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Show ilERIFF RAIDS "SPANISH FORK iefe: tirco succossfu raids wore staged to fiShorlff J. D. Boyd and Doner Don-er P's Otto Birk and Geoi'uc Davis at you uisU Furl; late Tuesday nlRlit. wtil'S a result the treasury of the ieri' ,.urt WMS om.ic.ileil jjj;ir,7 -wort. '". when JudKo Georne 8. Ballit nlll'l I). It. t'hristensmv and Arehie r '" 'I'll $150 each and six months in ie minty jail nnd I.on Johnson $7.1 to throe months in the county jail. t'D ' Jail sentences ivore suspended c0" 'ling good behavior of the men. :ovc' |