Show 1 office hours houra 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p in A mc t it 1 ILA P H Y 5 I 1 t I 1 A 3 0 t SUM G 0 1 office palace blocs res llesi dence 1 block south first cstreet Ke Ks treet telephone rel ephone no 45 I 1 office no 28 1 1 UTAH drs H J AND F Y W taylor tayl ar physicians awl ai surgeons omes at their residence the former residence of dr pike ra Q ja basa 2 il 1 3 A R A C 0 street between iiii and ath kocl rw UTAH ur AA 1 F F F F REED MO BRO dentists have flave all modern instruments for the tha practice of operative ana prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY LZ all work guaran guaranteed teea Boo EaNo 10 bank building Bui Build ldina inz provo 1 dr J I 1 1 I 1 mist surgeon dentist electric gas administered when de tired teeth extracted it by it without cain pain all kinds of D df stal Y work in the best estand and latest stylea all work from i his date will be guaranteed according to agreement or the money will be refunded rooms kooms no 2 and 4 bank Build hig kig provo city utah WOODS a I 1 W 21 I 1 V I 1 E 0 p S office in national bank of C comerce amerce UTAH J I 1 N We cotton AT LAV jooma 11 and 12 fi first rat Nat Bank build ing PROVO CITY UTAH L DON DION G C JOHSON JOHNSON AT borney AT LAW room no 3 bank building springville Spring villa ville PRING VILLE UTAH WILLIAM 11 KING DD HOUTZ ta r I 1 X CIZ al af la glawf jve 5 and 7 firs national bank building PROVO CITY UTAH I 1 I 1 E booth E A Wil sonA A labooth BOOTH WILSON I 1 ATTORN E A TL W and land office agna agents 0 0 2 23 3 N J street PROVO CITY UTAH M I 1 r J IN 11 ATTORNEYS NT AT LAW bank building PROVO CITY UTAH E 11 DUDLEY DUDL EA y attorney at law room 9 buk bauk building PROVO CITY UTAH A AG G sutherland I 1 attorney at law office in gates snow block opposite court house PROVO CITY UTA UTAH H A E V EATO H f ATTORNEY AT LAW criminal law a specialty room boom 3 union block provo city utah R cf W architect and isavei superintendent 0 office effice noi no 1 union block provo SAY SAM JEPPERSON wm AN aka SIG sie i mm 01 T R I 1 PROVO UTAH anar ff aid a ail streets AND aid CU J anyn E M AUT 0 AS we are prepared ure pared to receive orders orzora f make contracts tracts for B buildings uil dings ol of jal all descriptions i ong estimates estimate 3 furnis famished hodan en application we have the facilities for aaring the oost best and most durable qualities of af BRICK in arty any required quantities samuel uiel liddiard co TROVO UTAH THE MORNING COCKTAIL taken belore before breakfast broni fast ere create ats a false in junous appetite A wine wineglass glus fol fal 0 dr D r henley henleys Hen leys I 1 a evalisa dandelion tonic Tonie taken before meala the digestive organs and enables ta relish a hearty ireal without hnnry i n you yon ury toi tomah aaa I 1 mr 0 F bavis editor ot bt the bloom field iowa iova farmer sava 1 I can recommend nd chamberlains cough remedy to all sufferers witha colds and croup I 1 have bave used it in my bamily for the past two years and have found it the best beat I 1 ever ever used for thelier the age for which a it is intended 50 cent bottles for saleby sale by pyna maihen undisputed authority I 1 ca the united states says thit that onions are a stimulant diuretic theand and expectorant they increase the appetite and promote digestion the juice i mada aap into syrup has a spec specific fi c action ivr t an 6 the tha Tb throat roat lungs and air J passages a Ps it not only buies cures coughs colda ra 1 croup coup r and consumption burits but its stimulating effect strengthens and builds up the system afterward As a tonic ionic and restorative it has no equal equa vy e solicit a trial in the most chronic and stubborn cases price 50 cents sold by pyne maiben 0 K T results 0 K many of f ice pioneers ot orel on and have cheerfully testified to the wonderful curative properties of the e ore Oret roii kidney tea ea purely Voge vegetable table and na cleasant to the taste and ran re taken by the youngest