Show iliew con adopted A 16 A pretty american girl is the bride the rich costume worn rio feb 24 special tho assembly met this morning aal adopted the constitution amid scenes of ei thusia sm hundreds of citizens we e present in the galleries biad finear decorated for the occasion Ameri raB aladj carnase la pan PARIS feb 24 special A brilliant marriage was celebrated here today to day the contracting s being miss garner of new york aart marquis de breteuil Bret eDil the brides wedding scan is and most that has bon seen even in for many yeara includes a jacket of flip model as eliat for which hie diat of portland paid 0 in london alie of the marquis to the bride include a pearl necklace anil himond team worth ni vard to this union lias hean the cause of aruch favorable in the american calony it is declared by many to be a lovo match pure and dimpie and eliat the marriage contract ia in no seno a purchase the wedding contract which was drawn by notary M dement merely shows the complete confidence she has in her husband who in the event of tier death would become immensely wealthy slie had plenta of money and it was her to make ample provision provi bion for the marquis in ca e anything should happen to lier or IQ arong with his business the bride is alie handsomest as well as the must ambitious of the garner lifters sifters sif each of whom is in the bieh est european she is a cousin of jadv of london who ia a new york lawrence by birth sinco the term of for their father and mother ulio drowned by the capsizing of thu yacht mohawk the misses garnor have spent most of their siire in europe the Riet cuil has acquired vast celuh bv iu business which has raided him to bo classed us alie jay paria lie is the of alie hite Achilly Fould napolin n chiri minister of finance who in the of a law to sav the n ly d republic by a of national biuk alie foulds D arc neuit represents alia bashes pyrenees Pyre nees and he ia very with the prince arho may become a son in law to the prince of wales tf maini hald a reception AUGUSTA me feb 24 special governor bield a reception at the executive mansion today to day for the military organizations of the state there wore beveral prominent military men adjei adny states alie governor will tive a reception to nisha to alie of ahe legislature and thair families editors COLUMBIA ohio feb 24 A terrible tragedy occurred here yesterday in which editors wJ Elliott of alie sunday capitol shot and killed editor osborne of the sunday world about fifteen photes were fired ind an innocent by bunder named was killed besides beveral others were wounded the cause of the fuglede fui lede grew out of editorial blander on the art of both editors king otto 10 of death LONDON feb 24 tip ecial otto the crazy kiep is in a of bealh and is expected lo 10 die the swedish Oc never before have more talented art ests appeared in this city than the ladies of tha swedish Oc who graced the stage of alie imperial opera house last night the ladies were dressed in their national costumes and looked charmingly picturesque the voices they possess are simply marvel lous so melodious and sapet and rightly are they called the reserved beati were all full aud hardly a vacant place was to be seen iu any other part of the house mention must also be made of alie popular mr melvin R day who produced roars of laughter whenever he occupied alie platform the proceedings opened with folk sons by the Oc the manner in chich their clear voices blended together was beautiful and loud and prolonged tp greeted them A quartette followed and then came a solo carais Pa rais a la Fe from mias vi who a magnificent soprano voice she was to eive an encore the rendered the wedding march in finished manner and then a contralto olo was given by miss amelia heden she quite captivated the audience who would not be ratified bati fied until she had given an encore mr days recitation from shakespeare was well given while his humorous selections brought down the house berdn by the also met with an enthusiastic encore while a sony from a quartette received a similar compliment the best feature of the evening wan however the of E arnce this lady a pleasing alto voice and her rendering of gest lepanne was perfectly fault ia an encore was dami by alie delighted audience and in deponce re ponce sho gave lu old madrid acain loud aal lause lebou oded from all the hone hon e aad nhe was aaen p in pence by abo brought ilie c n berc to a close and there is no doubt but that all present would asmin hear swedish vancouver JN cat cwt advertiser take breakfast the ecat tonic abid liver regulator in use for more 50 years in england positive specific for liver complaint bad taste in the mouth on in tho morning dull in the head and back of tha eyes tired feeling dizziness banor symptoms of liver complaint ur english dandelion bouic relieves con sharpens pens the appetite and tones up the entire system get tha genuine from youir druggist for 1 and inke according to directions co utah nevada california Califor aia some time ago a move was made looking to the preliminary survey of a liue of railways through the main attie menta of milliard and beaver counties the projectors of the utah nevada california line promising that if there were no heavier