Show TOE illinois democrats all right IS DENOUNCED D EN 0 CED igrec coinage strongly favored cuban atrocities important dispatches under way PEORIA ills june 23 special today the democratic party of the state of illinois which in 1892 gave grover cleveland a plurality of goes on record as almost unanimously in favor of the free independent and unlimited coinage of silver and as unalterably opposed to the present administration and its policy there were in the neighborhood of seven thousand delegates and visitors in attendance when state chairman henrichson called the state democratic convention to order in the immense tabernacle which was wag crowded to the doors with visitors anxious to witness the successful culmination mi nation of the effort to commit the democracy of illinois to the free silver creed cread a policy which was inaugurated anedina in a special convention of that party held at springfield over a year ago for the consideration of the financial question the thoroughness with which the silver legions have swept the state may be judged from the fact that less than fifty sound money delegates have seats in the convention of course this result was pot not attained without the efforts having given rise to a world of dissension alje most notable battle occurred in chicago and cook county which have a representation in the state convention of delegates it een by the gold element early in the spring that they had bad a desperate fight on their hands the refusal of the county central committee which was overwhelmingly in favor of the white metal a to hold the primaries for the selection of delegates to the state convention under the state primary election law a statute whose application ia is optional with the different parties and its announced determination to retain control of the primaries in its own hands precipitated a bolt on the part of the anti hilyer men the latter refused to participate in what they termed the brace primaries formed an entirely new party organization held a county convention of their own and nominated delegates to the state convention of course it was not at any time thou thought ht that gathering would admit the contesting delegation but its refusal to do so will form part of the record that will be presented to the national democratic convention toge together with a vigorous protest against admitting the free silver delegates to the national gathering the usual committees were appointed by the convention at its initial session today and although the body has not as yet formally commit commuted ed itself it is a foregone conclusion that free silver resolutions will be adopted and an d free silver candidates selected to the national convention the business of the gathering comprises the nomination of E governor lieutenant governor secretary of state auditor of public accounts treasurer attorney general three trustees of the state university 24 electors for president and vice president of the united states 48 delegates to the national democrat ic convention and a state central committee although governor altgeld who with state chairman hinrichson ric lison has led the silver forces has signified that he does not desire a re I 1 nomination he will undoubtedly be the choice of the convention for GOT governor cuban atrocities NL naw nsw nv jane 22 the world says the american three masted ec ac booner hooner mable hooper of 0 rockland maine which has just arrived in this harbor brings news of fresh atrocities by spanish troops in cuba the houper hooper sailed ten days davs ago from on the north cost of cuba and in santa clara province while at that the american consul consal told the captain of the hooper in substance this story the spanish commander of the post there had bad orders fr from m havana isee to see to it that alt all the tobacco planted near should be taken to that city A large lare tobacco plantation about three miles milea south of is ig owned by mr gonzalez gonzalea said to be an american citi z an n the rho spanish commander comma sum boned gonzales GoE ziles to his bis headquarters and asked why he had failed to comply with the captain gene generals rats proclamation mr gonzales explained that the troops had bad token taken all his horses and cattle and he ha could not cart his tobacco 1 61 I am with your ex olana tion said the spanish commander you may return to your tour plantation the spaniard then sent for a young lieutenant anant and instructed him to take tae a guard and escort mr gonzales gonzalea to his plantation tin upon at th the 0 plantation M gon gonsales ales was met by his hia wife aud and their fire e small children YOU yon may enter your house py said eaid the lieutenant and you will remain there until I 1 send for you shortly afterwards da the soldiers soi diera plied piled a lot of dry gamss and shavings about the house and set fire to it tae smoke soon boon compelled the family to leave and as they walked w from the rear door tb the e front of the building being in flamed all were shot down the lieutenant reported to his commander that gonzales Goi go zales and his family bal bad tried to escape and were shot because abay disobeyed orders by leaving the house general gomex arrived near sagas bagua some daya dava later a at bead of an army eaid paid to nun number br 10 men when he learned how the spaniards had kil killed ed mr gonzales Gonza iea and his family he became furious MAY LEAD TO WAR WAK NEW june 21 A dispatch to the herald from havana says consul general lee forwarded to resident Pes ident ClE cleveland Clevela velard cd today saturday dispatches of the utmost importance they should reach the president and secretary olney early in the coming week the dispatches dle patches contain the full fall report of the consul general upon the cuban situation and are of an extremely dional character chr acter in these dispatches there are two distinct instruments the one wholly con i nd for the personal information of president cleveland the other a clear frank exposition of the situation in the island at the present time with the greatest candor the representative of the united states in havana describes the existing condit condition of af airs in cuba I 1 haye have seen consul general lee today and notwithstanding his reticence and re to reply to questions in relation espe especially ally to his confidential re port to president ole gle eland I 1 am justified in drawing the conclusion that his bis document is of tremendous im im to 10 the united states and spain so strong is it in fact that its ita contents may it i hinted be made the basis oi of armed intervention in affairs on the part of the administration at washington immediately schillings birst best is more inspiring more invigorating more delicate than any other tea and yet some people will want money back they shall have it |