child or most moat delicate woman z 0 K T is a never failing remedy for pains in the asek and loins non noa retention of urine arine scalding or burning sensation while hile orina urinating ting dascha discharges fops anil and sill all keniey faiai ey of eiter SAY 1 I 1 at ea a 1 l dines stee A hae bae old man mr jas wilson of allans aliens sp springs rings ill III who is over 60 ye ari 0 of a age ge sifa 1 ilia I have v in my time tr red ed a ar eat many medicines some of excellent quality but never before did I 1 find any that b t would so completely do all 2111 that is 13 claimed for it as chamberlains ins colic cholera and diarrhea diarrhoea remedy it ia 13 truly a wonderful inee c cine I 1 ne 11 k F r bal liv liver J r complaint Billious ness the chiet symptoms ot this disease are depression of LeDi spirits rits foul coated tongue bad tasting mcuen disagreeable breath dry skin with clothes and e eruptions rations rut ions sallow comp lection and yellow I 1 aw bejes ejes eyes tired aching shoulders dull dul 1 pain gainin in right side faintness dizziness dizz in es and li irregular regular bowels this complaint in ill all ol of its forms forma can be readily read ily cured by taking P pr r G ganns anns ampro improved ved liver pills as directed and a lingering in g sp spell eil 0 ot sick sickness nesi will wil often loften be wa warded ded off by sold at 25 cents a box by evne A maiben HEB EBB FACH FACE HER FORTUNE B commonly said of famous beau bezanes ties who uses with artistic taste wis dvis dv is famous robertine bertine Ko has fortune m n the possession sion of a complexion to which noth ng ne but the blush of the rose rosa or the fre frea iness anness of the lily can be compared this tais r reparation is just what it B claimed to ba tho the most delightful toilet article and only perfect beautifier fi 0 r known bead tho tha testimonials from amo among us artias artia tn celebrated chemists and prominent romi nent physicians ABar acara eara tarr ilal ai itching piles are known by motu s like perspiration causin ciU Bins intense ditcu I 1 in TH I 1 hi R ian ari r y tell t eu as mind blind bleeding 43 1 protruding iel eld d at ceca to dr 1 lile remedy Rea iedy V mch act clr i 1 on oa abo 1 i irta effected r 1 bran zunli nii iLic alia ri itching arid 1 lichts a I 1 ermanell ermane nL c r aa 3 e bruf druggists fists or mail ulars fre dr bosanco Boa Bo anto santo I 1 2 39 arch st phi ace chit pa sold by anc maibes A sound liver makes a well 7 1 are you bilious constipated orron or brou trou bled with J jaundice aun dice sick sich headache H ea dache bad taste in the mouth month foul breath coated tongue ton gue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry skin pain m in the back and between the fhe shoulders chills an and d feyer fever ac if you have any of these symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood is ie slowly being poisoned because your liver does not act properly HEEB INE IKE will cure any disorder of the liver stomach or bowels Bj wels it has haa coequal no equal as a liver medicine price 75 cents sold bold by smoot dm co mr albert favorite of arkansas city kan wishes to give our readers the benefit of his experience with colds cold hesayo he says 1 I contracted a co cold id early last that settled on my mv lungs lunge and had hardly recovered from it when I 1 caught another which nung bung on en all summer and left me with a hacking backing cough which I 1 thought I 1 new never would let get rid of f I 1 had bad used Chambe chamberlains rains cough remedy some loursteen lour teen years ago with much success and concluded to try it again when I 1 had got abrou through gh with one bottle mv cough had left me and I 1 leave h ave not suffered with a cough or cold since I 1 have hava recommend rec recommended ommen ded it to others othere and all speak well of it 50 cent bottles for sale bv pyne maiben joseph V diry of warsaw ill IH was troubled with rheumatism and tried ired a number of different remedies