Show diamond arams YR BYAl pau w fv V and onar aj art IM ik fa K brusin for hia i mat brand ID bcd ai md C il bui aln dilbon ril bon toko f isa sy jno other V I 1 jf and I 1 C y in for nl I 1 S for letter by return mull mint quart chlud 1 3 rii lb l B i ie the chicago ani Is the anly solid steam heated and electric daily Tie iween chuc aeo and omalia of magnificent sleeping cars and alie FINEST CARS INTHE WORLD adv farther information as to ra ts fare etc ill be by ALEX agent T F POWELL traveling agent south caiti street salt lak limber ia f r ara jr J A and dealers in r lT Oli l ali wholes confectionery confectioners ers e n Half Block sorell gorner ore daily receiving large shipments of goa they are better prepared than ever to furnish their customers with the latest styles andrest and best quality of fall dregs and flannels plaids Brillian teens vandyke braids silk blushes and velvety velvets Vel vets shoes d asir in great variety 1 carload of stoves just scientific EASILY ans leca targe of various sizes and prices everything down to living figures ests ass we carry the largest stock ot decorations picture Moul dings etc ay iy SOUTHERN UTAH ercoli or send for samples of our elegant line of wall caper CORTS browning brothers south street SAIT UTAH avenue OUDEN UTAH importers manufacturers dealers ra w guns gRit leSi pistols lion of all kinds boxing glove indian buob bells iTen chr k pl ing and table buttery Cut tery mu zor straps and brusberg Brus bers bubber boots coats etc etc genuine thomson waterproof boots and we have j received a carload of SAFETY BICYCLES all sizes andee are onen ng them it the following prices EOS safety for LAB gl 1 27 in 45 35 MENS 30 in 45 agents for alie american rambler the best and easiest riding machine made send for illustrated sporting goods catalogue free to all we lead abo trade and conr prices are lower than the lowest foundry machine shops SONS Lee sees g manufacturers and dealers in steam engines boilers mining and agricultural machinery etc etc oar boilers of the b st material hand riveted and to bos pressure and guaranteed to be ahac we represent them plate and sheet ironwork to order buildings fitted up with ane costim pip ved t A rat us AND brass and iron fittings r l BUILDING FENCING CRESTING we have on hand one fifteen horse power stationery elpine aha boiler for sale second hand aso one ten horse power engine CASH PAID FOR BRASS GENERAL baak rs binding W M DAVIES attha ENQUIRER office ZIONS COOFER CO OFER Importer sand i wholesale Who leBale 3 GENERAL merchandise SALT cLAKE CITY aliases at Off dei k 4 1 S pt operative cooperative co stores AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC TO SELECT THEIR BOM Z lf VA JL T n salt lake city and the oden provo and q HanH rai stoves toola Kot lans j ary leathco Leath ci ade arta daib market pall for dried frnia ra i u E C davas haaf removed his stock to the first door west of the gatei s snow garniture Parn iture company on beater street abera i he is now prepared e j to dos all kinds of AD t CORNICE WORK 4 i ff is dinall the latest styles and pattern ski l tin roofing call and et ing elsewhere TOYO ceasr y will sell entire stock goiri tin 0 the vay le T follow lu pines 1 lotions Ij adies and Gents Furnis luno ladies misses and children shoes slippers and rr tens boots shoes and itea bools P ices be at lct 5 per cint cs tl ni 1 i in the city to i save nu ney i hiie i pi euni 11 11 1 fore in the interest 1 and win re cill upon and we will save you money capt or AND WINDOW HAILING BALUSTERS yewel POSTS and all kinds 0 TOPPED E RETAIL DEAI fars ia doolos LATH SASH WEIGHTS LOCKS and all kinds of BUILDING CEMENT FLUES PORTLAND CEMENT PLA TER OF PARIS plasterers CENTER PIECES ancl basss celebrated sl ire fence everything make and beell ia dun lo 10 iad nf iricks iric cs 0 o 0 office factory and barla opposite the J 1 id depots brou prou W H W u h W which will be opened ane boar east of parley grocery store on thursday october 16 1890 with a choice auprly of oa ni p free delivery to any part of town FK ED KIMBER prop utah county saving banac tha attention of those desiring to opa savings accounts is called to the utha county savings bank which allows interest on deposits at the rate at 5 per cent per annum compounded quarterly monsy to loan on approved real security its officers are as follows 0 SMOOT president T E vice president TE BERRY cashier c A assistant cashier A 0 SMOOT J C GEORGE TAYLOE W H NOTICE the undersigner undersigned under signed have in with their business opened a firer class ssi ani Ss AT TUK UNION PACIFIC DEPOT lelii and can furnish all kinds of conveyances vey ances night and dav borses ancl Mare sate at reasonable prices carriages carrying passengers connect with all trains on the union pacific and kio grande western co r institution IH merchandise lehi manufacturers of AND HOBE POWER WELL DRIVING A second hand saw mill lath mill ind a 20 inch turbine etheel for sale cheap we carry the larges stock of pipe ind fittings in provo hinda of PLUM and STEAM half blocks west of coop co op P Q bos provo CO 0 X E 13 |