Show THE FEBRUARY ia 14 1893 e DIRECTORS john E booth president john henry smith vice president preside J JC 0 graham geo sutherlan 1 I 1 john IV turner C D glazier 1 B R boshard AND TREASURER J jno M jensen jencen john joaa 0 graham manacek Mana eer entered at the postoffice Post Past office at provo PS as second clasa maUer I TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL POSTAGE PREPAID daily edition one year parts of a year per month 80 semi weel lyone advance 2 50 TO ID fitt CITY subscribers daily le livered sunday sanday excepted so cents per month address ENQUIRER co provo city utah I 1 where deli delivery verv is irregular please make complaint at the office or throb throan 11 telephone no 27 ii kept on oa ills bla a rr R 0 dakes advertising ver agency 64 ana 65 merchants Merc nanta I 1 isa tl iange cal anere contract 3 can be made tor for it deserving praise we desire to 10 say bay to our citizens that hat for or years we have been selling dr kings king s new Disco discovery verv for consumption dr kings new life pills pilla buck lens arnica salve and electric bitters and have never handled remedies that se sell 11 as well or that have given such universal satisfaction we do not hesitate to guarantee qua rantee them every time and w we stan dready to refund the purchaser price if tia factory results do not follow their use usa these remedies have won their great popularity purely on heir merits pyne maiben dru druggists g I 1 this is ia pretty goc mr john CG bodwin oo dwin a r arpea r 3 of danville ill writes about avo weeks ago a heavy saw log fell upon my foot very badly crushing it so nat mat I 1 w was as to all I 1 sent a bo bottle atle of ballards snow Lini liniment mert end kept my toot foot well saturated with ir it is no now W two weeks since this bapp happened ened and my foot is ia nearly well we 11 and I 1 am at work had I 1 not used snow liniment I 1 should have been laid up at least leas t 2 months for healing wounds sprains sores and bruises it has no equal no jo inflammation can exist where snow liniment me nt is ia used you can use this letter beware of all white liniment subsoil a T jw f th thora J il ru a other liniment like baliarda Bal Ball larda ardIg snow liniment sold bv smoot drug co 4 1 A I 1 R V WOMEN 0 11 I 1 EN A I 1 brigant beautiful and far barmatz matz hornen are made more charin charming int by 1 e the artistic use of r amon V Kc bertine it enlivens the most rep regular beauty by adding pir p ir tv aal to th ramr 3 mrs sarah balch braman Br ainan of george town mass celebrated her birthday on dec 21 A WONDERFUL ENGINE cannot he be surpassed an eng engine ine exerting surpassing eing power is always a c wonder s nd yet howin how many any aro are entirely of the ex istance within of an engine more powerful ond end enduring that iban any over invent ei not jt per perhaps hars unlit they experience irregular pulse hear beart fluttering tender tenderness neEs in eh and arm swollen ankles automatic breathing snells enells smothering short breath or gaiu in olds bide when its ex istance is no longer to be denied as the possessor roust must know kno w lie he has bas heart disease mrs lebar fit fitchburg eburg mich heart disease fifteen years had to hire house help lived on liquid food used dr miles heart cure andall and all symptoms leit left her continued urge uee curc cured d her sold by bv pyne pyna maiben on a guarantee w who ho will give yc yoa la the doctora Doctor Do stora lo book freer free 4 aay tea t I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 f I 1 2 4 ra 1 A I 1 ja I 1 A I 1 I 1 I 1 via a for infants and children to children that coha an amadon i I 1 recommend it ea superior 10 any 7 prescription sour stomach diarrhoea eructation zious tom to me n M A aa IL D I 1 yn V bonns gh gives es sleep and ill so oxford st IT Y sitf without alt injurious us the use of I 1 Cag castona toria I 1 is so uni universia versil aa a a I 1 for several years I 1 ha haab a la rits so aven known that it seems a w wil your Cs castoria storla I 1 and