Show WIND IN GEOLOGY it meteorites to disappear in hubbies and past the part played by the air in glo gy is turning out to he more important than was believed it is not only that it shifts the sands of the desert or the shore and abrades the rocks with a kind of natural sandblast and conveys the ashes of volcanoes to areat distances says the boston globe by the friction of the atmosphere it fuses meteoric stones and scatters their dust far and wide A peculiarity of this meteoric dust is that it contains numerous little hollow pellets and tubes as well as scales and angular fragments of vitreous matter these pellets are discovered in ordinary air by the microscope on the towers of cathedrals and on the snows of the alps as well as in the arctic re eions moreover they are found in the ooze at alie bottom of seas and oceans and also in the sedimentary rocks which have been deposited by ancient seas they are formed by the air acting on the melted surface of the meteoric stone and are in fact a kind of air bubble of microscopic size 51 daubrey has proved by experiment that granite perforated by a blast of nitroglycerine gases develops such pellets on the fused lining of the blast liole and quite recently M meunier another french geologist has found that the lava wool formed by the wind blowing on the molten lava of the hawaiian volcano mauna loa after the manner of slag wool consists chiefly of such mineral tubes and pellets |