Show administrators SALE OF BEAD ESTATE notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order ot the probate court ol 01 aalt lake county utah territory madar january 1891 in deceased the private sale to the highest bidder and subject tu by probate court ou wednesday ane day ol 01 february 1891 at 12 noon at 15 central number id boutu street alt edke city and county ulan territory all the right ulle iu aud desiate ol 01 the baid deceased at the his death and ail the right litle and tbt said astute ha oi law or otherwise acquired other in addition to that bouhe bald deceased at toe time ol 01 bis in and to all that certain parcel III utah countr utah aid and bounded as fol luw to wit alx one half interest in and to a berain cerain ce rAin brodu sione quarry situate nearl his beald etith county and known as the builders arde and being d in the loca ilou by the locators by which they bave located hun in lengle by six feet li a chestnut red sand sione lode vein ox deposit bearing sand stone bull dins roca and described on the ground bs ollowa to wu air this projecting outcrop and monument on about one fourth ol 01 a mile northeasterly rum the first ahe U H OK klu spanish fort canon and about six miles irum the mouth of I 1 the canon on the belk hand side going up the canon and said locators in eaid notice stated that they claimed ro arteen ann in a southerly and one hundred feet in a northerly direction on athla hand etoie this notice and monument terms and conditions of sale cash ten per purchase price t be euid puid on day of sale balance on confirmation of sale by said sturl and delivery ol 01 deed 4 bids must be in writing and canaiy be left at or mailed to the said place of s lie or delivered 10 the undersigner undersigned under signed personally any time before abed january 1891 1 T HEO the estate orl B S all le deceased notice IS hereby given that in ot an order of the court of utah county utah territory made on ot hep lember A 1890 iu the matter ol 01 the estace yenn deceased the undersigner undersigned under signed 0 the bald estate aul wul sell at private ale to ibe highest bidder gold coin ohlie oh lie united mates and subject to by cald court ou the ath d y of at 12 m at tha office oi kang houtz 5 ana 7 bant the county bt utah all ht title interest and estate of tho feon 1 l ol 01 als death aud all title and interest that the said estate has oy operation ol 01 iw or other alae acquired other than or la addition to that ol 01 the fenn at the time ol 01 bis in and to all that certain piece r parcel lying and bang in abe said city of prevo comaty oi utah aud ter rit oryo Uta hand bounded and deserved biti i jt a ithe northwest north wesl conci of lot leplat C ol 01 and rods thence 6 rods thence 8 rods to the place qt f conditions 0 sale cashi gold colar joithe Stat etten pei cent otther par abase money to be anthe day ot sale bllance anthe said teed at the expense of iaal bid must baan writing and sealed orthe estate orT hoiaas bennt 1 deceased rated ahls luji dar or january A lv usa i y g |