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Show I ' DIED m BOND In this city. October 2. 1009, nft- m or a long and lingering illness of ty- ' j'hold. Thomas 12. Bond, aged IS years, j nephew of Mr. and .Mrs. II. P. Lytic. Fu- jii j iu ral notice later. L MOUSLEY In tin's city. October 2. 1909. jj' sit 3 a. m.. of typhdlrt -pneumonia, Del- J phlnc Adriennc Monsley. daughter of 1; Linn D. Mousey. a"gi 20 years. Funeral B services in the Forest Dale meeting j house. Sunday. October 3. 1909, at 12 m. I: Friends invited. Take Wan dam ere car to j2 Ash Ion avenue. The body may be seen ,5i from 10:30 lo 11:30 n. m. at the family I3l residence, 758 East Twelfth South street. s ity. ' BURNS In this city. October 2, 1909. r.: Niels L. Burns. .Ir.. aged 33 venrs. !lj a result of an operation. Funeral from First ward chapel, Sunday afternoon at ;.g 1 o'clock. fit l'I'NN-In this city. October 2, 1909, ril Margaett Dunn, aaorl U monthn, little ji twin dangliter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. 12 Dunn. Funeral servlceK will he hold 11 1 from the residence. 15S Wnsl Second i' i South, at 11 a. m. ".Monda', October ) 1 lf'09. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. U. MII.LTSII-- At 231 South Eighth F.ist S fctreot, this city. October 2. 1909, Adolnh fi P. Miller, aged 80 years. Funeral .orv- l will bo held from O'Donnell k Co.'a r funeral chapel, ano Shuth West Temple fi; street, londay. October I. IS09, at 2 p in v j Inlermejit Mount Olivet cemetery. L Friends invited. M DAnS In this city. October 2. 1909. t i Mrs. May C. Davin. agnd In yennt. |