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Show VISITS PARENTS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Lyshon of Salt Lake spent two days of the last week with Mrs. Lyshon's parent Mr. and Mrs. Orson Hutchinson, i VISIT" MB. ROBINSON' Mrs. Retta Harmer, Mrs. Lucy Robertson. Mrs. Hilton Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Metcalf motored to Salt Lake Sunday to visit Bishop Hilton Robertson at the L. D. S. hospital. SPEND SUNDAY HERE Miss Mercia Klinkle in company with Miss Nell Sumsion of Salt Lake visited friends and relatives in Springville Saturday and Sunday. Miss Sumsion gave a short talk in the afternoon session in conference Saturday. MOTOR TO SUMMIT Miss Myrtle Childs, with her mother Mrs. A. O. Childs, motored to Soldier Summit Wednesday to visjt Miss Norma Childs. HERE FROM SANPETE Miss Dorothy Poulsen of Mt. Pleasant is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jack Perham this week. VISIT FRIENDS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilcox of San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Rhoda Hatfield Hat-field and Miss Ray Glazier of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. H. Patton Johnson John-son of Santa Paula, Calif., Miss Mary Gardner, Levi and Claire Gardner of Delta, Utah, were guests during last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Gardner. VISIT UP STATE Mr. and Mrs. Selvoy Boyer spent two days of the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Hales in Salt Lake. They also visited relatives at Kaysville. NEW GIRL COMES TO TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoskins are the proud parents of a baby daughter daugh-ter born in this city Friday, July 13. Mrs. Hoskins was formerly Miss Annis. Smith. IOWANS VISIT SPRINGVILLE Mrs. Harold Johnson and son Dick, in company with Miss Helen Lutz of Iowa City, Iowa spent two days of the past week with relatives and friends in Springville. SAD NEWS COMES Ray Roberson of this city received receiv-ed word Sunday from his wife, who has been visiting in Louisville, Ky., of the death of her mother. Mrs. J. M. Suddeth in that city. Mrs. Roberson Rober-son went to Kentucky on account of the failing health of her mother and has been there seven weeks. MRS. STRONG CONVALESCING Mrs. Willis Strong is convalescing at her home from a recent operation opera-tion for appendicitis, which she underwent un-derwent in this city. SALT LAKE VISITOR Miss Lois Blanchard is visiting this week in Salt Lake, the guest of Miss Hilda Clegg and Mrs. Grace Stubbs formerly of Springville. , VVAINWRIGHTS IN CALIFORNIA Bishop and Mrs. William Wain-wright Wain-wright and daughter Lucy left Monday morning for California, where they will visit their daughter J and sister Mary, who is in the L. D. S. California mission field. On their-return they will travel up the ' coast to Vancouver and from there they will go to Bellingham, Wash-where Wash-where Bishop Wainwright worked as an L. D. S. missionary. hsm. 7T;. IDAHO Superbly conditioner , i , . , nd son Recti l months of intensive 1 . .. , . , , a visit with ney relaxed today. He -n , , J night in his isolated BuHcy an'-' heart of pine clad mi -four miles acroft AKfZONA Mr. aiiJ.Mrs. Albert Coplan 01 Mesa, Arizona, are spending several sev-eral weeks with their daughter Mrs. J. M. Sumsion and family of this city. S0C!ETY 1 The Gleaner girls of the Second ward M. I. A. were delightfully entertained en-tertained Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Ada Smith. Mrs. Hannah Han-nah Davis gave an especially inter-eating inter-eating review of the book "The Vale Prophet". In conclusion a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess assisted by her sisters Miss Ekla and Lola Smith, to thirty-two members mem-bers and guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Pier Brinton entertained enter-tained at an informal dinner jin;!y ftt their home Tuesday evening in complement to Dr. and Mrs. FranU H. Brinton who are visiting hero from San Francisco. Calif. Summer flowers formed a pretty centerpiece for the dining table, around vhich covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs D- P. Brinton, the honor guc:;ts nnd members of the immediate family, Mrs. Hyrum Straw in company with Mrs. Mark Boyer, Miss Mclbn Straw and Mrs. Isma Trussen of Prcvo formed a party Wednesday and motored to American Fork canyon where a delicious picnic lunch was enjoyed. The party also Visited Miss Lucille Straw who is spending her vacation at Camp AHamont. " One of the most delightful parties part-ies of the week was given Tuesday when Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allcmnn entertained at a well-arranged birthday, dinner in honor of Mrs. Alleman'a father, Mrs. F. M. Houtz. who was seventy-seven years U that day. Mr. Houtz has 'been seriously ill for some time, this be-"E be-"E the first so-l al function he has Den able to attend for several Months. After the dinner a ploa;;-art ploa;;-art time was spent with games and musical program. Those present Were; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Houtz Jr- Mr. and Mrs. R?y Houtz of t-ake Point, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. -loutz and children Earl and Char-'e. Char-'e. of Soldier Summit. Mr. and Mis. T. W. Binks and children Mcl-Ptoma Mcl-Ptoma and Sarah-Marie, the honor Sliest Ah-. Houtz and members of Jje immediate Alleman family. Mr. Houtz received a number of nice oirthday gifts from the many rola-t,ves rola-t,ves present. Mi3s Mclba Condie of this city and Harvard Osmond of Provo, no win be married this week were nonor guests at a family party i given by Prof, and Mrs. Alfred Osmond Os-mond at their home in Provo Monday Mon-day evening. A program was given, and dainty refreshments were served serv-ed to seventy-five guests present. The ladies of the American Leg-; Leg-; ion Auxiliary met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Delia C!"v1". President Mrs. Lela Nelson presided. presid-ed. Committees to help with tho July 24 celebration were chosen and other duties of the auxilia-v discussed. Dainty refreshment? were served by the hostess to 1 twelve members present- Mrs. G. S. Wood and Mrs. J. X. C-ardncr spent Tuesday in Salt 1 Lake visiting friends. In compliment to her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Packard, Miss Eliza Packard entertained at an especially well arranged dinner at their noma Wednesday evening. The long dining table was centered with a beautiful basket of summer flowers. Covers were la-d for the following friends: Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cook, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Crandall, and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Maycock. Miss Eliza Packard with her brother, Alton returned this week from a motor trip to Strawbeiry Valley and Salt Lake. They were 1 accompanied home by their niene Miss Margery Packard of Salt Lake City, who will visit several days. The members of the Social Twelve club will be pntrta in . Thursday, August 2, at the home of Mis. Lewis Clegg. Cards will he featured, and all members are asked ask-ed to be present. i ! VISIT IX NORTIIKRX UTAH' I Mrs. Nora Clyde returned to her home Sunday after visiting ten days with her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnson at Ogden, and her son George Dewey, Clyde and family at Logan. TO MAKE HOME HERE Mr. and Mrs. Jasper S. Jar vis came from Ogden this week wher1 Mr. Jarvis has been teaching in the Weber college. They expect to make their home in Springville hav ing recently purchased the Jabez Taylor farm here. Mrs. Jarvis was formerly Mildred Boyer of this city. VISIT S. L. RELATIVES Mrs. J. S. Wing and grandson visited relatives and friends in Salt Lr.kc Sunday and Monday. |