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Show 111 RANKS FOURTH AS COPPER PRODUCER Geological Survey Issues Report Covering Output During 1914 Utah produced 160 589 6S0 pounds of copper in 1914 compared to 148 Oil 4(0 pounds in 1918 according to the official returns just published by the United States geological survey in a bulletin written by B S Butler entitled Copper in 1914 In the total production of the red metal Utah ranks fourth and in the output Tor 1914 tt ranks third The total recorded output of the state at the close of 1914 was 1 241 911 887 pounds. The Bingham district, which ranks fifth among the copper producing d striota of the United States produced 160 000 000 pounds of copper in 1914 compared to 13' 000 000 pounds in 1918 Although It had been known that the district con I talned large quantities of copper ores the district did not become an impor tant producer until 1896 The total production pro-duction of the district up to the close of 1914 was 984 000 000 pounds er 4 92 per cent of the entire output of the United Mates since 1845 Curing 1914 the dls trict yle ded 13 04 per cent of the total product in that year The Tlntic district produced 6 000000 pounds of copper during 1914 compared to 9 500 000 pounds during 1913 The pro ductlon of copper in the Tintic district is incident to that of other metals Tt is estimated that at the close ef 1914 the d strict had produced a total of 119 150 000 pounds of the red metal Bea er county produced J oOO 000 pounds in 1914. compared to 3 000 000 pounds in 1918 The production of copper In Beaver county of importanoe began with the out put of the metal from the Horn Silver property in 1889 At the close of 1914-the 1914-the total production from the district was 40 100 000 pounds . The only other districts in Ltah pro ducing copper are Luctn Ophir Rush ValUy Park city Bnake Creek and the Big and Little Cottonwood districts |