Show always carry the choicest lines of arthal tan jawad Jj Wad AND AT PRICES I 1 t wms LA PARISI ENNE JERSEY ao yo vo 35 jersey or blow jersey or trimmed with trench hannel la buek or white erald or white braided Br aides iq bine and white 2 nd bine and bed PRICE Q I 1 1 T hade in ladies an Misses sizes of kavy or fast black jersey cloth t these garments aro considered by every purchaser to be the amt beat fitting and cheapest suit in the market 14 UNION BLOCK IN connection WITH OUR n i a n 18 Tocci anci alrin rr kiiji now in the up stairs of dunn Cs MRS DRESS headquarters ead quarters koil L SUPPLIES yar school books flatea Sl atea Pe ucile crayons ink paper pens etc g 0 ga we carry the aiesi ind cheapest Choa peSt line of i NOTE BOOKS BOOK SACKS ETC of any house in town A seats lor domestic sewing machine packard organs and 1 an elegant line of WALL just received r i boole and stationery co block nun D anny VV ain abiu eisal have the largest and best imps ia ul of i 1 T ly v IQ i 11 clocks silverware opera Glace cs yi spectacles and kinds of bite be till to arite aia m om USE n ma n i factory fact pry elc biily t ija cantor street c washington one hundred years have rolled into ane ocean of all absorbing time since washing I 1 ton who had his count rys love and victories won assumed a task of most sublime i devotion then through the world rang a supreme commotion more lond than fork towns final victor gun for then the reign of liberty begun to every autocratic notion than in war in peace in country heart look then from thy exalted glorious upon x grateful celebrating nation and learn how deeply thou enfolded en folded art in all the breasts of this late generation wiio ofte thy wisdom their fall liberation LEO HAEFELI MIDWAY wasatch co feb 22 A H mikeiel eU 11 U hendershot bivil and sani builder lary engineer atell hendershot architects ani designs plans and estimated submit ted tor all manner of work in the above lines in utah and juab counties personal superintendence of construction in all its branches done at prices compatible with good york prepared to made all kinds of maps and blue grinta I 1 i GRAND package HOTEL sl to ltv mm CHICAGO 1 minutes fraim court roth Wehl soe U by Compi SEon late clab popular prices lew bione cut this out for further reference F n jimmona SIm mona M D F D bickford Eick ford M D IMMONS BICKFORD physicians surgeons ROOMS 1 and 2 EXCELSIOR blk CITY UTAH physicians and surgeons provo city utah F F LESLIE HEED F F broi dentist have all modern instruments for i the practice of operative and prosthetic DENTISTRY CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY aall work teed Eo 10 bank building provo amm m the treatment of oa o A brosius bro and chronic diseases DiB eases in hichi he has bad of 40 years anc cessnu experience a fialty PROVO dr J I 1 afim durff eon dentist electric gas administered A hen de sired teeth extracted by it without pain all linda of dental in the best and latest styles all work from this date illa be guaranteed according to agreement or the noney will be refunded to 2 and 4 bank building provo city utah JE booth E A wilson BOOTH walson AT LAW and land office agents no 23 N J street PROVO CITY WILLIAM H KING D D HOUTZ attorney ROOMS 5 and 7 firs ti onal banac building PROVO CITY H salt lake and 1 la salt lave hooper eldredge Eld blk lu provo al the building 1 we are prepared to receive or make contracts for buildings of all descriptions estimates furnished on application ve h ave the facilities for manufacturing the best and most durable qualities of in any required quantities samuel liddiard co UTAH AN 3 I 1 decorative painters WW ASH interior decoration A SPECIALTY opera bonse UTH AITS OYSTER HOUSE hoara open daj aed night A first class dinner served every day fram 12 to 4 25 deorse pro r this space CASTLE A the pleasant valley goal i as j AT deals coal yard rio grande 12 leave orders at or telephone to the prove commercial and savings banat provo V y vir r i T THIS department A IS IN CHARGE OF 25 lt R JOSEPH T mcewan oe 0 fae most experienced and competent job printers in ahe territory address all orders and make all remittances to afe ENQUIRER ER COMPANY UTAH aw sj v A 1 fa duj s ass E |