issued on the credit of the nation behind which stood the wealth and patriotism of the people it stood equal with old while the bonds which now enslaves the nation are issued on the perpetual indebtedness ot the people ibis debt ia a fictitious one and you and your children are pay inic millions of bellars of interest on it men seem to think they know it all but if I 1 had bean as great a failure as they nave in their most solemn and learned utterance of their public print I 1 would retire and let some more pat botic person take the helm a while only the other day the tribune eaid ab for a man to lead ua out of this famer ancy once our countrymen refused the english money system accepting tha french but their degenerate sons are to accept their flu ancial system the of silver which should stand at the ratio of 15 to 1 was accomplished by fraud and diplomacy at the international convention mr bungles bad voted for a kolf standard bv an order from john sherman who on five thousand dollars ft year waa aole to live in a white marbe palace and spend fifty thousand there was no hope for silver in either of tte old parties but in some newer party formed of those who aea and rea lize the danger and are willing to apply the remedy our trade dollar has on it the face of a noted demi mondo and the bird is ao english buzzard and not an american eagle and the motto in god we trust should be changed we arnat in john bull and the devil for the whole schema of the trade dollar is of english origin and was appropriately on all fools day |