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Show ANNUAL UTAH COUNTY CATTLE SHOW HELD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (Special to the Herald) SPANISH FORK, April 7. Preparations are rapidly being completed for the biggest livestock show ever held in Utah county which will be staged here Friday and Saturday of this week. Several hundred head of the finest types of beef and dairy cattle will be on display at the show grounds at the city park. Sheep and hogs will also be on exhibit. Awards aggregating more than $500 will be given the winners. The stock show will be one of the gala days of the south end of the county and carnival features will be abundant at the show. ' " Meetings will be held at the 'city pavilion Friday morning morn-ing at which leading cattle experts of the state will be the speakers. J. P. Welch, county agricultural agent, who has assisted greatly in making a success of the show, will be one of the speakers.. . . Three of the foremost judges of cnttle and sheep In the Btate have been selected to judge the, . show. C. G. Adney of Corrlne, a member of the board of trustees of the Utah Agricultural college, will judge the beef cattle. Trof. Clawson Y. Cannon Can-non of the Young university will judge the dairy cattle and the hogs. Rulon Dixon of Provo, bead of the agricultural department . of . the Pleasant Grove high school and one of the leading sheep judges of the intermountaiii country, will have charge of the sheep judging. All of tbese'judges will speak at the meeting following the completion comple-tion of tbe judging. The high school band will play during intervals at the show and will also give a concert early Friday morning at the band stand at the city park. Saturday, morning a public auction auc-tion of a large number of the cattle cat-tle will be held under the direction of Dr. G. C. Taylor. : Entertainments of art interesting nature have been arranged. Horse races will be held at the race track Friday afternoon. The fire department depart-ment will give an exhibition and the first day's activities will conclude with a grand ball in the auditorium the music to be rendered by Warner War-ner Stone's Columbians of Provo. The show is attracting interest hot only in Utah county but also In neighmboring counties and many farmers and livestock growers from various' parts of the Btate are' expected ex-pected to be present at the show. |