Show provos most popular lady lu la accordance with S S J jones anes gos colo a column is oren I 1 in the ficq enquirer far the recording of cf the tee ballots cast for the most popular lady in provo the tha lady highest number of votes on july to be awarded an elegant dress dresa vat pattern tern BALLOTS RECEIVED UP DP TO TODAY aties mav brown mrs W WH H berry miss daisy dahav moore 52 miss migs maid man d boshard Bo ahard 61 51 miss mies freds barnum Barn nm 47 miss li Effie affie fenn 43 Us mamie ale wilkins 40 miss annie 32 mrs sam 28 sirs J R 19 mrs Mr sAO A 0 smoot 14 miss beulah baulah bachman 12 mrs D D hou hon z 9 misa anna hinea fineg 9 mrs elects 8 miss priscilla hooyer hoover 8 mrs hrs editn martin 6 A hedquist jr 5 miss misa jennetta richards 3 miss florence pike 3 mies lula lala gates 3 mrs wilmirth white 2 miss mise sarah giles 2 mrs pora dora olson I 1 CARRIAGE faint snow young |