Show MONDAY FEBRUARY 11 1895 john E booth president john henry smith vice president J 0 graham 1 P rac W D A ShiR leton oscar wilkins AD MH graham johno graham mansis ei altered at the office at prova af second class matter TERMS OF 37 MAIL POSTAGE sally edition oney eaf in advance ay arta of a year per mon thin advance 8 ami weekly one yearda advance TO CITY daily delivered sunday excepted except pd 80 cents per month in advance adv anre or 25 censa H week addrena co provo city utah sheia delivery is irregular pleasa mas complaint at tha office or through telephone no 27 CHIS PAPER me arency gt and 65 ax tisae pan Pran choo ai where contract can be made for it TUB has a circulation that every week exceeds that of all ahe other newspapers in central and utah combined in utah county ii has a circulation that ex of all the other territorial combined vant a il insurance feay H M Blos eoa benior member of H il blossom co N ad st st I 1 had been left with very cough the result of in flurenz which nothing seemed to re until I 1 took ballards syrup ane boiola completely cured me I 1 sent one bottle to my sister who had a severe coign and she experienc ed immediate relief I 1 always recommend chis syrup to my ri euda john Cranston hampshire quincy ilia writes I 1 haye band ballards horehound syrup tonna other cough medicine I 1 have ever known it never disappoints price buc bold b smoot dru co 3 at jansens call ind see the fine stock of opera glasses watches jewelry optical booda etc of which jensen has the largest variety and beet kind call and examine oar stock get conr pi ices which are the lowest the barga ieh suitable for the hard times JULIUS provo ABW it ael dr miles irve I A from los anicic castelar Caa telar st LOB ANGELES cal alter haying suffered for a time from acute rheumatism without obtain I 1 used chamberlains pain balm and was almost relieved I 1 recommend this as the heat medicine known D M HAMILTON for sale by Smoot Drug co or Miles Nervo plasters for ca money to loain on farm property at 12 per cent per annum on euma of three hundred dollars and upward am jo CHAMBER IN our the long winter ev eninas can ba very profitably devoted to reading but there are some things that we must read tho year round one of these in a paper the best in the country Is before you another is a good home paper of general circulation as womankind for instance which connes once a month filled with the best tor busy housewife we are able by special arrangements with the publishers to offer womankind free for a vear to every paid in advance to oar paper and we are glad to do so for we are convinced that no home paper in america contains more of practical value to woman bright atones clever poems the latest fashions news of comans womans work everywhere articles on motherhood of flow ere a comans womans parliament for the discussion of matters of interest are a few of the bright fei urea of womankind to abo head of the hauae we offer on t ao same terms farm news an able paper edited by a practical daimer miller esq late state lecturer of the ohio farmers alliance and filled each month with suggestions from able correspondents that make it an absolute necessity to every wide awake farmer this paper is yours for the asking provided you are a subscriber to our paper remember every paid in advance subscriber to ie entitled to hia choice of either of these papers tell your neighbors about this offer A sample copy of both papers may be obtained by addressing tra ENQUIRES co provo utah come m and pay a year in advance to aad get one of these attractive papers free tf children pitchers Cas toriSe castoria is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it Is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years anso by millions of mothers castoria destroys worms and allays castoria prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castoria relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency castoria assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castoria is the childrens panacea the friend bastoria Ga storia castoria cantoria Ca etoria ts an excellent medicine tor children 11 castoria is so well adapted to children that mothers have repeatedly told me ol 01 its I 1 recommend it as superior to any prescription good effect upon their children known to me da G C OSGOOD n A M D lowell mass ill so oxford st brooklyn N Y castoria is the beat remedy for children of our physicians in the childrens department which I 1 am acquainted I 1 hope tho day is not have spoken highly ot their experience in their outside practice with castoria tar distant when mothers will consider the real interest ot their children and aaa castoria instead and although we only have among codr 0 the various enack no strums which are medical supplies what is known as regular destroying their loved ones by forcing opium products yet we are free to confess that the morphine soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of castoria has won us to iwa with agents down their throats thereby sending favor upon it HOSPITAL AND dispensary them to premature graves DR J F boston mass conway ark C ates the centoni company T murray street now york city ES for over billy I 1 curs MRS win lows lecque lec nue for over fifty millio uit of ns others for their children while tee thim berf ct ur cess it soothes the child often the sumi allays all pain cura tt slid colic MI d is alie last remedy for it mill relieve the poor little bold b Drug gitta part of the word twenty five R bottle be ure and ask for ars ak amslow a boething Boo thing barup and take no other aud DH OME PILL FOR A DOSE mw vincnt of the bon bo n sin tich day in essary rai alafa alt fa pills bopple alias bic laoda tc cairo Head ailio in aye md calsar th oo 00 atter than coa tos enec nor 3 the allt 10 lo to e iff ot gaeir banu A ill mall tt ape frea or 1 aws for 20 sols zed CG fa sold by pyne maiben reksy er OF PROVO teal bushings DIRECTORS A 0 president V R rikk J C GEO TAYLOR GEO Q CANNON S 9 joska E F D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards provo opera house piotr S J J J GRAHAM manager NIGHT ONLY saturday february 16 COMPANY in the thrilling modern drama in 4 acts entitled OR the strikers victory tic tory box office open for the anle of ticketed ori friday and saturday