Show let the people vote on a flack SO SAY THE interesting atmon services at the provo tabernacle adopted the churches of provi met at the tabernacle sunday after Lonn and unanimously adolte i the following resolution resulted that we ot troyo m anase inee tinK re request the constitutional lu submit aa a separate tB artice the question of the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of intoci citing liquors as a beverage to a vote of the people at the same election at which the proposed is submitted judge king presided and on the stand the priesthood of the latter day saints sat jo wilke of the methodist church rev rose of the congregational church and rev J C andrews of the baptist church the choir gang glorious things of thee are etc rev andrews off red the opening prayer the choir bang the anthem comfort ye my people judge king brie alv stated the object of the meeting he reaN ced there were always two aides to the prohibition question while people might all be agreed as to the evils of the liquor traffic how best to minimize mini miza those ev ils by would always cause adversity of adinion OD he believed the decision of the supreme bourt in the original package decision bad done much against prohibition it had said that no plate would interfere with in ter estate commerce to the extent of prohibiting liquor from entering the state man would therefore be able to get liquor in spite of local laws but still speaker be lieSl that this should not prevent the churches from fighting the evils of liquor traffic he also believed the temperance movement should not be the child ot one church or one party alone but all that it might have more strength EV JOSEPH wilka was next introduced and made a spirit ed address on the evils of ak u r he ad dressed himself first to tho resolution it was not a question of prohibition it was a question of asking the concita dional lay the prohibition question before the people now was the supreme moment for the people to act in the matter in montana where mr wilba was when that state was admitted the mistake ot forming a prohibition party had been made it was best he believed to work all parties because temperance was a principle which concerned all how many hearts may be bleeding today he said launching forth on his speech because borne father the husband or brother may be visiting the back of some of our saloons or visiting some of hell holes the gambling densi tell you these dens ot vice are too many of the bri young men of the sunday schools and churches and god yil hold us responsible for their for we license these places to deal out death and destruct tion the churches mav be unable to prevent the sot from as has been s ud but we can close the saloons and rob the drinking places of their respect II 11 is not so much the confirmed drunkard that we care for as it la the yonn man the other day I 1 baw while one of the saloons twelve of as j promising promie ing looking youths as can be seen in this audience beick led to a life of ruin shall we stand by and do nothing for them it is our duty to step in and close the saloons thug removing temptation from the young men god expects this of his church and if it will not do BO it will be wiped out think if you have a bon of the temptation thrown before him by the open saloon if you haye no son remember that another mother has let ua look to the men in the future state and remove temptation from them the choir sang how firm amounda afo unda tion etc bishor josepn B next addressed the audience he deac from a work on political economy the statement that three fourths of the crime of the world resulted from the liquor traffic and also that the removal of the liquor traffic and kindred evils would cause a saving of one half on taxation these were questions in which all were interested the poor man kueht to he considered in anch legislation as will eillce hia anat on the speaker had in a local publication the statement that the appetite for liau ir was natural with man this he denied science baa not yet demonstrated wherein alcohol in any way enters into the of mans system of an appetite for alcohol could be created just as eastern nations create an appetite for tor example still an appetite for liquor is bot mans natural and no one could prove such an assertion speaker be pleased to be privileged to vote for prohibition he believed all ought to be granted that privilege on ane eve of statehood the question of prohibition to be thoroughly discussed between now and next november when the people vote on the constitution ROSE made a few remarks to emphasize the tact that the adoption of the was not a vote on prohibition it was neither for or against that principle this was the supreme time in the history oabe state in which to deal with the people would never again have such an opportunity boce loava the question ti parties in politics and nothing would ba done with the important question both sides were too anxious to get the saloon vote speaker believed it would be a sad mistake to let the constitutional convention meet without an effort being made for prohibition ane waa then put by judge king and received a hearty aye not oae vote was heard in the negative the choir then sans an anthem and the meeting waa adjourned with benediction |