Show le legai leal n al notice la in th probate court of utah county ter of utah lu in we tee matter or of the estate of elleott bott A newell kewell dr notice ot of time and place for hearing of petition tor for to probate ot of will pursuant to an order of said sat d court in said matter notice la Is hereby given that saturday the alth day ot of february A D 1 1893 at 10 a m at the county court hobe house in prove city utah county territory or of utah in the court room or of said court nas has been appointed the time and place fu lur r the hearing of a petition ol of M C newell hewell pra praying althe for the admission to probate ofa of a certain document ent therewith presented purporting pui porting to be the last will and testament of hillou elliot A newell deceased when and there all ail persons interested te ma I 1 appear and contest probate of sald said will or the of letters testamentary to M C Ne kewell as prayed for in said petition dated at provo city feb 11 ll i 1893 Y V U 1 HALLIDAY BAl LIDAY blerk of the probate court utah Coant yUT legal notice neice in the probate court in and for utah county territory of utah in th 3 matter of the estate ol of thomas A jones deceased order appointing time and placa lor for settlement of final account and to hear bear petition for distribution walter scott administrator estate of thomas thom 8 A loithi that he has filed his final account of nis administration upon said estate lathis in this Courtl that all I 1 th the e d debts and claims declaims aganet said estate have beba tally fally that a portion of said estate rein remains alas to be divided among amons the heirs beira ol of said praying among other things for an order allowing said final account und and of cl distribution of the residue of said bald estate among the persons entitled I 1 il L la is ordered that all persona interested in the estate of said thomas A joada deceased be and appear before the probate court of the conmy of stati plant at the court boom ot of said court in the county court coun house on the ufa ath day ot idt march IM at 10 oclo cx a ra then and abero to show cause why an order allowing wd said anal ac account coanT and should bot not beniades be made odthe of the residue of said e nate among the heirs and devises athe 0 the s said thomas A jones deceased according to law itis it is further ordered that the clerk cause notices to be posted in three public places in utah count and a copy of this order be Dubil published shed in ane newspaper printed and el circulated culled la a utah county three weeks successively prior to W said U ath dakof day of mh math 1893 D probate jua jadot 6 dated feb territory ot of utah i utah county is IV L Hallida Ha lUday vp clerk ot of the probate court in and ana for utah county TerrU territory ory of utah hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy ot the original order appointing time and place for settlement duent ot of final account and to hear bear petition for distribution in the estate of 0 thomas A jones de deceased sed and d now pa on file and of record in m my nobce M witness my hand and the seal of sald said court beal at my Y office in provo city th thia Is lih dr dar of february AD A D IM V L HALLIDAY clerk cleric of nie llie probate ciauri utah olaa county U T LEGAL LEGAI NOTICE territory of ot utah ii as utah county 1 ill IB the ane probate court in and lor for said cou county ty inthe in the matter matte ot the instate estate ol of ZW zebedee arder to show cause why kiaer braer ot of a sale ale ol of real estate should not be made john 0 coltrin the of the state ol 01 zebedee coltrin deceased lia hating ting filed his bla petition herein praying for an order ef cf sale bale ol 01 real estate tho the real estate of said decedent for the purpose therein set forth it la Is therefore ordered by the probate judge owsald of said cobit chui t that all persons interested in the edg estate ot ol aad deceased a 9 appear before the said sai probate court on saturday the ath day of march 1893 1823 at lo 10 in tue forenoon ot said day at the court coarl loom ol of said probate court attebe at the court house in arrovo city county of utah to show cause why an n order bitler should sot not be granted to the said jinn jhn G coltrin to sell so much ot of the real estate ot of the said zebedee coltrin do de desaad as should be necee nece fary evary and that a copy othla chis order be published a at t least once i week for tour four weeks successively in the ibe a newspaper printed and published in said utah county territory or of utah ulan J JD D JONES 0 pro dat bate at judia faja dated provo city january 28 1893 1993 1 ta 0 1 U tall ta county ra ot t U utah iss isi V L halliday day clerk of the probate coul t inand in and tor for utah county territory ol of utai utah ber hereby eby ertly certify that the foregoing is a full arr true and ad correct caleopy copy of the original order to bosbon show cause why order of gale of otreal ineat R estate s tate 1 raould not be mads IQ in tb estate of zeb zebedee e dee colar n deceased and now on ift file le and ot of re coldly graffice offee find and the seal st said court fral fi i tit amt M any ed office in provo elty city this esth h day da of jan A D I 1 j jwj V clerk ot of the prot ate cou court r utah bot U f LEGAL I in the probate le court li anil and lor for ulna county territory of utah in the mat matler lerot of the estate of john B F fairbanks deceased 0 order rd er a F time and place elace for wile m benl 0 filial i au account and to for d is trib ution on reading and filinis he petIt petition lon of sarah fairbanks administratrix of the estate of J olin joun B fairbanks ks de deceased ased forth t that hat she has bag filed her final account of her ad upon said eald estate in this ibis court all the debts have reen ceen lully lolly paid and bat a portion of said estate remains to be divided antor g the hers heirs of said deceased d praying anious otner thin things 3 foran order I 1 low lowing ing said final a ac c aua anu ot of distribution ol of the residue of 1 coald estate among the persons r entitled it JS is 0 ordered dered that all persons inheres interested i in the ahe estate es ta t e 1 f sad Joba U B fairbanks 4 deceased t b be e and ana appear before 15 court ol 01 lua of at the amt room of r rid raid C lurt in the comity duit WT house on the isali dayot febra lebar leb nr I 1 0 I 1 t at I 1 II 11 oc lick a m then and thare to show caus bausis why an order all allowing dl lowin Gwing said flaa 1 account and of U should not be made ot of the residue 0 said estace among the hem heirs and aisea w ii the said aid john B Fur fairbanks banks deceased ased to law it Is furl ordered that the clerk estuis baui notices to lo be ba ars rd it i lu a t three pu public alic places I 1 11 ditc itc M in the ibe n a new spier pratt printed d aud 1 in utah county aur u r w weeks e e ks dively anor to the eald eaid lath day dav 0 f february 2693 J D JON ea probate judge dated jan 16 it territory cr etab 1 as county of utah I 1 1 J evl VL HAlll Rali dav iday cleak odthe of the probate court in and lor wah utah gerrior Terri or of iu i h hereby certify abat the tom goin is a f lull n I 1 1 t true r u e and correct cavy c ay iy of the longinal oral nal order appointing aud place placa or settle rr ent of 01 final account an i t ti P hear pel I 1 ti n lur lor distribution 1 in the estee oi joan B fair backs deceases deca dece ased asea and now on file and of record la in ray office bitnes my iny hand band and the seal td f said ald court SEAL at my officio in provo cuy city this ibis lata dy day y of jau gitary A U 1 1893 V L clerk I 1 pr mau count JT |