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Show MjffliATCHFORD WILL GIVE m LITERARY TREAT TUESDAY Sll Henry Lsrchfonl, M. A., formerly of fhe Timer Temple, of London, and a fl lawyer of higli repute, will lecture at the yKiibt Congrogalional church on Tues-SHtlay Tues-SHtlay evening. October 5. His subject JJwill bo "Life in the Temple; or Kng yHlisli Lawyers and Men of Letters at SBbVork and Play." .lull 'J1'"-' siiiiicot gives f lie lecturer great . fljffienpc. v"Iiilc his adduss deals largely infi"'1 11 M's owu Pcrson!l1 reeollcctiwns of '()ntlio literary and legal celebrities of the "afour inns of court, middle temple, inner 'fKL'tcmplc. Lincoln's inn and Cray's inn, )l)brief introduction contains a review of MBithc' literary periods dominated rcspec -fticlv bv I'haucer, Shukespcnre, Pope, jStfl)r. .Johnson, Coleridge. Macauloy audi Mfi3llirs. ! ?Sp$ lcdH.r(?r conies to this city strong-r)y strong-r)y 'lidor.-.ed by dislinguishcd people at t'wWionie and abroad. |