Show unearthed SOME BOGUS TICKETS they were printed on different tinted paper the broken letter U the denouement of the democracy Demo cacy of salt like is cumi light on liy th before the board yesterday Yeat erday alie democrats not to fright ing among themselves over the dis and the board was nerved with the from candidates salt lake january 22 1895 tajh hurd W U dale and geo L anva gentlemen come now II 11 A ismile and A tl and oba ct to the method adopted bv in deter the result of the number cast at the election on november for afie delegates to the constitutional convention ia thi third precinct of ailt in salt lake coulty utah Teni tory ana we hereby demand fotion that you count all the ballots casi in all three polls of said precinct on date BO far as chev effect the rights of the eaid smith raleigh and A W mccune in tin nii iuler of votes cast for each ot said persona 11 A SMITH A H RALEIGH by john M cannon his att torney the canvassers pursued their own methods however and decided to tiby to the election of preston H A smith and mccane democrats and jihn frimith and emery kalub laicans perhaps a communication to the utah commission explaining the condition of revealed by the re count in their on other poll boses yesterday the ng features were fical when the DJS of poll 2 was opened at this point mr letcher appealed with the minute journal of the dutrh avith the record of what that body did with the box when they opened it at p m december IS ISM 1 I wanted to be present when this box waa opened aid mr letcher to see that the envelope wa sealed as the had sealed it ana he WAS allowed to the game carefully and was everything was guyt a the bad left it on thai date the board then proceeded to count the ballots in the box showing an excess of votes above the certified number the count was progressing mr letcher to the table and asked mr anve it he had noticed or discovered any ditle rence in taj tint of the p ipar on which the democratic Damo cratic ticket as printed mr nye eaid he had not paid any attention 1 I havo beau told eaid mr eteller Lt eller that in not only a dille ence in the fiut but that there ie M krokyn U in the allig jd fraudulent DJ suii to an ti iii on that hier bain un mr anve tho box from under the table and a bundle of pink tinted tabs were gone over by mr nye aud mr letcher it did not acquire very much time nor diligent bearch before mr nya found there was a difference in the quality of the paper of bome of the ballots A further search not only discovered the broken U but found the alleged counterfeits with the U in the bame position perfect this may or may not be a startling suffice it that such are the conditions developed the presence of everybody at and around the table air cannoa kept objecting io behalf of ike democratic candidates he depre to the count bt ioe made io favor of H A smith and not the other dem kurats ho claimed the excena or ballots go to all and hr tu consult with other attorn 9 ceya on the matter finally the board to allow him consultation |