Show three stores broken into at provo the festive burglars swooped down on provo prove again monday night and entered three businger bua bus inea ineer nooses houses they f found on nd nothing but prove scrip which they pocketed they entered the eureka saloon took a bottle of whisky a bottle of brandy and the cash register the register was carried into the back yard where it was pounded open and 7 dollars in scrip and 1 in cash secured the register was found in a great many pieces this morning and its demolition 13 aard a id by the proprietor mr harrison to be his hia greatest loss grocery store was next visited and the cash rez register ster carried out on 0 o tha sHe walk the liquor was ey evidently getting gettine in its ita work for the burglars boldly pounded open the register on the sidewalk they secured a dollar or two in scrip at this place and scat some papers to the four winds john has not net yet vet missed articles of goods good though eolo way may have bean stolen als was also enter ed ad but no register could there be ba found nothing was stolen today a large piece of bacin was wai carried away from W H grays store out of the back door it may have been a dog but the officers are looking for a tramp the whole job la Is believed to ba the work of hobos no arrests have yet jet been made |