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Show DESERTED BY CHILD-PARENTS, CHILD-PARENTS, TWINS DIE Young Couple Liberated by Coroner's j Jury; Story Told by the Husband at Inquiry. CHICAGO, Doc. 21. John Kostolny, 18 years old, and his 15-year-old wife, who confessed they had desorted their wook-old twiu boys, were given their liberty by a coroner's jury today. Both babies died from exposure, Tho jury had Kostoluy promise that he would "lovo, cherish and care for" his wifo Thc girl's futher, at whoso homo the children woro born, also was givon his liberty. The twins wore found Wednesday night in a hallway a few doors from the St. Vincent's orphanage. One died Friday and the other Saturday morn- "After we wove married 1113 wife wont to hor parents to live until she was a little older," Kostelny told the jury. ftller father told mo tho babies "were born and gave mo $3 and told nie I'd have to take them away. I started to thc asvlum, but lost my nerve and loft them in a hallway," Kostelny said ho earned $12 a wcok, and was ordered to turn it all over to his wife. |