Show DAILY MONDAY FEBRUARY JOHN 0 manager tan number IB 27 local mention in ania colann 30 centa par line each insertion advertisements and changes enst be office not later than 10 a m to secure anber on same dav awarded highest honors worlds fair A MOST PERFECT MADE pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 0 TH the modern has tastes medicinally in keeping with other luxuries A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable in form purely wholesome in composition truly beneficial in and entirely free from every ol 01 quality if ill he consults a physician if constipated he uses the gentle family laxative ivr UD of figs dr prices cream baking powder worlds fair highest award the U S goat reports show royal baking superior to all others the worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great ia leavening power as the royal iron COUGHS COLDS CROUP grandmothers ADVICE nine children my only ady lor colds nd onion arap H bui today to day it wu forty yr ao my tak dr aann onion binl mor to atie alt bold vert luv botolf 0 sta KB tnt itaf for it fa al 91 S id by ayne Mt AN interesting SKETCH nothing so strongly to a mothers affection as her daughter just budding into womanhood following is an instance our daughter blanche now 15 years of age had beeb hembly afflicted with nervousness and had lost the antiro usa of her right arm ache tas in such a condition that we bad to leep her from school and abandon her music lessons in wo feared st vitas dance and are positive but for an invaluable remedy sha would have had that terrible affliction me had employed physicians but eie received no benefit from them the first of last august sho weighed but 75 pounds and although she has taken only three bottles of she now weighs dounda her nerous nes and lymp toms of st ituk dance are gone she attends school regularly and studies with corn fort and ease ehe has recovered complete lisa of her arm her appetite is splendid and no money could procure for our daughter the health ur allies evlo has brought her when my brother recommended the remedy I 1 bad no faith m patent medicines and not listen to him but as a last resort he sent us a bottle we began giving it to blanche and tho deflect was almost immediate airs R R bullock Bull ocl brighton N dr miles restorative la sold by all druggists on a guarantee or sent direct by the dr allies medical co elkhart ind on receipt of price sl per bottle six bottles for so express prepaid it is positively tree from or dangerous drusa sold by all anre to get the handsomest dress in the city at S S jones co s old at our proposal as we are in earnest to show you the finest stock ever brought to provo novelties are now daily arriving see our new silks for waists annie jones atkin A 0 smoot prop successor to milling co manufacturers and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND FEED wheat on deposit custom grinding a specialty cash paid for wheat mill opposite union pacific depot D K BEEBE DELIVERY AND CORN SHELLER TIE SENATE MEAT MARKET keeps constantly on hand FAT CALVES AND HOGS WANTED free delivery to any part of the city centre sl prove third door east of cosmopolitan JO we received an assignee stock of boots shoes hats dry goods etc and will place on sale regardless of cost 1500 pairs of boots and shoes at ONE HALF regular prices about mens youths and boys flats at prices never before heard of THE LOT ARE boots aleia 9 tang ars mens french calf hand sewed slices former price duz arns Over shirts former price i RICE 50 4 5 6 and 7 10 1 23 76 our price to per pair 6 1 50 ars mens luce and congress shoes 2 undershirts Under and drawers 40 i 25 former prica 60 40 and 3 75 50 our price 65 ars mens extra fine and heavy calf band sewed and j 2 bed california 1 25 pegged boots former 5 6 and 7 price A few dozen childrens underwear left at aoe each our 2 2 50 3 and ars lace and confess shoes doimer price ladis underwear 5 and 9 our price 2 and 3 5 doz ladies nat wool vest and pants former price boo 50 ars mens rubber boots former price 3 50 our price our price 3 doz scarlet and nat wool vest and pants former price and 25 ars hip badts former price our price our price 7 5 doz nat cul ribbed vests and pants former price ars childrens shoes former price 1 our price and 10 pieces conton flannel from ac ap our price and 15 pieces indian head muslin 12 ads for 10 pieces crash at ac per yd emkey bed linen hats hats hats 10 pieces dress goods double width former price our price mens hats former price Sl 3 and 4 15 pieces eiderdown Eider down dress goods former price and our price ars youth hats former price 1 50 to all other dress goods 20 to 25 per cent cheaper our price and boys hats former price 1 to 2 15 doz ladies hose former price and our price and our price to all other goods at prices that will you gome and get some of these wonderful bargains before it is too late jp cake T 1 I toch of AT it will pay you to buy clothing for next serin on bijl AAA iti shop aaa 1 z |