Show WV 1 i salli 1 1 is T I 1 wa 0 i i i a ii i if i i s B i I 1 I 1 lit till alia 11 dilate I 1 1111 te 9 CARLISLES SUCCESSOR was elected today new hew orleans mardi gras mc kin ainley ley speaks tonight washington feb 13 33 special especial to the te it was unfortunate that mr crey cirey of Wyoming who has charse charge of cf the statehood movement in the senate have decided to ta press thel the sow new mexico bill ti V which he proposes to affix anthe an the tho omnibus li amendment men dment making utah 0 OLla hema and arizona share shara the benefits prop propped proposed med in the senate morning hour today to begin with there were only about half of tile ae senators present it had bad been decided on saturday that the asui bili should ba taken up at tho e conclusion aluz of the morning hour it has not beell hi eu expected that it the bill were up it coule coul be disposed of without deb debate te apparently mr carey lost sight eight of chii fact soon after the session bean began hs he tried to call up the new mexico bill which was laid over last friday mr platt a republican from connecticut chairman of the committee on territories objected and mr garey carey promptly moved that the bill be taken up mr air platt called for the ayes and nays the result was that the motion was wal t rejected SO 30 to 14 this is the vote in detail democrats lemoc rats in lower c ill in SMALL CAPITALS and populists IOpU lists in italics I 1 TEAS blackburn gordon palmer butler harris QUAY mcpherson aon SA TELLER bligh total 14 NATE berry DOLPH mills blodgett faulkner MORRILL brice fryz pascoe Cl caffary affery gorman german PLATT vall call sherman U J kroll hinton stockbridge ca cane ke jones C tl lf T V f MCMILLAN 1 MANDER T 1 white A IVOL WOLCOTT COrr SO 30 mr cirey carey C irey said later aier that hi h di I 1 a ot regard this as 1 a test tast vote and that ae aa a 15 ion on as aa tha nicaragua azlia bill was out of t the way bo would makes another nother effort to have the bill up lip ila ha is not yot yet prepared to lo admit that the bill cannot dass mr III r gorma i who voted against the motion was waa active ii ia ee securing caring ryotei agai against n st it g ue lie hai hail l to the tribune cor 0 nd ant that his action was not based on opposition to tile the measure it was wag a limply due to the fact that an agreement had been made to take up the calendar and that the bringing Uri nging of the tha statehood bill to t 0 tho the front would have necessitated a debate for which there was not sufficient time in the morning hour should the bill be ca callad ilsa up later he would interpose no objection to it Us ile wats waa quite sure cure that a great many voted against its consideration today who would vote dit dil fervently lerent ferent ly then mr derman added that he could see flee no chance bior i or the passage of the bul bill at this session in his ion there is not enough time to di discuss escuss it tully tally and send it to the house for concurrence in the omnibus amendment there would be a desire to debate the bill in the house and with w ith only sixteen eLl legislative days he be did not see eee any prospect of ci success other senators Se natora who voted in oppose tion to the motion to take up the bill express a like opinion in of proceedings many of those who had figured en ell a speedy passage of the measure raea are now seen aeeti to have lost all hope and 1 ar ars already talking about the prospects s of the bill in the next session should mr carey carry out his iten tion and succeed in bringing the bill before the senate mr platt is prepared to aniag antagonize oni it and this fact does not improve its chances Sac caser elected IS 1 special to EQui ENQUIRES imn I 1 FRANr FRANKFORT soRT ky feb 14 judge william lindsey Lind aey of thia city the rs re ular 1 caucus nominee I 1 w was a a this afternoon n electea united S tates states Ise to succeed john G carlisle resigned sew lew man mardi birdi gru gras I 1 special to ane NEW ORL KAAa la feb 14 revelry is running riot today it is the season of the eyer ever joyous mardi gas business is suspended and the city is ia gay with bunting while the streets are filled with masked revellers resellers rev ellers and tens ot of X thousands of vieito tors ra from outside points at ai high noon king ito ras and his hosts pelagea through the ts streets tho pa pageant baini tha most superb since t the e institution institution of the carnival the streets ets which the procession passed wera vere pa packed aked with people who gaye gave the monarch a fitting reception tonight the world famous ii tick brewe of bemus will hold high carnival and king rey hex will give eive bi bis s grand reception and ball delegates Dee gats gates from the various branches of tile the united confederate veterans veteran tj will in it fc beo be he 0 this afternoon to conrid pr chih chiha a u the constitution of the order vill tonight Tonis ht I 1 special to ann COL rUBUS ofed 14 represents Re presenta liven of the ibe various var ous organizations com coping poping the state league of republican clubs blabs are is in conference here today great interest attaches to the banquet 0 to o be ba given under the auspices au apices of the organization tonight in honor of lin culas birthday under the auspices of tile the league onica ox ing to the fact that soy any mckinley proposes to give his hia views re retard cardine inz the causes which led to the defeat ot oi tile the 11 party in the last el eldion clion cion this banquet will practically tic open the tha for governor state oil 7 pt rs and members of the legislature the young RL are unanimously in il favor of 0 the nomination of mckinlay McKin McKinl loy fy on oil a platform declaring for protection in stronger rit ronger terras than ever before b fore I A filse false keport special to THE dilim I 1 PITTSBURG ir pa feb 14 local telegraphers profess entire ignorance of the alleged secret convention of the universal order of telegraphers 0 of f north america that is announced to be held here today the object of the meeting me etine so eo it is claimed was wail to receive reports on grievances from froia lodgaa in this country and canada and to consider what wha action should te be taken to ad danced pay during the worlds fair if any prominent telee telegraphers raphers from outside were in town they are admiraal ad admirably y in keeping their identity a H secret and the probabilities art arc that the alleged convention con venion is on en a var par with nith the numero iia fake stories stones of meet meef lugs iusa of railroad e employees to plan a gigantic strike during dunns the woolda fair that lately have been cropping cro up in one part pan of tile the country and adother au acl other othor apora boosi canet in special to TUB EsQUIR ER I 1 NEW YOEK feb 14 the fate of metropolitan opera house will probably ly bs be decided today it is tob to be sold at auction at III broadway Broadw av at 2 clock bosold aud and strenuous efforts haye have been baen made to incurs its ita continuance as the home of 0 grand odera by raisin raising a fund of one oe million dollars on the basis of twenty subscribers at fifty thousand dollars each A few days daya ago geo george rge henry warren chairman of the ommittee C tee gave thi tah i up as a bad job iob and the matter was then taken in hand by henry clews who involved a plan for thirty thirty four boxes on oa the tha main floor to be taken by the seventy two original box owners on a basis of seventy fiva thousand dollars a box nearly all those approached pro ached have gone in on the he scheme and it therefore looks as through the property would be bought in for the old stockholders the new opera house will be in the center of a large apartment building and the revenues from the latter are expected to make ap for whatever loss there may mar bs bi oil oa ts V per feriance fer mance |