Show JJ KNIGHT K ll 11 KNIGHT LAWYERS IS 14 and 16 rooms CITY UTAH WEDGWOOD ATTORN BYS bank PROVO CITY SAMUEL A kina ATTORNEY IT LAW booma 6 and 7 bank building PRO VO UTAH J W H AT LAW rooms 11 an com and savings bank building UTAH JOHH attorneys AT LAW alock ap et aira PROVO CITY UTAH J F HOYES M D physician and surgeon excelsior block over pyne drick store PROVO UTA H E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO UTAH D D AT lair rooms 4 and 5 reed block PROVO UTAH S K KING attorney at law 1 2 3 aad 4 martins bartuk aldi PROVO ciry UTAH J E AT LAW adako OFFICE agat 23 N J street provo city W B SEARLE CIVIL ENGINEER irritation Irria tion and water power plans special city surveyor of brov deputy TJ S mineral at court ilonen PROVO UTAH collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT LUF booma 4 and 6 reed smoot block UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO office hours 9 to 12 a m 1 to 4 p m A me curtain MD physics PHYSiC I AND office blace 2 blocks enst bank corner telephone no 45 office no 28 PROVO UTAH SAM landscape painter UTAH coraor F and ath PATENTS loo KUIK K secured mark OKlet ered al bolher patent IS in the and batore t houna promptly prompt lr abna prosecuted tipon receipt of or 0 ID cation 1 make lee to abe paten abl llly free oi obar irn with mt dicross from the pet ent balais batais in pero oil I 1 taye cuper r t for prompt tor ane mors ana tor tand tor to all entrust exl to aay are in tha time yoses to patent adelo raaf ceet J E LITTELL y ithol ana attorney in patent causes washington D 0 opposite que J D JONES attorney at law la office bank building UTAH 8 H ALLEN county physician burgeon E G W office at smoot brick house 1 block eart of tabernacle PROVO CITY UTAH F H SIMMONS physician and surgeon office no ia center estreet in hed quitt block PROVO CITY UTAH R K E L JONK knowlden jones general fire and life insurance iN AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO F K REED dentist lava all modern for the of ana prosthetic DENTISTRY CROWNS BRIDGE WORK A hysam work toom excelsior block provo ors Holdaway jr DENTIST koons koo ns formerly o y dr J N opposite post office ast CITY UTAH fah I 1 A LADYS TOILET Is not complete f without an ideal g canaii g combines every element of 13 beaudy and purity it is dying soothing healing health ful and li armless and when rightly used is invisible A most j delicate and desirable protection H to the face in this climate g insist apon haring ha ring J g J IT IS SALE gl PROVO and sayings kesaji SAJI jE PROVO capital surplus reed smoot preat D T dark vice john jones jarnia A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L shilla J R banaio business busi nesB transacted 5 per cent iutress iu on savings depoe ts compounded four times a year AND ALL KINDS OP frtUS ICAL AND SEWING CHIRES and Kepa inn done on the shortest notice ordera at Taylor Bros store ANDREW SWARD THE L louis globe democrat PAGES EACH TUESDAY FRIDAY SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK beyond all comparison como arison the biggest big aest beat and briefest brie hest news and family journal published in america ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will be sent FIFTEEN FOR ONE DOLLAR to adv reader of this paper DOC now a subscriber to BLANK MUST BE to secure benedit of this extraordinary offer uni hn it ia worth three months free subscription fill in bour name aul 11 poet office and slate and mail with ONE DOLLAR bank draft post or money order or registered letter DIRECT TO GLOBE PRINTING GO st louis mo sample copies of will be sent fre on application to GLOBE rH INTING CO sc lonis io herewith find 1 00 for which to address given below THE trici every weak for FIFTEEN as your special to readers of THE published at peoro cily butali name of subscriber post office state ba sure to use this blank it is worth three montha free subscription pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah s i ft IN ITS TWENTY SECO ND dealt only daily laper donth of salt jakc containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly semi weekly edition ha a infer circulation all the counties the first judicial district than all other combined the the oran of atah republicanism protection and the encouragement of home industries for terms of subscription see top of first column on second page J radam RA eAM mer FRAGRANT FAIR GARETTE 5 FINEST VIRGINIA tobacco HIGHEST WORKMEN W MAKING theae cigarettes tite amen can tobacco 0 o THE BITO RIO mm Baili oad scenic line of the world the only line emming