Show city and bounty cottings jottings Jot tings IN spending conr earnings these hard times call at boshard s and get the full worth of your money T THE funeral of mrs josaph sawyer took place this afternoon r AN sale of remnants at S S jones co a old stand t PouND KaspERs reports already ruled and printed kept in stock at THE ENQUIRER office I 1 KINDLING WOOD for sale at city lumber co delivered tn any part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box BOYS suits and shoes at carl oater lohs FRUIT growers and bee keepers can supplies at the lowest prices at geo W mill IT takes eves and fingers to appreciate tha birga ica at S y joness old stand t AT 0 D glaziers you can find a co molete line of backs stoves io the line of heaters parlor stoves etc KINDLING wood cheap at smoot Sp affords coal yard EARLIEST fruit and vegetables at boshard Saxe ys opposite pest office A NEW chinaware department has been introduced at 9 8 jones cos old stand t D glaziers and examine the fine line of bucks new abeel ranges which are daisies JAMES goodman brought suit in commissioner dudlets dudleys Dud leys court against S liddiard claimina ownership of a certain colt the court last saturday Satu iday awarded goodman the colt MENS and boys shoes cheap at carl Oster lohs paint 1 paint paint ready mixed dainta at warda sons 1 per gallon can CALL at C D glaziers for felloes rims tongues hardwood T DEALERS in building material and contractors can eave money by sending their orders for mill work to aco W Mick elti provo utah t READY made suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO everything helow cost and the big rest kind of bargains at carl oater gohd FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly oy the popular grocers bos hard FLANNELS dresa goods and cash merea acts upwards at S S jones gos old stand t W 0 HARRISON son of wm harrison deceased has suld out the entire stock of the harrison tin shop to wm wilson of sunday the stock will be shipped to the latter place ALL amda of wanted in ex change for wooden prods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO drea i goods good dress stylish dress goods just in just what you want at S 6 jones co s old stand HAVERCAMP A co are making three to five years farm loans interest 10 percent call on or write them at provo 1 KINDLING WOOD for eale at provo city lumber co delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or PO box chop house is the place exactly to get a good square meal open lav and night basement of excelsior block center street wm Il ER BUELL of Spring vile writes 1 I noticed an item in the last edition ot your paper and as I 1 am the gereon mentioned men toned will you bi kind enough to let me know on what authority you made the publication there was a number of items in our last edition but not being able to discover the one referred to by mr buell we are at a loss to know how we can comply with the made THE exposure to all sorts and condi bious of weather that a lumberman is called upon to endure in the camps often produces severa colds which if not promptly checked result iu bonges tion of pneumonia arjo davenport ex manager of the fort bragg redwood co an immense institution at fort bragg cal says they sell large quantities ot chamberlain s bough remedy ai the companas comp anys store and that he has himself used this remedy for a severe cold and obtained immedi ate relief this medicine prevents any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia and insures a prompt recovery for sale by smoot drug co THE snow cateon company who are I 1 to appear at the opera house on satur day night next are drawing large audiences throughout the territory the trilling 4 act drama entitled strife or the strikers victory will be pro for tho first time in this city ans character drea ball which is to take place at the opera bouse on thursday night next will doub lles prove to bo the great social event of the season preparations are being made by ci tizana generally to take part on the occasion we hear of husbands who will be made up in character chaperoned by their respective spouses who one the the other hand will be simply attired and then vice versa it is reported that fully two thirds of the guests will be in characters of various kinds styles and hue |