but says none of them seemed to do him any good but bat finally he got hold cofone of one that speedily 1 cured him bim lie he was waa much ale pleased sed w with ith it and felt sure that olbers similarly afflicted would like to know griat the remedy was that cured him he states for the benefit of the public that it is called chamberlains pain balm for sale hv pyne maiben Ma ilien SM rc W 1 1 I 1 am al acm 1 C U R IS A new and ana complete treatment cons consisting winz of suppositories ointment in capsules capsule also la in box and pills a Josi Uve cure for external ter internal blind or bleeden bleeding chronic recent or heredia hereditary piles iles an and many other diseases and fean female weaknesses it Is always a great benefit to t the he Z beneral derai healam the first discovery jofs of a medical cure an operation with the knife ur nn hereafter tula this remedy has never been been known to all i 1 per box 6 tor for 85 5 sent by mail why suffer saner from this terrible terri blo disease when whan a written guarantee la Is positively 6 boxen to refund the money if 11 not cured send stamp for free sample guar gaar antee anlee issue iss dby A 0 smith ft co wholesale ho legale and retail druggists sole bole a og talor Utah Sult lac city ds w NOW J ill f a AT sm hi I 1 IS APPROACH we are desirous of clearing out certain classes of goods in our dry goods department to make room for our spring stoel stock Coni combination suits an and ladies and childrens underwear selling S out atred at red reduced prices h ii I 1 I 1 CALL AND EXAMINE OUE GOODS AND it wili pay you to do so I 1 0 C 00 0 0 ns 1 gistis I 1 I 1 I 1 ses sa 14 B 33 a tap t I 1 I 1 GO TO THE n 4 i IN M r I 1 i r M I 1 I 1 iri AA U I 1 A JU ala I 1 NU 0 F gr R 0 wa 3 I 1 where LI LIQUOR OPIUM TOBACCO and COCAINE flab HABITS 1 taa are a permanently I 1 aured by bs th new improved and I 1 fafri air 11 ta T L g E T 11 or L ma I 1 fa VS DD a perfect restoration to health assured the remedy being entirely vegetable it possesses dec 1 1 ded advantages over any other treatment I 1 the institute is a u branch of the american co anz si d ie I 1 e a recently company wa with A a capital stock of reed smoot Tres president ident W H dusenberry vice president john 0 graham secretary john R eaves treasurer freas 2 dr F H R simmon L U hing and L holbrook drector Nr ib ector I 1 1 21 2 3 and 4 P B LOCK BLOCK PROVO alty UTAH I 1 11 DR F D director Dire etor or I 1 I 1 I 1 i A thoughtful hatful person consults hii best beat inte interest reFt hy by having a bodif box of kauer s HEADACHE C CAPSULES at a band tiamen as diorec directed ed will prevent or glob any kud k ud of headache no matter what the cause in fact it if your our stall skull wis was cracked it would prevent pain the ot the attacks wilt will diminish and liy hy viking taking the capsules at the approach of a headache you vou will never have another per box fer sale by smoot drug co santa sana clara S dak noy nov 25 91 z lighty des moines iowa DRAP sim SIB while in denver last fall I 1 bought a box of krausel Kr auses headache capsules which did me much good I 1 am subject to bilious headaches I 1 can call find none cone in the arn drug stores here what will you send me olf hal f a dozen boxes for yours truly J 11 STETCHER for sale by bv smoot druz drug co COMPLETE MANHOOD t AND HOW TO ATTAIN atrain IT at last a medical work ok that tells biffl the ca causes caes es describes the errea ea ta pol points t th the r remedy edy e dy this la is scientifically t le e most valuable 1 e artistically the most 11 medical book bok that baa 84 appeared for yer year I 1 pages every I 1 page V 1 bearing le a halt jd if tone ill ty in t tints t some of f the subjects subject i tr treated ted WE are nervous debility emilty ivi impo tency S sterility dea development i m e t C 1 r the h I 1 husband th those ltd lg marriage ete etc f eiers van man who would know t boio the drawl ura d truths i I 1 the ift if t the old secrets and new aeu ans frfd af i