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Show (u) C UJ J .lyiLJll iJI2!! I 111 Li u J - UV U j!z3z2r3 Plans Hearing Completion For Huge Red-Leiter Day; Mammoth Parade Feature '. (Ti Every Minute of Day Offers Thrills and Amusement for Everybody; Thousands Expected Ex-pected to Join Celebration Everything is shaping nicely for the greatest Pioneer day celebration celebra-tion ever staged in Springville, according ac-cording to members of the committees commit-tees in charge. Merchants, civic, and patriot io organizations are joining with the American Legion and Springville band in making the celebration the huge success it promises to be. Many merchants and other organizations or-ganizations of the city already have their floats in course of construction, construc-tion, and arrangements are under way to bring to Springville manv of the floats used in the parade staged in Provo July Fourth. The activities will commence with the break of day, when a salute sal-ute will be fired. Following this the Springville band wiil arouse th; citizenry with military music. The mammoth parade will begin to assemble as-semble at 9 o'clock, and promptly ' at 10 o'clock it will proceed on th'-I th'-I line of march north on Main fitre-!. and return. Bcs'-des a great variety of floats, the primary children will present their anniversary pageant as a part of i the parade. At leant two bands will furnish music for the event. At 2 o'clock a league basnball gSme will be played. This will be' followed by al kinds of races, and In all probability a rodeo show or an airplane exhibition will be given. The day will close with a big l"4'S' dance at Glengarry resort. The above is only a part of the day's program, according to members mem-bers of the legion and the band, who are in charge. Many surprise events are being planned, and with the passing of each day new features fea-tures are being added to make the day a red-letter one in the history of the city. It is stated that these organizations organiza-tions are receiving the heartiest cooperation from the American Legion of Provo. which organization organiza-tion is not lacking in appreciation of the fine support given it July Fourth by the Springville post, Springville band and the citizens generally, it is stated. |