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Show be problem far from solution Sugar Manufacturers Again Meet and Discuss Serious Seri-ous Situation. OUTLOOK NOT BRIGHT Unless German Product Can Be Obtained Industry Indus-try Will Be Crippled. Appointment of committees to take up matters further with the state department depart-ment and the German government is about as far as the American beet sugar manufacturers expect toget at their conference con-ference here with the problem of getting beet seed from Germany. These committees and committees to look Into the culture of domestic seed in sufficient quantities to sustain the domestic do-mestic beet sugar production. In the event that Importations should fail again, will probably be appointed this afternoon, although al-though it is possible that their appointment appoint-ment will wait over tintil tomorrow. The beet sugar manufacturers will begin be-gin the third day of their conference this morning. The morning they will give over to a pleasure trip to Bingham, but in the afternoon, they will be back In town for another business session at the Hotel Utah. Situation Is Serious. The manufacturers admit that they are confronted with a serious situation. In the event that the seed cannot be procured pro-cured from Germany this year, it is conceded con-ceded that many American factories will have to shut down next year because of a shortage of beets in their districts. It would take two years before domestic seed would be available, declared Truman G. Palmer, secretary of the association, last night. Beet seed is now raised In Utah. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and some in the state of Washington, Mr. Palmer said, but not in sufficient quantities to sustain the American beet sugar industry- He declared de-clared that in addition tc going ahead with all possible efforts to get seed from Germany, the manufacturers were going to take steps to Increase the seed production pro-duction in the United States and would take some action In this respect before adjourning the meeting now being held in Salt Lake. State Department Silent. The conference heard nothing new from the state department yesterday giving hope of getting German seed. The situation, situa-tion, as outlined' In The Tribune yesterday, yester-day, Is that Germanv will not relinquish the seed unless the TJnlted States sends equal value in foodstuffs or cotton goods and secures safe passage from Great Britain. There is the rub Great Britain blocks the deal. It is said. Last night the sugar manufacturers in attendance at the conference were the guests of the Utah-Idaho Sugar company and the Amalgamated Sugar company at an informal dinner In the Inclosed portion por-tion of the Hotel Utah roof garden. Joseph Geoghegan was toastmaster. "He called upon various persons for extem-poraneus extem-poraneus talks. J. Ross Clark, capitalist and vice president presi-dent of the Salt Lake Route, who is here from Los Angeles attending the meetings, meet-ings, spoke In a reminiscent vein, recalling re-calling the early days of the west when Utah was the only state producing agricultural agri-cultural products. These, he said, were a considerable boon to the early miners In Nevada and surrounding states. Smoot Predicts Disaster. United States Senator Smoot, in his talk, predicted disastrous conditions for the beet sugar industry under Democratic Demo-cratic free trade. He cited that even with the bullish effect of the world war rawr sugar at New York Is now only $3.64 per 100 pounds and that free sugar will cut the price to $2.64. He added thereto 75 cents for refining and selling costs, making sugar in New York $3.39 with the tariff off sugar. This would mean, he said, that western manufacturers would have to pul their sugar Into Chicago, Chi-cago, say, at $3 and that they could not do It; that it would cost more than that to produce it. The representatives of the German seed exporters, N. Januszowski and F. M. Hohwlesner, spoke briefly, expressing their appreciation of the courtesies they had received from the American manufacturers manu-facturers during their meetings with them. The conference may adjourn tonight, but it is likely that It will continue another an-other day. |