ahall h 11 always continue t u i cupe u ero to endorse U pew arat do so as it was tos iaia i it ably bly produced beneficial 1 i mas I 1 ig t fi f miliea who do not tee casso results 1 athin easy y reach P F M X D D D new york city wynthrop mth street and nd ath ave tate late pastor key york city tas tag CONVA lff TT 77 NE yc I 1 I 1 I 1 ai C basli alsis capital 2000 2 1 kurpius jur tUr plus PIUS ZIONS 7 A ONS SAVINGS SAVING Q j BANK AND TRUST CO I 1 8 salt mat aal la 10 city cat 7 I 1 I 1 W ILFORD W WOOD RUFy GEOROE Q CANNON resident eident re vice sat GEORGE GEOEGE M cubler Dix ditimus imus wilfurd woodruff lorenzo snow largist and aad oldest flavina george Q C cannon annon francis FrancisJ i al SI lymn lymas I 1 bank in utah josephf joseph F hebar 1 grant we desire your accounts anthou II 11 M K cann cannon on W wo pay kiy 5 per cent entered int ercal T G wevner HB H B cla glasgon Glaw waon gon on deposits jam jack G george orge enolds benold By IR yn nold olds write for parti aniAm T r G hardt fire insurance ce life i I 1 dusenberry KNOWLDEN accident t plato plate glass GENERAL AGENTS live stock CC I 1 to CC C zo ox rubber stamps and seals collections made PROVO VIM I 1 decidedly Beci De cidely acly shaky I I 1 A fringing t rib Wing ing hard RU an uc uncertain certain step ilage 1 I 1 tire indicated 1 yr rest e s leness shifting irom one no jaee of at posture a to lo another usually mehai annoyance at unexpected noises are be indications indication of extreme nervous 1 ness thesa seem trifling but the health of men en and women in this ahli condition la Is I 1 idael 1 y sj J y liable to be overthrown thrown rown dl adli astrousky by causes which the vigorous 3 might defy general vicor must the ol of reio tore ed d dig digestion stion and a renewal or an impaired power ot sleeping at night be raised to lo a real healthful wal standard rd A of this Is 13 Ho ilo stomach baltiera which re bodyn body n a permanently hegt regular aar ian dyani renewing that bdie equilibrium which to is f awed by a caan caln of streng strength ty and nerve iran quil lity for kidney complaint rheumatism neuralgia and as a preventive of the first at taek tacit ot ol subsequent return ot malarial disorders this ine medicine dicine I 1 ia without a peer thrice daily take lake a Unc Bric klens arnica sag daa I 1 r the best salve in tho tha world for juta u ta buinis Bu isis sores ulcers salt rheum keier Feier sores tetter hands handa anil corns cang and all allstin skin eru binl positively Si ily cures piles or a i fey iyub d it 1 is i a guaranteed to kv p perfect f ts or money pi picc cc tz cents per bojc for far saly by A I laiben re X G F L U f 3 P AL P 11 1 ag OT SW 3 V 41 hii T 7 91 A aft t idrovo ov utah dealer in 14 ie loav asid and juleen babli FOR foit WHEAT HEAT liV Q 33 I 1 r arv X asoo X ro 4 ip k f k i go A HANDSOME OFFER A popular illustrated home and ana womans comans publication offered free to our subscribers tux Ex quiRim has haa arrangements by which we offer FREE to our readers a years to womankind the popular monab ly journal published at So ringfield ohio WOW we will GIVE a years subscription to WOMANKIND to each of our our leaders paying a 1 years vears subscription subscript io n to 0 I 1 in iii advance and to a al 1 na v subscribers paying in adv advance nce WOMANKIND will find a ji joyous n y 0 a 8 felcone welco aia in every borne bome it ar is bright g h t sparkling and iture interesting inter sting epting its ita household hints ind and suggestions aro are invaluable and it aso contains a large amount of news about women in general its fa rhion department is 18 complete and profusely illustrated it has haa a bright and entertaining g corps of contributors and the pacer is ia edited with care and ability its ita childrens department denart ment makes WOMANKIND a favorite with the young and in fact it contains much which will interest every of every household in it its s sixteen i largo ml do not delav in in accepting this ocr 28 i ai 11 will COST yon to 0 o get a ul ful ears subscription to