two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE abil 29 1894 train no 2 ibabes 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado springs 7 ai nm denver 1030 a crek 95 I 1 a m train 4 leaves provo p m arrive at m colorado spring G 53 D m denver p m connections maje at pueblo colorado and denver with all lines east Elps rint da coaches chair cars and kullmar keepf rs on all trains take the 0 R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy tho finest scenery on iha continent shortest line to Cr ripple greek colorados great gold camp train no 2 provo at a m arrives at chippla creek next morn ing A b HUGH S K HOOPER traffic Mua acer G P T A denver colo denver colo B gendral abent rait lake itt ut HM GUSHING trav paes abet IF YOU AKE GOING CITY ST LOUIS or any point east and n enjoy a daylight niile through the grandest scenery of the rocky mountains be sure to aek for a ticket that reads via the no tiresome layovers Lay overs cloae connections in and positively the quickest route to the great avera and atlantic seaboard elefant and thoroughly colern and reclining chair cars in which the peatie are free to holders of regular train tickets call on or address S V DERRAH commercial freight pass abt room 21 morlan block salt lake OR H C TOWNSEND general st louis mo NEW SERVICE TAKE R G W ry leavick Lea vici provo p m con at with the burlington ROUTE train lor omaha kansas city at joseph at aruie and chicago Tl sleepers free reclining chair care dining oars ala carte secure lickers lick ets at EG wey office R F nealen W F mcmillan arit PM ay adest room 11 over no 10 W second south at salt lake city utah rou iid A saddle and rd double cinch on or abut july IS 1794 said paddle was found in in fork the bakeh on a little bay mare ind aken from the animal to eava its life owner can obtain the property by gnp charees chi rees of by ap to Rie hartl clealy alpine city utah county sr miles pain ids stop t caveats pat less for MODERATE FEES OUR OFFICE is OPPOSITE u s PATENT offices OFFice 1 ikid we cin secure patent ia less time remote irona Washl nEloa scud model or photo witla 1 j i kioa we advise if or not free of i charee our fee not due tilt is secured A how ta obtain patents auli cost of same in the U S and foreign countries i sent free aress i OPP C ace 0 C J Ay fc Vl yr AT ayue auben s drug store L at a t i i kioes LOOK OFT FOK big stock of holiday goods spectacles scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge ITS INJURIOUS TO toa SUDDENLY and dont be upon by buying a remedy bat on to do eo as it is n thine more a substitute in the stoppage of tobacco yon must have some air nil in most all cadee abe effect the be it G leui or other oi atef ancs a far bauit contracted ask bour rne sista about it i purely yon do not anva tf atop tobacco with BACO CURO it will hinfy you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will ceabe your will baag free from nicotine as the dav before vou toos our girat chew or an ironclad iron clad written guar to ue u e abe tobacco habit in all ita form or money refunded price 1 00 i er b x or 3 boxes 30 davs treatment and guaranteed cure for a e hv all be sent hv mail upon receipt of price SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX book le e and proofs free euresa chemical mf i co la brosee aia cafice cf THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY 0 W hornicke Hor nicie sopt acl panl minu sept 7 ISM bureica sica cr la copse WIs 1 haerb u a t or m in v years and burluk the past two years anve tc twenty ciara regularly very lay M whole system became affer tet until my toll me I 1 must the use ol 01 tobacco for he alie bringal bf ingal desist I 1 brud the so called keley K eley cure no lo bac ana baco caro thren weeks ago lo dav I 1 n ing your preparation antl today to day I 1 consoler con siler elf completely cured I 1 am lu perfect lie alili and the ahiel every la fully app his completely me I 1 and can fully ac yours very truly C W HOENICK WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST APPROVED seas ac Eg miss X esaa IN THE justices of the peace attorneys aid all others requiring blanks will find it to their advantage tu order from us fuu stock of school supplies wholesale as well as retail buyers will receive tha best attention COMPLETE ETE CT ea w everything IN assortment OF ag Y THAT LINE L our prices are way down prompt attention given to mail orders BOOK AND stationery CO marvo CITY S manger OTOs manufacturers of and dealers in FIRST na I 1 PT ulato A Q FLOUR FT iaU Uit i FEED s quality fc va me asad a us consi J W HOOVER |