grades and the actual distance to their objective point in iron county no greater through the two counties named than it was by the survey already completed by the road in question tili sevier and diute piute counties they would give the preference 0 lie milliard and beaver routes in their lino of road th wai thoroughly discussed and at li time and an agreement acre ement reached by which certain prominent citizens of beaver and millard virtually assumed ho cost of a joint survey of the proposed route th project has ho weyer remained in abeyance for about a year more thought of it until the other day when a dispatch was received by a prominent man hero from probate judge viele of millard county convey ap the information that the survey would be made at once and requesting that alie assistance promised by our citizens be furnished without delay this means business especially in of fact that as the rio grande western are actually ahead of all other roads in constructing line t wyl 1 l lealev lt the of fulla for the utah nevada california r ad to their line if therefore alie road is built at all and assur ince are not on that toina than the citizens cf beaber can count pretty confidently fi apon it heine constructed city atoman the gold en calf me nil worshipers cavile in kimpon pim pon and e ory bom of homage acyle mo t abject clavery themselves frol blawn of day till night from ill mornine light whatever icv savin their own behalf most faithful worship the golden calf eloquent ministers there are ID every dmd ami who idol worship in realms afar a fearful crifie while af pf the anve of all they boast will brench for those who pay them most whatever alipy sav in their own be balf it ia plain they worship the golden calf doctors thoro are your pulse will count your out put inspect dreaming th while of the amount they may in fee expect who should the honest truth be told are far inott anxious for your gold whatever they say in their own behalf it is plain they v worship the golden calf lawyers there are in every town resvie for any case men who aspirins to renown will truth or falsehood face for grail nil scruples thrust aside ignoring conni ence as a enide whatever chev aaa in their own behalf it is plain chev worship the golden coif politicians cans w lly talk of each elistine ex istine wron and frequently your aid invoke to macd their factions strong in honea to reach public lash 1 will clab their loewith foe with language rash whatever chev say in their own behalf it is plain chev worship the golden calf some who subsist by printers ink all cloatine flo atine rubbish seize spread lies enough their souls to pink A carrion taste to please dare not take back tha false things said on them depends their daily bread whatever chev say in their own behalf it is plain chev worship the golden calf none this unpopular cap need wear unless ir does them fit there are true men in every achere we willingly admit while bome fome no odds what they pro are idola torn none the less what ever chev sav in their owa be half it is plain they worship the golden calf WM CLEGG springville Spring ville feb are you troubled with gravel diabetes or any derangement of the kidneys or urinary organs oregon kidney tea is a safe sure and speedy remedy for all each trouble ask smoot drug co deep creek mines an ENQUIRER man had an interview this morning with mr geo M kidder who lias just returned from the deep creek mining district and brought with him a fine lotof mineral specimens mostly from the clifton district the most accurate essays assays from the exhibit shows au per cent copper 49 ounces silver and t rou ro u five to six thousand doll arci lubold the mineral is found in a pure gold bearing quartz fledae mui occasional seams of spar mr Kidder has ona piece of burtz with pure gold sticking oa the aides and the main body of the fedgo is mixed with copper and silver the beneral tendency of the is from the northeast north east to the south weak with no foot nor hanging walla but a solid hulk of ore from the surface in most of ahe claims about five or bix miles from the clifton district are various other prospects with an abundance of ore on alie surface and where some balena is found but not much is found in lie vicinity of the clifton mr kadder aay is more ore really in than in gintic tintic and an ot our our nei camps and thai millions of ions ot ora are actually accessible access able moat of who have claims and mining are now waiting to see if the much talked ot railroad will ever them the re are no extensive developments made but preparations will be ande for business next summer whether the railroad reaches there or not at present the road there is almost like a journey to jerusalem aud perilous peri loua besides so the principal thing is to get railway connection some prospects are being developed at willow springs this aide of depp creek ten miles from the mines are the ranches and old deep crick settlement the lice is i pimples blotcher blotches blot ches scaly skin ugly spots sores and ulcers aad gumora unhealthy discharges such as catarrh eczema ringworm and other forms of skin diseases are symptoms of blood impurity take dr J II 11 alc leaba Sarsa parUla for asla by pane maiben 1 democratic organization