Show POLITICAL y s pol 31 11 8 0 cleveland ca evel land tries to lo t domineer air 11 8 THE 11 the house committee finally allowed to belor t gossip at the th capital correspondence I 1 washington feb 10 1893 mr cleveland is certainly trying hard bard to dictate legislation to the present con gre reab s a there is good reason for the assertion that the proposed propos sd radical amendments to the pension I 1 were when first offered voted down by the house committee on appropriations end and this wees adopted by that committee are the result of direct orders ordera from aini mr holman joined the republican members of the committee in protecting and voting against these amendments which are to be offered to ilia iha ten bensen sien appropriation an bill when it comes UD up in ia the alouse but they were outvoted these amendments are for the transfer of the pension bureau to the war department and the detail of army of officers ficere to serve as aa commissioner and deputy Commis loners second to suspend al all pensions paid to pensioners not disabled by wounds who hays haye an annual income in excess of a year vear third to suspend all pensions paid pal d to widows of soldiers who were not married to them within five years after a the cloie of the war fourth to an suspend 9 pend all pensions except those for total disabilities sow now paid to alien non residents whatever may be done by bv the next congress it may be set down as certain that these amendments will never be adopted by this congress it is believed beli ayed that the purpose in offering faring of them is to feel the pulse of the public on the pen sion question even the gall of tammany congressmen has to give way to universal public sentiment this was shown when the quarantine bill as originally passed by the senate came up in the house this th is week the bill passed notwithstanding the attempt of kilgore and antony of texas to Alli buster against its being voted upon and has now gano to the president whose approval it will promptly receive A majority of the house judiciary committee has haa at last agreed to the re port of the hom homestead estead investigation which was prepared by representative oates chirman of the subcommittee sub bub committee which made the investigation this report arill not make enjoyable reading for democratic editors who made the homestead troubles the basis for partisan editorials during durine the late cam r laign for it says ahat the had nothing to do with ith th tha 61 j 4 Aua striKers were the aggressors it also alio condemns the use of the tons and sas that such each agencies should never bo be employed without consent cn ca sent ot tho th state there are two minoll avre ports parts one condemning the use me of the Pinkerton Pinker tona li and the other an argument in favor of compulsory state arbitration laws the ease with which two or three men anen tie up the house whenever they are so disposed has created a sentiment which makes it certain that the rules adopted by the next house will permit the m majority a arity of the house to do business when it wishes to and to squelch filli bu in fact it is a common thing to hear democrats in the house abuse the present rules and wish for a few lays of the much cursed reed rules of the fifty first congress it is now certain that tho the appropriations of this congress will be at least in excess of those made by the last republican congress which i by the way is no longer sneeringly referred to by the democrats as the abil billion dollar congress now these theae gentlemen see that secretary charles foster foater was right when he said this ibia is ill a billion dollar country I 1 senator chandler had a little fun with his democratic colleagues last week by twitting frit ting them for their failure to live vo UD to their national platform the only reply came from senator har han ris of tennessee who declared that he fas not never had bad been and never would be the tha slave of a rational platform 1 extra session talk is now heard everywhere and unless mr cleveland made his threat about the failure to repeal the silver law for a bluff ose one of his bis first official acts will be to issue a proclamation calling an extra session A pro p ro eminent democrat is ia authere authority ly for th the statement ept that it will depend upon a poll of the house housa and nd senate of the next congress which the friends of mr cleveland are now trying to make if the tha poll shows a majority majori tr for repeal an extra session will be called otherwise not |