WOMANKIND barn samples oles can be seen ceen at this office ds i j ambi in I 1 I 1 agency fa 17 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 af pf j V I 1 11 I 1 4 0 CAVEAT 8 trademarks TRADE MARK DESIGN copyrights etca rori for information ona on a tad free handbook writ ta MUNN MUNNA A CO NEW fox bureau for ae cunag pat patents n ta I 1 in ier every patent gatei it taken ts is pe abe public bj a notice gi eten vure free of chaa char in uia 09 v afir s mw I 1 jorj I 1 I 1 I 1 livest circulation of any entire I 1 tha world splendidly illustrated no ig liaa u a bould be ba without iu it week a year rear SIM guash six mo monta n andresa Ao dresa bi CO I 1 yoa city efm 8 LOM 16 I 1 flum ti U H S 9 avdi so be oi kast east tor or four r our Fruit add orn ornaments amentt I 1 aben you can get them hero et A nearly halt half of agents I 1 arices 31 rices 4 1 an aaa 4 better stock guaranteed i I 1 ll 11 gardening GARDENIN 6 DUN 00 iff after any P Plan an il ilo aleo o pis nd and esti m atea j mane ae and fid stok stock furnished a reasonable figures 1200 ever greeni greens on hand of different sizes 1000 rosba bob es 47 kinds orders how ever small let me ma price th them em for YU funeral Eu designs of every description made blade on shot notice everything in thi florist lino line call and see eee I 1 west ad street da as P 0 box 89 39 provo mama utah county Sa savings vinAS bank the attention of those desiring to open aings counts accounts is called to the utan county 0 savings bank which allows on deposits at the rate at 5 per zent sent per an annum 1 compounded con on pounded quarterly monay to loan on A approved real 1 estate security I 1 caritas SURPLUS DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT pres is bam x wv pres prees 1 J C AM W 11 W K pl dizh TAYLOR OS JOUN beilner w B u dv cashier PROVO SHAMBLE HANIBLE I 1 I 1 TIM I 1 SUCCESSOR TO FARRER BROS I 1 3 U I 1 WC VAST RAST OF POST postoffice OFFICE IOE I 1 ja 9 gash aa paid for fat calves EXCEL EXCELSIOR R BAKERY r f FRESH BREAD CAKES PIES ETC A rises LOT ov OP CARE ORNAMENTS AT PRICES OUR ons AND SEU SELI roast PEANUT specialties in connection wi thour we hava hav a a ulea oozy I 1 USCU LUNCH AND alre fresh sh oysters and porte itous house alwa always ys on hand band A FINE PLACE FOR LADIE DADI opposite theatre prow MY city 7 H U E t oste loh lob prop P auh r I 1 I 1 1 I 1 T Is k 11 1 I 1 Ast feats e sted ssie I 1 IA asiu sec I 1 d trade mrk fsr a and ati al other patent caus cau azo q ta la ibe find before we the courts promptly bl prosecuted upon of ana itt 1 Sol 01 ol or klell of ct in ila a ati atina nj make e careful reful s as 12 the iree wl pi cli charse arse with iiii offiel a across from the pot int fint 0 off and ballain person Bi atten attendance daDee there er eltia it ia apparent app areni that I 1 have superior sup eror tai or mali maglos lait prompt areli Wr eli tor for ane more mor ana successful p ot ol applications for or tot aften dink to all busane ett to iny ni it fare a 0 in tha niort est r sibl timer 1 yi 11 11 S e eaux ILO IS 1 kt en i information 1 ai I PC and d s p e i r oa request nest t J E P LITTELL ai va and diw ier at 16 af u caus M 9 a arii nn at 11 T ace re I 1 NO tal mg enof ludl 91 I 1 I 1 AU NOW OPENED centre street between E Z and F streets I 1 choice meats meata alway on hand I 1 t I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 ai J TF T F i I 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 hol I 1 leovi NA no extortionate prices we w wish sh to live and let live itee free delivery to all parts part of the city X 0 prop 1 H 0 IA center str ua choen oa 1 laa aj rt ja r prices friges willian living jaw ja m aar w W washing and ironing frosa 40 acts to GO 60 e els Is pir per dozen kh families milies will bave money by sanding their Wash washing irig to the home laundry loundry GOODS CALLED FOR I 1 A AN ND dell D ell LI YE TERA RED D I 1 I 1 MART prevo if ME I 1 I 1 5 3 i y k 1 n t t I 1 t dab isalt of e s 1 t lake L city cb ia i I 1 at ira 1 1 I t J the L 11 e ga garab jd I 