she enterprise band made their first public appearance on monday evening in honor of the democratic rally at the courthouse court house after playing on the some time they repaired to the court house and were followed by of democrats and othera at tio T io f m the meeting was called to order by chairman kellogg ha referred to george washington this great american in plowing terms hamilton with his central government ideas and padrick henry with bid state sovereign ity principles at the beginning of our constitutional go spoken of abraham lincoln was ranked second only Washington to he was a great broad minded american citizen mr kellogg thanked the members and officers of the liberal baity for the courtesy they had shown him upon bis withdrawal from that party he then read the resolutions sig the members of the democratic club and disser bated at some leuth upon them during his demarks mr kalog stated that lie believed it was the duty of every legal voter to vote at every election aal the men who received the majority 0 lie votes should have the ju of this rule he re to the liberal fraud perpetrated in salt lake city at the recent municipal election in depriving the six peoples party men who were elected 0 t aalt lake city of their collico notwithstanding the ruling of jude baue zaue he further thought that it any of tha citizens of utah were to b e deprived of their franchise they should all be mr J D crash the orator of the day was introduced if there was one thing on the face of the earth that he liked it was talking politics from democratic standpoint and defending principles of the democratic party the speaker then proceeded to ive an eloquent dissertation on the principles of democracy he was proud of being a member of the democratic party it was the only party which was not a sectional party and it was the party of such men a jefferson jackson and cleveland the antiquity of the democratic party was clearly set forth the principles of democracy cereas old as grover cleveland they were as old as jackson they were as old as jeffersen and they were as old as adam god placed adam on earth and gave him local self government mr gash by his speech established his reputation in tha city aa a capital political negro story teller and a first clas democratic orator music by the band dav down in dixie chairman kellogg said that several remarks had been made about mr gash he would like to hear from judge dusenberry mr Du Benberry aard his experience is that we hav had no political organization only which calculated to mislead he thought the time ripe to organize a political party and that party bickering should end he moved that we have a democratic organization chairman said he would like to hear from mr probart mr probert orated and said he signed that platform and did it because he wanted to and what he wanted to do and did he was man enough to not be ashamed of any man who would advocate the of a people because of their religious belief ia a traitor to a free government dr hanberg wa called for a speech but declined and that the meeting proceed to organize mr gash moved that the meeting take a recess for ten minutes aad then proceed to organize permanently and adopt the democratic platform of 1888 was taken while the people examined and aigner th platform was then recalled and the jamea of those read signed the platform mr wallace moved that the organization be similar to th at in ogden con inting of nine members mr havercamp that mr gash be made permanent president and that all of the officers be elected to erv Uhe next peoples convention some one nominated mr kelogg for the presidency but he said he preferred to work ftc private intha ranks of his party mr baah was elected and wm tro judge dosenberry second and or hannberg third vice president mr havercamp D P felt and jamea wallace were up for the secretary ehi p mr havercamp declined nd a count vite taken on felt and wallace the latter got there by majority mr felt was elected treasurer and an executive committee of three more added to the five officer al ready elected making finein all motions for adjournment then came the meeting wa adjourned and the beope began filing out until but a few remained when alakl fellow citizens we faint got no platform hello call cm back they called cm hack and adopted the democratic Demo cratie platform as set forth in the chicago national convention of 1888 nt a conscientious woman mr wisdom beg to thank you for the delightful and refreshing It ubertine you BO kindly ent me I 1 have used the toilet preparation of the moat celebrated manufacturers of london and paris but consider your bo bertine their superior in point of purity and excellence wishing you the unbounded success you deserve I 1 remain faithfully yours ABBOTT for gale bv smoot Dru A social A social will be given by the ladles ef the congregational church at the proctor evening ta shollot bog pro gramme will bo rendered 1 male quartette 2 reading mrs craik 3 bocol solo mra dodd 4 recitation mra E buckler 5 vocal solo mr kobertz 0 reading mr demoisey 7 piano bolo edith beck everybody invited refreshments will be served come buds blessing blessi sg to mankind gay who have been cured by aba celi berated oregon kidney T ir t smoot drag co |