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Show REPORT Made to the Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah of the condition of THE 5IENDEXHALL BANKING COMPANY Located at Springville in the county of Utah, State of Utah, at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1928. ... RESOURCES - Loans and discounts $135,193.15 Overdrafts 810.03 Stocks, bonds and securities, etc 19,218.00 Bank house 12,300.00 Furniture and fixtures, including post office .. 3,585.29 Due from other banks . . 19,952.55 Checks on other banks in same town $ 1,652.67 Cash items . . . 585.54 Gold 1,825.00 Silver 300.80 Currency 2,344.00 Total cash on hand 6,708.01 Expenses $ 2,003.33 Interest paid.. 47.87 Total 2,051.20 Total $197,967.03 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 35.000.00 Surplus fund 7,000.00 Undivided profits $ 1,654.00 Interest 3,489.03 Exchange 151.59 Rents 401.50 Total 5,696.12 Less expenses and taxes paid, etc 2,051.20 Net undivided profits . . . 3,644.92 Deposits subject to check 70,887.13 Total demand deposits .. 70,887.13 Time certificates 854.40 Savings deposits 80,573.67 Total time deposits 81,428.07 Cash over 6.91 Total $197,967.03 STATE OF UTAH, County of Utah. J. F. Mendenhall, being fii'3t duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at tne close of business on the 30th day f June, 1928. J. F. MENDENHALL. Correct Attest: GUY W. MENDENHALL, W. W. CLYDE, J. W. DOUGALL, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me 'Ws 7th day of July, 1928. DON C. JOHNSON, Notary Public. (SEAL) My commission expires 13th day of July, 1928. STATE OF UTAH, or'icc of Bank Commissioner. I. Seth Pixton, Bank Commission-cr Commission-cr f the State of Utah, do hereby ccrtiry that the foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of the statement state-ment of the above named company, flcd in my office this 13th day of Jd'y, 1928. SETH PIXTON, Bank Commissioner. |