REDUCED S LE OF PRICES D PM circle 50 cents and firt circle 35 cents and 2nd circle 5 cents SAVINGS BANK main st sail lake city open saturday eveliaa eveni aa from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four simoa a year UTAH CO capital f full paid J E DOOLY president W 8 mc vice president A L secretary and Ua ahier THE PEOPLES general and maeon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSE A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices J street 1 blocks north ast 1st national bank city bore irani pt cure for impotence ioia of manhood seminal emissions self distrust loss of sic will you a vigorous flan pries 9 boxes 5 00 special directions maleef with each box address cc s co ST LOUIS MO sugar ibs sugar ad ibs raisins 20 ibs keep abi list and send in lynnr MAIL ORDERS geffree gF FREE to adov part ot lie city hone 29 P P W st provo successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lumber doors windows blinds and rustic siding T and G flooring S lenber and dressed 0 o order scroll and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office aud ard opposite R depot po arr PO box 79 telephone ko 20 f delivered to adv part of the city rock springs lynip castle gate lump pleasant valley winter quarters lump rock spring nut castle oate nut 4 50 anthracite alco 17 PUW agents zions savings bank and trust company sail lake C ny pays five per cent interest per ranum on any tl posits you mase write for particulars woodruff M breet cashier re opened in boagard opposite post office meals in their season send in conr orders delivery prompt our old patrons are invited to denew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed BROS mR mgr MINERS DEPT AND headquarters FOB all kinds of miners supplies CT S istone giant powder gaps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box uca aalt LAKE CITY prompt answer and an honega opinion write to 31 CO who bato bad nearly fifty tears experience in the patent tlona strictly confidential A handbook of information concerning and bow to obtain them bent free also a catalogue of mechanical and trien books feat free patents taken annn co receive pedal notice in the x iann and thus are broutt ht widely before the ont cost to the inventor this paper issued weekly elegantly illustrated has by fartha circulation of any work in tha world sa a year sample copies sent free Eli tion monthly a year bluela coplea ts cents every number contains bean plates in colors and photographs of new houses with plans to show the latent and secure contracts address CO haw yun can the finest and most durable clao made at home as yoo can also get the best done call and see if what I 1 say la not true S PETERSON tailor one door south of demaret telegraph office J street ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE the only lice which anos pullman palace sleeping cars between ogden salt lake city and chicago without change and palace reclining clifair cars between ogden salt lake city denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if eo be aura and secure tickets over the FE roure i grandest and greatest railroad earth on fy leave ogden salt biake city or prove on the evening train in to cordei sea the most beautiful scenery in america train leaves eio grande western depot provo at p m HC 0 dooly building department REMEMBER PLYMOUTH ROCK PRECES PANTS TO ORDER TO suns TO ORDER TO SOO OVERCOATS TO ORDER 1100 TO over three hundred aad fifty patterns to select from latest spring stales now in Bom estic english scotch and french goods full dress suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 41 west kiil so sarel salt lake city utah IF YOU WANT information ABOUT A OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney P 0 box washington D C honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days or over in the arc entitled ff now aUyor disabled for ordinary whether was caused by service or not and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances if not remarried whether soldiers deals was due to army service or not if now dependent upon their own labor for support widow not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldiers death wa due to service CHILDREN are entitled if under sixteen years in almost all cases where there ws no widow or she has since died or remarried PARENTS arc entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child provided soldier 1 died i s in service or from effect it of service and they arc now dependent upon their own labor for blip port it makes no difference whether soldier served or died ia late war or in regular aminy r soldiers of the pensioned under one law may apply for hecner rated knur lawr without any righta thousands of soldiers drawing from as to 10 per month under the old law are entitled to higher rate under new law not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned 1 l also for others whether adne to ervice or not soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy tance the war r also entitled whether discharged for disability or not survivors and their widows of the black hawk creek and wars of to 1842 are entitled under a recant act mexican war old lera and their widows also entitled il itty two of agre or disabled disable 4 or dependent old claims completed and settlement obtained whether pension has been granted a ater laws or not rejected claims reopened and settlement secured if rejection improper or certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who have lost their original papers send for laws and information no charge for advice no fee annles addre THE PRESS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney P 0 box washington D C ft S B flost W THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce thi popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to bend postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY aud THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re siding re in the united states who will for ward to us 2 50 we have recently introduced another feature to conr premium department one that is of for only we will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE and y a an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine theat has already become a home necessity among the badiea of utah |