Show Pi for alie holidays r johni dais first dri provo ch of the instructor PUI i iiii li amse desires to inform the pul i aar lie iraq anat a large to k ot diri rent elds of books for alie oti divi still be sold clieaf and st tie is now traveling through utah aty qty orders cotna daily at boa arda X PROMPTLY CURED BY cures also euraS gia lumbago sciatica sprains bruises burns wounds swellings Bore ost aitos stiffness ia aches nic md struck the golden mean As a blood purifier iha detroit free press says hib larda rheumatic syrup prepared by the charles medicine company ol 01 this city has struck the golden adean in the treatment of all blood diseases dis Bases and its success ie an evidence that as honest pure and valuable medicine in not incapable of attracting the attention of every family there seems to be but one opinion as to its merit as a family medicine this is the real secret 01 the success of this wonderful remedy ta perfect and action in removing all impure and poisonous matter from the blood no home should be without it as a thorough and effectual blood purifier for and old for bale by all druggists are yon wilh gravel ur any derangement of the kidneys or urinary organs oregon kidney tea is a eafe anre and speedy remedy for all such troubles ask smoot drug co consumption ballards horehound syrna no single disease has played such sad havoc with tho human race aa consumption no other disease approached approach ei so stealthily its early symptoms are ignored because it is thought only a cold or hackins cough which is neglected until this geini monster has such a leold that nothing hut deh can relieve it ballards horehound syrup has removed the grip of this srim monster from ganv a throat if taken in time it will a permanent cure and n the worst stages it will give ng relief try soothing and healing virtues do not put off until too late smoot drug co agents 3 to soften the skin ladies whose alsin is subject to roughness when exposed to the air may remedy the difficulty by applying wis doma violet cream it restores the natural action of the akiu and induces softness and elasticity sold by smoot drug co first district court five days further time in which to move for new trials were allowed in the cabes of city vs J C york and francin M wilson vs georga er the demurrer was sustained and three days to answer allowed in the case of the martin drake association vs J M dolton time was extended until december 12 to move for a new trial in the case of george haggard vs rio grand western ryco the sanpete irrigation case of P C anderson et al vs neila leeason LEU ason efa al was taken up and is in cauree of trial F E woods was admitted to the bar an order to file a cross was made in the case of john C snow vs W D roberts ten days were allowed to answer cross complaint in the case of sarah E vs jos A thompson TUESDAY geo blood and henry J cincis natives of england and residents of utah county were admitted to citizenship A divorce was denied and the complaint in the case of mary M vs jamea chislett Ghi rebecca C haymie was granted a divorce from edgar haymie and was allowed 10 alimony 25 attorneys fee and costs of the coart haws this we offer one hundred dollars reward of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking halls catarrh cure F J CHENEY CO pops Toledo 0 we the undersigner undersigned under signed have known F J ceeney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm WEST wholesale druggists toledo 0 WALDING KINNAM whole aale druggists toledo 0 halls catarrh cure ia taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system testimonials sent free price per battla sold by all druggists GODS blessing man kind sayo thousands who have been cured by the celebrated oregon kidney tea try it smoot drug co A aon of mrm DPn a march ant ot gibraltar N 0 was BO badly af flirted with rheumatism for a year or more as tobar unable to work or go to school his father concluded to try chamberlain a pain balm on the boy it soon cured him and he has since walked one and a half miles to school and back every babool day 50 cent bottles for sale bya co 1 many a poor woman suffers untold from backache back ache if she only knew how easily she could get relief by using ballards snow liniment she would bless the day she read these few lines it is a arnd remedy for headache and all neuralgic pains no pain can withstand its magic influence it removes the fire from a burn or scald in one minute it will cure inflammatory rheumatism and I 1 sciatica applied to the throat and chest in calup it will give immediate relief and make breathing much easier no family can be without it if once they know its value try ft price 50 cents sold by smoot drug co 3 eye and skin ment A certain cure for chronic sore eyes tetter salt cheum scald head old chroliw sores fever sores eczema itch prairie scratches sore nipples and piles it ia cooling and soothing hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed lt M put up in 21 and 60 cant boxes P P has enlarged his store and he has a fine stock of groceries prices aa follows bacon 12 iba 1 best sugar 12 ibs 1 tea per packet starch par packet loc match per doz boxes salmon per can lac best lie per box loc fine per ib cur aars ibs 1 lymon peal per citron peal per lb oatmeal earlb salt per 1 hundred loose lard per salt fish mackeral herring balmon pickled trip tongue anchovies also a line lack of candit s nuts dates figs anil bricea that dont get beat 11 ll of hour and feed allgoods All goods delivered to any part of the ty 1 P P Z X assa WATER chere limited quantities of water and hi li heads all dear arned for all our posea than other hen with less guaranteed to give more power utilized direito horizontal klaft the power is shall on placed made beiji estimates on application nd 11 earm bv belt ins for ailt and adapted in ity to suit any particular baso the can be obtained of ans form of on s will as ordinary vertical information turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks and m iron loi e cases free at i b to the s GO liberty st Y cita please mention attus Springfield Ohio or MEDICS MS it ij TOILET coner co ner of cuth and I 1 streets provo tear the arft auli a handsomely fitted up bar chere the choicest amm WINES m can be obtained m afa r i w T ii sa aa y s R S HIKES stands alone as the BLOOD has equal no MO sarsaparilla now sold is BO fully en and cure for rheumatism each formula on by Phy and druggists complete and use no other bottle ask for BROWNS broers ano GINGER bowl edged to be the best remedy for diarrhoea dysentery and all bowel complaint it contains the active medicinal virtues oi jamaica ginger and blackberry boota combined with nna bics tics making it an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sol by all druggists ax x v s S acts ff 35 mm im M MICKE LaON proprietor he is prepared to do all kinds of i aible granite and stone work and headstones a speciality lity prices reasonable satisfaction guar FORK ass isa 2 ju u a merchandise mn BOH furniture and produce av oar gem roller mills tar HE out eloer that g is unsurpassed in the territory orders for gif Merchandise Flour or ea grata filled on short notice oar motto is to HT please our customers aga ALL SE 08 johst jonea antt PATENTS and reissues re issues secured trade marts registered and all other patent causes in the patent office and before the courts promptly tuil prosecuted nd care ot invention of or receipt upon and ad careful examination ven tion I 1 make tithe tree visa as tw ati with nay across from being in personal attendance ent that I 1 have superior ta here it ia apparent illies for matelis preliminary laci and success lal loc ol 01 applications antion prose business to my care in the i bonest possible time attention aad exclusive advice to patent bust Mft and special sent on request j B MIL and attorney in causes 0 wa SAL Y OB U beaole MOUSE au SALT eases buil stock 01 Cloth irig 1 in ladies and CIul drens drop in and examine our i SPECIFIC cures i ti soca K aleci fiill f au sak of the ut ncr atigo 0 price package sl t io c ama taking Tak ipg WE SIX BOIES sa order received for every ro cure adv case anteo we send not does to refund the money it our FO cit lale dr 0 B center at |