Show city and county jottings cottings Jot tings tux occidental main st ltv provos first class saloon aloon ti THE chautauqua literary circle held its closing session for the geason ceason last evening oss hundred piece dinner set at aitay taa lot io bros co for call and see their beautiful china and glassware t 4 GET your fishing tackle from goo geo E howe grabbling tackle a specialty our low prices of home rendered lard in another column provo meat co As AN evening of laughter song gong and tears at the opera house bouse on saturday evening next giyen given by miss ruth eldredge assisted by mrs lizzie thomas edwards edwarda soprano senate bouquet cigars cigar manufactured facin red by S 8 hitchings hilchings provo city t ALL AIA kinds of produce wanted in exchange for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO fos A two horse upright engine angine second hand apply at enquirer office WALL paper cleaner snow young FAMILY washing 5 cents per pound at the troy steam laundry of provo t f READY made suits at PROVO WOOL EN MILLS 00 enamel snow young A message from salt halt lake today announced the suspension of the bink bank of salt lake with a branch at mercur J JH ii bacon was at the head of the bank THE utah count fruit agricultural society have to arrive this week weak a carload car load of wagons and farming implements call and see bee them before you buy iw OSE 0 ix hundred and twenty five bed room sets at taylor bros co provo for 1790 und and up they are beauties beauties and lowest price ever yet made in utah t IP you want fresh relishes Re dishes lettuce green peas etc go to geo gen E howe 28 centre st provo sau those elegant ten dollar all wool suits at provo woolen mills now is your time to get a good suit of cloths claths cheap OF WINDOW screen paint sn sa ov we are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasant er or better way to do it than by recommending one minute cough cure as a preventive of pneumonia consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds smoot drug co GEO E hown howa carries the most complete completa line lina of field and garden seeds in provo dont pay for a wheel when you can buy one that will give you as much service i ce and pleasure for 80 provo harre hardware iron co t mothers will find cough remedy especially valuable for crono and whooping couch it will give relief and is safe eafe and pleasant we hava sold it for several years and it has never failed to give the tha most perfect satisfaction G W richards duquesne pa sold by smoot drug co tue THE provo meat co pays highest price in cash for all the fat arid pork that are ott ered aw READY mixed paints snow young ayoung geo E hows carries the best beat high grade bicycles in utah county either ladies or gentle mena prices 85 and 65 NEW lot of bicycle sundries just received by the provo hardware iron gos colo pass the good word alon along the line piles can be quickly cured without an operation ODe ration by simply applying de da witts wilts witch hazel saave smoot drug co bros go co have five thon thousand sand yards carpet and per yard and up it will astonish you to see such euch good goods for so little money for pure wines und and liquors go 50 to smoot drug co SYD xu has decided to mako provo hia future home bome and has opened his bis dental parlors over ever the smoot drug co his training and experience enables him to rive eive scientific and practical work his methods are up to date dasef H bean who has been man fracturing fac turing violins guitars and mandolins during the past winter sold a double base violin to the Fayton payton Come Comedy dyCo Oo for 10 60 them the musicians usi clans praise the instrument by using halls hair Ee newer gray faded or discolored hair assumes the natural color of youth and grows luxuriant and strong pleasing everybody go to ward sons for your ege cases strawberry and fruit boxes i ICE cream soda at the smoot drug oo CO t A KINDERGARTEN baa haS opened at the baptist chur church cli teran 25 cents per week send your children cora button GOOD mutton and spring lamb at provo prove meat cos COB iw ho I 1 SAY I 1 when you want ice wait for the blue wagon LADIES desiring desi a little good liquor ran can secure it at the pioneer liquor corn com banys store ELEGANT all wool suits at proto woolen mills for 10 with springs and hinges complete for at ward WE are the ODI only y bicycle people south of salt bait lake for repairs of all kinds see eee n TM 3 A HEATON S provo made cigars manufactured by S S 8 hitchings Hitchi next door to post office ece AT reduced Reduce 1 prices suits made up for ta 6 and pants for by 8 peter son eon the tailor halt hall block north of bank corner comer provo WE have a good supply of strawberry crates on hand to sell and we are prepare to buy your strawberries 0 F CJ lw lead snow and young I 1 WILL buy a few vouchers of judges and clerks of election of 95 address box 49 salt lake city at constantly on band full supplies of beekeepers Bee keepers materials ward sons SODS MINORS are requested to keep away and gentlemen to call at the occidental wilson wiliona Nel baur props I 1 WE WB can save you from 20 to 40 on a bicy bicycle cla try us provo hardware iron co 1 J asce the jeweler has moved out of the pyne maiben drug store and is now nicely located with an elegant stock in the room two doors east of barneys barneis Bar now new store where he will vil be glad to see eee all his old customers and new ones once and thank all for their libere liberal patronage in the past and assure them that he be will continue to give them good goods at the very lowest prices tf wake up jacob dav is breaking I 1 so said dewitts little early risers to the man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver smoot drug co A BRANCH office of the salt lake Madair se anna demorest Demo iest and supply co has bus its parlors located in the commercial hotel room 2 where they are prepared to give steaming and facial massage also hair dressing and scalp trea treatment for ladies and gentlemen A full supply of creams face powder soaps hair tonic I 1 etc is on sale in the parlors dafa you buy a bicycle it will be to your interest to see a taylor bros co they are in a position to save you money on account of the large stock they buy t finx fins varnishes snow young persons who have a coughing spell ovary every night on account of a tickling sensation in the throat may overcome it at once bv a dose dore of one minute 0 ugh cure smoot drug drue co |