selet s as ati V plied d to na afar rt ried 11 a af who h kovl atone f for ati fui foutes and 1 1 avoid 5 future pitfalls should d write for r this ihu i attle BOOK 0 Q j it will be sent tree free under seal while the edl H ti alon 1 lasts t if convenient enclose ten cents to pay postage alone address the publishers L ERIE MEDICAL CO I 1 if Y Z 9 GRAND OPENING of our fall and winter stock of win lilies I 1 churns hits hit ewanit all of which will be sold cheap for cash we cary ra ca ry the largest and most complete of goods to select from call early and make your selections remember the place corner of ath H streets MRS aim IL W DAVIS FRENCH FEMALE PILLS Nota C loing cotton root boot and pennyroyal I 1 TIM urlis rill R Us gli tet beat asi and nan most ficili heat la t cerii SIes Wes mins french female pills have been 0 kv sold bold tor for over twity ye artand arsand used byther bands dt of ladies J dies who rho have babe riven given testimonials moW thet they the 7 unexcelled are as ft a a specific monthly medicine ed acl ne for immediate relict ot of painful and I 1 irregular me es female weakness neBS etc price a bor boa with full directions NO KO on OB rM nATIONS CO deiron mw MICH for sale by bv smoot drug co it is ia worth the price to every eryma i on who even reads a newspaper iv 8 ar jahmal THE JOURNAL TO BLUE rencil PENCIL n RULES n BY I 1 A car 3 aej V pocket primer for the use of reporters correspondents Correspond n enta an and copy y T choppers apers sho short simple le and pr practical ac t rules j es for making kin and a editing g newspaper new copy and of equal eq value e to all who wh wish to 0 write ite correct t english sent on receipt of afe price price 10 cents per co copy py ALLAN A tr A IRMAN publisher ur ua 7 nassau a san street new york 1 S 0 N oti U I 1 advertisements Advertise menta n this thia column 1 rent cent per word each da bythe month anent it ta 1 vo 0 per line except marriage notices birth notices 5 50 0 O cents cent announce monts free obituary comments 10 cents per line no advertisement taken foi per less ess than 25 cents centa miscellaneous MEETINGS he patriotic order sons ot america T the meet every thursday night those desiring airine de to join the order please make application to rny r ny uy member of the order 0 E F tose T ose past president now div is your tune Tinte tiie the ainslie lumber company must i sell their entire provo brov 0 stock of lumber and other build building inz material within the next nest sixty da das ys without regard to prices now Is ia I 1 your opportunity to get the best bargains in id lumber ever obtained t in provo W B kini KING receiver H U 11 II BEN BEAN local agent provo oct 22 1882 AV wanted anted to ex haage ge a modern modem rean deuce dence and corner cormer lot in salt palt lake city for provo property app apply y at office t pushing canvasser Caa yasser of good T T address Liberat salary and expenses paid weekly permanent position brown BBOWN B BROS co nu ser vinen portland Orf son t mra mr 4 Y to exchange A I 1 pew brick TT house and lot situate at payson chy tor provo city property E luquire uquire oan of N 0 th the e W west est end butcher provo t dark clark will loan ioan you money bonev at 10 per cent per annum or will i burnish you vou an abstract of title to bour farm or home on shortest notice 0 office effice in first national bank building provo utah you doaa a title to your 11 home ome secure an abstract from havercamp dark clark witti without out delay for f or delays are dangerous and learn the condition of your title office first national bank id eI ovo utah da for sale cheap for cash ive acres of very land in foulk L ulmor or in lots located in the the east east fields under union ditch A good chance for working men to get a home at bedrock bed rock prices for further particulars enquire of E M dugdale 0 B R J dugdale provo city am r for or sale acres acre cita property situated between first aud and second streets county road i with mith one four |