1 0 ZV house 1 I 1 A aa a matter if f justice to our selves and to tho the reputation of dr leslie E ICee Kee leys world famed It emedies for liquor opium and tobacco we ire warn tale public that these remedies are need by no of bf any kind in the me territory of utah excel excepting ting only the neelay institute of salt zake lake city all others claim claiming inq to use dr keeley remedies Kem edies or formulae are fraud and is impostors patera sinco since january last wp have M made dene dearly aly 5 00 curea cure 8 and these men are among I 1 the deop people e ol of utah today as living evidences of t the unspeakable me ral value no of this treatment n ra e t we guarantee the genuine tream treatment ent as administered at thi this s institute to be perfectly harmless I 1 arrangements for treatment it t may I 1 be made with our representative mr 1 r C A IVINS or with iem K I 1 A ORRIS OTT JL b T 0 manager gardo Gard oHop jt blakj Sr r fan molt HV L N in lo 10 UIT T PLAN ia II 11 n a 9 M ILI 0 M C T OF sash doors Moul dings frames all kinds of f building matera batem finishing work a S specialty pec balty I 1 0 o J calir WARO rA LIR 13 SO 01 ol NT 9 U d P E T E R 6 eph v I 1 the popular tailor Is making suits to order ceiell cheaper P er tb than an ever UNION BLOCK PROVO wa aers claff of and dealean Dea leasin in hamons sanios alq hof so furnishings F WHIPS FURS CHA CHAPS PS SS r TO I 1 1 I 1 0 50 1 fine buggy harness Heu iless a specia specially ltv Stock mens saddles OF ALL KINDS REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE J argest stock south of salt lake IL adara bv mail promptly attended to asfar sl marj MARKET KET T v E 0 H E E V 13 et sa Z v a g rn 40 MIA n L U Ns I 1 ups mainly or THE BEST bolf mall M rt M al aai PORK SAUSAGE vat fat calves and dressed hons hogs wanted free delivery to td any part of the city i E Cheever Prop AT T I 1 4 STORES main street I 1 salt lake oily city constantly s arriving G u 1 among amone aih 16 are blankets from upwards meris mens suits from 1 00 to 2000 mens overcoats from froin to 2000 mens alens underwear bottom prices Rubb rubbers drs felt boots shoes etc ladies plush coats from ii om 1200 to 2000 ladies New markets from 3 00 to 1000 00 underwear from 25 ets to I 1 I 1 A f 1 I fit DIA M ON 1 0 A s am FOB J watches 1 9 I 1 I 1 W A 5 T 1 I 1 i AIX I 1 I 1 V hn I 1 4 on ad corkle the I 1 largest and best provo Di didd diamonds md set and loose to select from Repair repairing ingin in allias all its branches I 1 first class J calra I 1 us jensen THE JEWELER I 1 center street brovo rl mgt national ban PROVO CITY UTAH paid in 60 surplus DIRECTORS A 8 S JONES VICE JOHN 0 W R J JPE P R JOHNSON GEORGE TAYLOR W H M dusenberry DOSEN BEBRY CASHIES safe deposit vaults absolutely fire proof rents 3 to 15 per I 1 year Re receives deives deposits payable on demand collections sent us receive prompt attention and re remitted at lowest rates correspondents new york national park bank san F alcisco an cisco pacific bank salt lake I etke city ran elro t e national beak I 1 F zall lune LEE I 1 i f gull 4 I 1 i a r po I 1 LIP I 1 nal U STE K yv sri AP eil T DR f C 0 8 a ETC MUD r PEN T a v lor bro S go I 1 ahu STORE WARD I 1 f I 1 i I 1 carries a full stock of I 1 fancy and staple I 1 I 1 C 0 12 J 0 C E R I 1 E S 1 I 1 I 1 gash cash paid for fat calves 1 WALTER 4 holdaway Y BLOCK PROVO L 1 t i it scellie 11 1 1 lille of th gill U KI 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 alie P DENER AND I 1 RIO GRANDE 1 I 1 RAI RAILROAD I 1 THE ONLY USE pasmo THi lOUCH I 1 LAKE CITY e A TO AND AED FUN THE PACIFIC THE POPULAR TO LEADVILLE SPRINGS AND LTER AEN THE THC MOST cirei TO c banta anta fis fd ani and mew mexico mexica points Red chive 1 l the principal princ towns and caps camps in colora colorado dc utah und nd new mexico THE TOURISTS TOURIS mAVORITE FAVORITE lne TO ALL ALI MOUNTAIN RESORTS ali AH through trains traina equipped pam palace and tourist sleeping cars per for el ele ganOy uy Must rated descriptive lve books book five pi cost addre 1 e R |