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Show 15 SCHMIDT TOLD OF INTENDED MURDER Detective Swears Dyna miter Confessed Plot to Kill General Otis FULL DETAILS GIVEN Alleged Meeting at Home of Emma Goldman in New York City LOb VNGELE5! Cal Dec 0 That Mathew A Schn d harged with mur der as a resu t of t e Los Ange es T n es explos on October 1 19 0 adm tted aft erwaxd that he and h s a eged co con sp rators ntended to kill General Harrison Gray Otis owner of tl e T mes was the testimony today of Donald oss Mesere a detective The witness said he made friends with Schmidt in Kew York City and ln ited h s confidence after he had been emp oj ed by a detectl e agency to hunt him down This was the f ret d rect testlmonv tend ing to show that the p o ters premed tated the attack of human life as well as tile de struction of property when they were alleged to have purchased oOO pounds of dynamite at Giant Cal a few da s be fore the Times building was destroved He sa d they ntended o ki 1 Ot s ge him out of the way said Meserve n tes tlfying to a eonverat on he declared he had witl Schmidt in New Tork Citi Januao 1 1914 about the Times e plos on Emplojed as Detectne The w tne s to d of being emp oyed as a detective n Seattle and of going to tew York, where he said he gained ad ralttance to the home of Bmn Goldman by using his mother's name Gertie A. Voss Meserve test fled that he had gone to a detective agency in Seattle and of fered to find Schro dr. He sa d he knew David Cap an alleged confederate of Schmidt and. now awaiting tr al on the same charge at his mother s home in Seattle prior to 1910 He knew Caplan in San Francisco shortly before the Times explosion but was not personally , acquainted with Schmidt until the alleged meeting in the Goldman house In New t York City in 1914 He said he was intro-ar intro-ar duced to chmldt as the son of Gertie . Voss and soon became his confidant. Meserve has been kept n seclusion by the prosecution near Los Angeles for sev Htt era! months EMeeting With Shmidt Ej The wltnes tet fied that on the occa Hfc BUn of their first meeting n the Goldman MtiL. limine in beptember 1914 Schm dt d s HSEreaaged the Times explos on and the part BMe la alleged to have p ayed In It, and SSfChat he spoke about it in a number of Hoonversations he was alleged to have had Khtrith the witness subsequent to that time Kjl 'VfUbam J Bums is expected to be in rejfQB Angeles tomorrow to testify as to HBMgtfe search that was made for Schmidt EPHroughout the country p. Hilton Carlson of "Venice Cal. quail Kthxied as a hand writing expert and tes Hwvfied that the telegram which former Hr finesses declared was written by B&Sebmidt after his arrest was in the same ffdwriting' as various documents con H&rfwcted with the alleged purchase of the Hr0p pounds of dynamite, part of which DiJtaa said to have been used to blow up a -He Times building These documents include- an order1 for Hf the explosive and the signature to a re BH elpt lor it signed at the factory at md G'ant, CaL |